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Amen Lare

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Everything posted by Amen Lare

  1. If you can bare to re-watch the very first episode, it was actually brilliant. Plenty of suspense, dark lighting shots and holy shit moments. I want the gang to be reminded that one fucking zombie is dangerous. I think the main idea of zombie is not that they're dangerous (they were extremely slow in first Romero movie), but that there is too much of them and they rule the world. Also slow and inevitable death is much scarier, it's like aging. It's shocking how fashionable zombie themes have become in movies and games, totally decontaminated.
  2. Avantgarde rap flow (dick-ass uploader disabled embedding, but i recommend it highly to proceed) http://youtu.be/Y1Ulo8caOW0
  3. What? The acting was fucking atrocious. Sometimes that's a good thing for a dream scene.
  4. I think Michonne's dream scene is probably the best scene in the series along with the tank scene of the first episode. Regular horror cuts, but cool transition in lighting and other details like katana in the kitchen, unfocused dialogues.
  5. I don't know if Xenakis is really overpushed somewhere, but within his life he was almost an outsider who has the respect but no power as Stockhausen (his strong ideologic opponent, Xenakis was the only European avant composer to go against Stockhausen's dominant serialist ideas with his own radical ones) and Boulez (Stockhausen's boy) at IRCAM have. Some of the Xenakis' pieces are the most powerful shit known to me, it's so grandiose and to the point i can't see how it could be described as non-meaningful etc even by non-specialist. He has large body of work though. By the way, Aphex changed his mind in recent years.
  6. To be fair, (as i haven't seen the game, nor any Man Utd game under Moyes) there is a need for a closer inspection of what kind of crosses those were. The amount of passes is pretty big. Bayern under Guardiola does a lot of crosses, mainly diagonal ones from the deep. Maybe Moyes just follows a tactical trend.
  7. In a day like this, yeah, but on a larger scale i don't agree at all. 1. Player of Ozil caliber costs around 30-40mil in any circumstances, such as poor form, which is bound to happen to a playmaker type. Fact: Joachim Low chose him as the best player in the world for Ballon d'Or ballot. He had pretty expensive Germany squad to choose out from. 2. Last minute deal. You overpay as a rule. Remembering shit like Torres-Carroll, Ozil looks like a bargain still. 3. Strategic transfer. Arsenal was pressed into a large sum deal. That and initial success of Ozil heavily changed the air around the whole club and Wenger's expiring contract.
  8. The reaction of a kid is priceless. "He fucked me over, i'm not participating in this bullshit anymore"
  9. I've just found my new least favorite user on this forum. There's a whole new world of insults that I've prepared for you for the time we'll cross our paths. I (sincerely) hope you aren't happy and content with your life. What's not true in his words? I agree with him even though i like Actress better than Delay. Actress isn't a crafty master, he's an insightful amateur. Actress mixes ideas of past and Delay developed his own methods.
  10. After seeing this, it has been decided: A happy hardcore version of Orinoco Flow, will be made... Just realised that you're that guy who did Rep Yo Clique acoustic cover. I'm your lifelong fan, not gonna suck your dick though.
  11. Deep psychoanalysis of alcofribas reviews is complete.
  12. http://youtu.be/yOp2mDK-B0s Made a hat-trick that day
  13. I'm actually excited to read such reflections of a fellow negro man. It's like seeing that director McQueen who looks like Carl Cox yet make films like Shame aimed at very deep troubles in yuppie's sex life, with artfully alienated view on depicting sex act and smart use of Bach's music. No offense to negros, my favourite race actually (except women, but that's an animal in me).
  14. Still not following why so many people seem to dislike Only God Forgives. I've talked with friends about this film on a few occasions and we come up with the same conclusions on how it's visually artistic which seem's to be something that is a lost art in film these days. The characters come across as devoid of feeling but doesn't this add to what I've just set forth? I'm not saying that it's some miracle work of cinema more so that it has elements that are rarely seen in contemporary film. I was very upset about this film. Thought Refn stepped up on Drive as much as it was a hybrid of coolness. Now i feel the method behind Only God Forgives, the alienation, the Ancient Greek meta-drama and thus living sculptures and unnatural mise-en-scenes. It's very pretty, yes, but shallow pretty as in glamour photoshoot. That's just not enough for an author like Refn. After this film i decided to finally watch his debut Pusher and its sequel and it shockingly is the complete stylistic opposite - a naturalistic, no nonsense, rooted in genre, intentionally low-brow provocation of artistic cinema. I just hope he's not stuck with this temporary narcissism of being The director of high art. That's not his game and maybe just isn't possible for anybody to pull it off convincingly nowadays, this sort of ambition feels fake and artificial.
  15. Sean Booth solo lol. Pretty tac Lacora-ish
  16. Refreshing take on football WAG problematics, can't help but sympathise for this fucker for teaching the bitch a lesson, though a couple of years on and i bet it's the same old shit. Dicksuckers, all of 'em
  17. Cool, feels edit-y, though i don't hear 17 min scale ballad in any form as of yet
  18. Better than RIP and maybe even the previous two, so i guess it's pretty decent.
  19. Then it's not relevant and we're a bunch of old-fashioned faggots sitting on a crappy electronic fart noises.
  20. Agreed. The absence of Exai of any year end lists is actually making me angry. Completely pointless but I feel, objectively, this record is going to be considered a classic in 25-50 years. I am going out of my way to comment anywhere that it is being overlooked. BTW if anyone is looking for Exai on vinyl it is still available at urbanoutfitters.com. They are even having a storewide sale through the 29th, I think It's on a sweet 13th spot in The Wire's list, though it's compiled by writing staff's votes, as far as i checked, not by collective will. http://yearendlists.com/2013/12/the-wire-top-50-releases-of-2013/
  21. It's a sex scene they cut out. They were both like "danger! Our little bird can die in tortures! You can feel it too? Let's fuck first!" kind of like in Trier's Antichrist.
  22. 5 and a half minutes according to this http://www.factmag.com/2013/11/21/autechre-remix-oberman-knocks-dliankex-for-new-12 Releases January 24th
  23. Amen Lare


    Since localbitcoins was down for like a day, i suspect the new peak is again a result of much speculation on exchange rates. The bad thing is that everybody from now on would keep their bitcoins in order to get benefits in future peak (10x higher) and circulation is needed for currency to live. I'm in when it's down again though.
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