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Everything posted by Milwaukeeeee

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-odILRnHpb0
  2. In the location of the dream there was people playing a kind of variant of tennis, but hitting a green wall, without any particular purpose. The ball boy was Ribery (soccer player) wearing woman makeup and dressed in a white nightgown. So far apparently normal, but there was also Rafa Nadal playing that game, and when he sat on his bench to rest a little, Ribery began to go wild, circling alternately through the palce and rising his nightgown showing a lil dick. He then began ranting in unintelligible french against the public, which was made out of strange mannequins... then he suddenly metamorphosed into a dog, while retaining their face and nightgown, which had diminished to his doglike scale. Another element appeared out of nowhere, it was a lil white horse of those who carry like marbles curls in the mane, but it was very small in size, like a rare minihorse (which is not the same as a pony), similar in size to that Ribery doggy entity. The two unthinkable beings fiercely pounced on Nadal, who was caught off guard and began ramming the clay and causing him severe bleeding, bitting him unmercifully bite after every bite. Nadal was calling for desperate help as he was being devoured alive by Ribery and "minicaballo white" ... no one could help him. However soon after, a strange background noise that were later personified as some black smoke weird entitie, managed to scare the two remarkable beasts, which eventually evaporate themselves inside that smoke. After that, it came the hyperrealistic image of Rafa's mutilated body.. he still seemed to be alive despite his critical injuries. Some bones out of the skin, he had an unrecognizable leg, tatters of meat with a splintered femur; huge amounts of body mass flayed and loads of oozing blood ... His face still seemed intact and he still had his trademark diadem on its place. The grim scene fadede away seconds after
  3. You don't ever fantasize about executing some PUNK trying to shoot people up in a crisis? Heroes glory? What are you gonna do HUH, RUN?! They'll get ur ass for sure. Better safe than sorry at Walmart Is easy to think about that but I don't know if it would as easy in reality, unless the guy were Hitler himself
  4. America should cut his military budget and invest in clean energies, space, psilocybin public dosage program and all the universities with 0 costs. That would make America great again
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i472kGV2Ha4
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SqUQ-_3EoM
  7. C'mon guys it is just anatomy and art, I warned of its content and did the spoiler. I you moderators just consider that illegal just delete it ok guys
  8. Reversed blowjob

    1. Trilobot


      How, through the back of the head?

    2. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      rusty trombone

    3. Milwaukeeeee


      it is a maneouver that rarely appears on pornos these days. It involves grabing the head of the blowjober (which is situated behind the receptor) with the biceps suffocating the throat tightly, and the forearm surroundind the back of the neck and head, with the hand catching the back of the cranium thus forcing and pushing the head against the cock while the throat is being a bit strangled by the biceps

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RrJLpfdmNY
  10. I'm checking my baseball skills in my pink Nintendo DS with the game "Training for your Eyes"
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt2DCcu1lQI
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