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Amen Lare

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Everything posted by Amen Lare

  1. Think of it as VIP L-version Long dick version?
  2. Think of it as VIP version
  3. http://www.discogs.com/label/Aperture
  4. So why in the fuck they copyright a fake track? That's not something you see happening with every fake youtube video of Ae pre-release. I don't recall such examples, to be precise
  5. It was done in m4a, actually. *gif where Kanye West tells how Steve Jobs made internet usable*
  6. VLC media player plays real media velocity
  7. I like Fleure as much as the next guy (except, the people on this board that don't like it), but I just don't think this statement is exactly true.. What, is it not official enough, needs President of the USA signature?
  8. Since there are no source linked, i guess one wiki-user was inspired by the March claim of having a copy on the anonymous board http://rbt.asia/mu/thread/34434863#p34436635 Like, you can't fake shit down to the very second several months prior to any form of announcement.
  9. You're not the one to decipher Ae titles
  10. I'm not quite familiar with this expression. Autechre syntax inspired (get 0)
  11. I fucked him by a minute. It was coming though, maybe one more transitional zoom in wouldn't hurt
  12. Fleure has such an awesome background "melody", beats almost anything melodic on Oversteps for me, it's so Autechre it hurts in the ass.
  13. What's the reference to deco loc? Just vaguely similar title? Yes. Do you have other examples of two Ae titles that similar? Moreover the current fanboy theory of which i'm a supporter is that, since Quaristice at least, titles contain or even consists of references to the production methods and sound sources itself. The prove is similarity between ts1a and t ess xi and, to some extent, the speculation of bladelores being named after lo-res "blade"-like filter someone noticed in Max program. rae + rale drane/drane2 + druan quarter theme of sudden roundabout + Ae play tissue paper against yes's roundabout Rae, rale, Dael etc. too short and far from each other to count. Drane and Drane2... well, most Hollywood hits have sequels, titles are similar of course, yet too similar in this case to suggest likeliness. For Draun quarter see previous point, too short a word to draw comparison. I didn't get the last one at all What about rew and known? They both have a (1)in common. I would like to know why. T ess and r ess Fol3 and Chenc9 Rale and Treale 444 and 777 Etc. Chenc9 and Coenc3 lol, I usually resave patches in the same vein I haven't noticed this earlier, but to think about it, they're quite similar in that dry quality. Of the examples above i don't want to sound like i know shit about how Ae encrypt tracks (i'm more on the side that their title-giving have become lazy, actually, and if Sean would read this speculation, he surely will deliver a fuck you title on the next record), i was more like using a figure of speech niggah, but i'll answer these. I don't accept "numbers" as giving away much similarity, because numbers are shit, i mean, to reference your tenth and eleventh EPs with titles like Move of Ten and L—Event isn't exactly alchemy on their part. rale and treale i find somewhat similar, because they have the same skeleton, just one is cavern-reverby and the other is melodic on top, not sure if they are truly connected, but i find this more of a positive example. And if tac Lacora we got isn't fake, then r ess also eventually connects to t ess xi through ts1a to tac Lacora, where you can hear the same type of skipping effect on rhythm like in r ess. It's also the prime example of the falseness of my theory, because two actual tracks are just totally different.
  14. that's not really relevant to what I was talking about though, just because MOT is referencing songs off Oversteps doesn't mean it has a similar sound palette, for the most part it's actually totally different. I commented on a general sentiment that it must be fake because of too Exai-ish sounds. Exai itself has tracks with totally different sound, for the first time maybe in the whole ae discography
  15. What's the reference to deco loc? Just vaguely similar title? Yes. Do you have other examples of two Ae titles that similar? Moreover the current fanboy theory of which i'm a supporter is that, since Quaristice at least, titles contain or even consists of references to the production methods and sound sources itself. The prove is similarity between ts1a and t ess xi and, to some extent, the speculation of bladelores being named after lo-res "blade"-like filter someone noticed in Max program. rae + rale drane/drane2 + druan quarter theme of sudden roundabout + Ae play tissue paper against yes's roundabout Rae, rale, Dael etc. too short and far from each other to count. Drane and Drane2... well, most Hollywood hits have sequels, titles are similar of course, yet too similar in this case to suggest likeliness. For Draun quarter see previous point, too short a word to draw comparison. I didn't get the last one at all
  16. What's the reference to deco loc? Just vaguely similar title? Yes. Do you have other examples of two Ae titles that similar? Moreover the current fanboy theory of which i'm a supporter is that, since Quaristice at least, titles contain or even consists of references to the production methods and sound sources itself. The prove is similarity between ts1a and t ess xi and, to some extent, the speculation of bladelores being named after lo-res "blade"-like filter someone noticed in Max program.
  17. Regarding "not surprising" Exai pallette - what would you expect given the name tac Lacora (with clear reference to deco Loc, the only one of this sort on EP) and that thing The Black Dog wrote about this being done before Exai. You seem to look for that era of EPs which ended with Gantz Graf, when EPs were unrelated to LPs, but recent examples are Quaristice.quadrange and MoT, where a lot of tracks are alternate takes (take no border or ylm0).
  18. Yeah, also beatwork resembles r ess in skipping effect. So it forms some kind of a connection bridge between r ess, ts1a, t ess xi, deco Loc and tac Lacora.
  19. It's really reminiscent of Ts1a and just a little bit of deco Loc (in vocal manipulation).
  20. sounds legit to me Tracktime connects too with that "promo CD" owner claim.
  21. I agree that Confield tracks are typically more densely layered, but don't see why it matters. Any classically produced pop music song with big name producer on it is more densely layered than anything on Confield or even in previous music history, often being meticulously recorded on high-end stuff, multi-multi-multi-tracked etc. In terms of intricacy it also doesn't compare with most of the academic avant-garde of 20th century excluding minimalist composers. It simply means nothing in my ears. "More going on" isn't an advantage to seek for, for electronic music as for any fresh type of music it was typically the contrary.
  22. He mentioned that the guy who gave him CD was in Vietnam. It must be Warp employee or affiliate, because he warned him about watermarking. Maybe it's possible to track the bastard down (for not uploading it)? We know from the Black Dog that EP was done before Exai.
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