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Amen Lare

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Posts posted by Amen Lare


    New portion of "influences" by Sean (he likes to vary it lately), aside from Eno & h3o of course




    SB: Des morceaux longs, j’en écoute depuis la fin des années 1980, d’abord Eno et l’ambient, puis Bernhard Günter et les gens du label Selektion, The Hafler Trio, Kevin Drumm, Daniel Menche, Roland Kayn… Pourquoi serions‐nous plus radicaux que ces gens?


    Scald Rougish ( Chris Douglas )



    This is a great album.



    I found this advice on the internet by chance, and I still have to realize how much it represents a rare event. I'm literally sinking into these eight pieces. Chris Douglas is responsible for other projects too, which I have yet to investigate, but I have reason to imagine that they are all interesting:



    He went on tour with Ae and participated in their curated ATP, Ae even made an unreleased remix of his O.S.T. track, so it shouldn't be an obscure reference here. A couple of his finest records was released on Record Label Records by Awepittance who was a noticeable figure in the subforum.


    I recommend Benacah Drann Deachd (as Dalglish) as the first stop




    Rob in the AAA literally said M39 Diffain was made from a field recording of him walking around in the rain. Was it Berlin he said?


    Not AAA, the quietus




    'M39 Diffain'
    RB: "It took a while to make that track, 'cause it was made up of disparate elements. It was less of the machine-building and a lot of found sounds, a lot of field recordings going into it – rain, New York, bits of city life, bits of weather, direct recordings of rain on certain objects mic'd-up - things like that. Oddly enough, I remember walking into town with it on my headphones, demoing it to see where it's going next. As it happened, I was on my way to an Untold gig. None of my friends could make it, and I basically got pissed and listened to Untold on my own and it was brilliant, even though I was this kind of sad dickhead at the back of the club with some Red Stripe having a great time and being all ears. I totally remember walking in the rain with it on headphones to a gig. It was just the best night, because I got to check this track out in the rain, [and] it was recorded using bits of rain… I went for a long, late-night walk listening to a nearly-finished version, went home and put the final touches to it, and then it was done. I think it's a good one for depth and scapes, just listening on headphones and being isolated with a weather pattern nearby."





    It was in the AAA too. It's how we learned that tac lacora was solo Sean and M39 Diffain was solo Rob.



    Well, i didn't read it all (throws the subforum badge), but i think Sean told the tac Lacora story there and Rob's M39 Diffain came after in this interview, as it was the same month

  4. Rob in the AAA literally said M39 Diffain was made from a field recording of him walking around in the rain. Was it Berlin he said?


    Not AAA, the quietus




    'M39 Diffain'
    RB: "It took a while to make that track, 'cause it was made up of disparate elements. It was less of the machine-building and a lot of found sounds, a lot of field recordings going into it – rain, New York, bits of city life, bits of weather, direct recordings of rain on certain objects mic'd-up - things like that. Oddly enough, I remember walking into town with it on my headphones, demoing it to see where it's going next. As it happened, I was on my way to an Untold gig. None of my friends could make it, and I basically got pissed and listened to Untold on my own and it was brilliant, even though I was this kind of sad dickhead at the back of the club with some Red Stripe having a great time and being all ears. I totally remember walking in the rain with it on headphones to a gig. It was just the best night, because I got to check this track out in the rain, [and] it was recorded using bits of rain… I went for a long, late-night walk listening to a nearly-finished version, went home and put the final touches to it, and then it was done. I think it's a good one for depth and scapes, just listening on headphones and being isolated with a weather pattern nearby."



  5. I'm streaming the previews on my telephone's internal speaker and this stream sounds like crap! Bad!


    Funnily I was listening to the first session through phone's speaker while on the street with me mate and it sounded sharper coz of the max volume distortion, we could also track transitions by bringing the phone closer to the ear. Da real shizz was actually a bit underwhelming.


    This muthafucka just kills it all though

  6. love this


    Wow, this is seriously awesome, better than the original to me - probably coz it features most of my favourite elements in the track

  7. So what would everyone cut from the film to make it less arse numbingly long? Be brutal.


    I think I'd probably ditch most/all of the romantic holo-girl subplot. The tech didn't really feel like it fit with the rest of the world they'd created, and of all the future-gubbins portrayed in the film I feel that's what we'll be lolling when (if) we get to 2049 (not that that really matters).


    Romantic subplot is pretty affecting, especially at the beginning, though you could probably reduce it in "invisible companion" scenes - the technology of a magic stick inside a pocket that somehow contains an external observer is very far-fetched and too big of a step from the initial cool mechanoid version.


    I would cut everything from Las Vegas meeting to the final battle and find a less plot twists galore way of tying it up, i think it destroys the whole mood and makes you think rationally about the events, and the movie doesn't hold up at all in my view.

  8. I'm in a weird mood today, so don't read too much into this...but just in case you were wondering, graboids porn, as one would expect with Rule 34 being generally valid, does in fact exist.


    Seems logical, a phallic creature with labia-esque oral capabilities, basically a hermaphrodite


    In the end though, it's prolly more about being a good actor, because method acting just doesnt imply good acting.


    Reminds me of that anecdote. Think it was Al Pacino, got blind drunk for a role and on the set some other actor said "why don't you just do acting?" or words to that effect.



    Maybe you're just ironic as this kind of anecdote is put up too often, but afaik it's a Laurence Olivier vs Dustin Hoffman story





    Dustin Hoffman has long been known as one of method acting’s most earnest exponents. A showbiz story involves his collaboration with Laurence Olivier on the 1976 film Marathon Man. Upon being asked by his co-star how a previous scene had gone, one in which Hoffmann’s character had supposedly stayed up for three days, Hoffmann admitted that he too had not slept for 72 hours to achieve emotional verisimilitude. “My dear boy,” replied Olivier smoothly, “why don’t you just try acting?” (Hoffman subsequently attributed his insomnia to excessive partying rather than artistry).


    I rewatched the last cut of the original Blade Runner recently, didn't strike me as a great film once again. Cool visuals - but even those are overdone with a constant rain and lack of lighting in interiors, it's all just made to look cool and that's it in most situations. Deckard's superpower is his dumb luck, he could take out an army with this amount. Well, i guess it was sorta fresh against heroes of the time.

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