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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. I'm officially deeming consumer Camera demos videos as the latest breed of post-vaporwave :D -esp those showing wildlife over a bed of prog hard rock grooves playing in the background.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PvZk1VijAQ
  2. Nice stuff here too. Makes me wanna go shopping. Thanks brother!! Dude, your stuff is super good! That chillwavey vibe on Body is truly stellar. Nice work (:
  3. Thanks man! :D For sure, excited to dig in..
  4. New Donovan track - just a rough mix... North African Tribal Fusion meets New Jack Swing Noir ... also the longest Donovan track yet. [sc5]218870640[/sc5]
  5. This is beautiful. Gave me chills. Looking forward to listening to the full Ep. (:
  6. Omg. THIS. https://usgolf95.bandcamp.com
  7. Dude, this is great stuff.. really digging the mood there.. Do you have a bandcamp for it yet?
  8. Looks right to me...i always have an issue with youtube videos staying embedded though when i quote someone who had a yt vid in their post
  9. Dude thats brilliant! I encourage a full release with that theme (: sounds so drugged out! Mesh, great album right? This is some the most obscure of obscure in the genre haha... Have you seen some of the videos from this release? Theyre pretty creepy.
  10. Same here. That clipping just sounds like it's done poorly. All the japanese kanji letters and japanese vox etc. It's cool and everything but doesn't it bother anyone that you don't know what it actually says? but it's strangely not poor enough for me to consider it bad.. it walks a fine line i think.. what's intriguing about IC, for me, is that there is such a profound and perfectly executed emotional effect in much of their work (for example- Redefining The Workplace LP), that it's hard to believe that any of the digital clipping, artifacts etc were done due to sloppiness/laziness.
  11. for sure.. it can be unnerving a tad for me too, but i guess that's also in a way, part of the experience.... i do feel that some of the clipping and bad edits are part of the whole package when it comes to Internet Club.
  12. I like most of the ambient and noise leaning vaporwave, often it's the most appealing to me. telepath テレパシー能力者 gets pretty moody too sometimes though it's still pretty classic in formula +1 Internet Club is the epitome of vaporwave to me.
  13. Exactly. I chose to keep it dark & weird for my next one. Oh man, im really digging this:
  14. ^ well said... One thing I liked about the o.g. vapor is how weird and slightly dark its undercurrents were. Don't get me wrong, I love ambient and future funk, and (some) vaportrap, but there's something undeniable about early eccojams / chopped and screwed smooth jazz/muzak/80s and the corporate training video aspects that's just so much fun and weird. With that said, I also love where it's evolving, and I think it's going to keep growing strong, while still keeping its essence and feel.
  15. Literally slept through the period it was available on tape. Going to snag a second run hopefully in a couple weeks. Also, Dream Catalogue is apparently coming to an end. HKE is starting a new label though. Such an awesome comp, right?... I just re-read hke's essay, and it looks like its hong kong express (dc's owner) that's coming to an end rather than dream catalogue- i guess he's going to be "hke" now, and make other styles than vapor.
  16. That was the most adorable thing I've ever seen lol
  17. that's fucking money right there Damn! Thats the sickest demo ive ever heard!
  18. Thanks Mesh, really appreciate that! So the sax sound I use for Donovan stuff is just some cheap free midi synth sax vst i found by googling a while back... Heres a link if youre interested: http://www.dreamvortex.co.uk/instruments/ Glad you dig the new direction, getting nice response so far. This whole concept tied to the movie and the darker mysterious sound is really what's been inspiring me lately. Also 90's acid house, new jack swing grooves, trip hop etc. The additional secret cassette / scavenger hunt attached to the CRS 2.0 release is gonna be really fun. I just finished the diy 10 track secret CRS tape full of experimental, ambient and drone work that will be hidden somewhere, and only one copy exists. If anyone wants to know more, they can join the game by DMimg me their email and ill start sending objectives etc (:
  19. Super good release, Blank.. love that one.. Speaking of Adhesive Sounds, I'm releasing my next Donovan EP on that label, with a cassette coming August 14th.. Totally new direction for Donovan - dark, filmscore, ambient feel, and It will be a heavy concept EP based on Consumer Recreation Services from the David Fincher film, "The Game". all original production/composition as usual.. I just finished this video for one of the tracks from the release.. hope you guys like it, thanks!
  20. Agreed! It just wouldnt make much sense if she wasnt into aphex
  21. yeah ordered that, it's the second run of 100, first sold out it's the first dream catalogue tape i've bought, figured it be a good one to start with, maybe the last too considering the price had no idea bleep was selling it Nice man! Youll have to lmk how is sounds when it arrives.. Was thinking of buying it too, but tight on cash atm... Man, we should all totally have a watmm/vaporwave meetup lol.. So specific it would be awesome- hardcore aphex/idm fans who are also into vaporwave heh I imagine most of the ppl in the vapor community are in their teens /early 20s at the most, so a lot of em prob aren't too familiar with the aphex catalogue, although ive met a few 90s kids who into aphex, so who knows when I first heard Aphex in 2004 I was introduced to RDJ album so I was into the drill n' bass and very complex IDM for years, but now I like his earlier stuff more... remember the mid-00s bloghouse scene Nice! Yeah rdj album was one of my first too, but i think the come to daddy vid on mtv was my first actual exposure, then icbyd / come to daddy ep / surfing on sine waves / saw 2... Then the obsession all began lol Bloghouse! Of course.. Almost forgot myself lol back when electrohouse and indie dance punk merged and artists like Boyz Noize, Shinichi Osawa, Van She, The Whip etc were all lumped into a single term "bloghouse" lol .. I actually remember how much fun it was to go to my local indie dance weekly and be drinking a stella with my buddies (who dont know dance music), and then hear the dj spin an Arcade Fire dance punk remix or The Rapture or The Whip (and the more obscure artists- the better), and get all psyched and go crazy on the dancefloor :D good times Totally off subject, my fav hipster dance night was l without a doubt, News Years Eve with Peter Hook of New Order / Joy Division djing... It was in a tiny shitty club with mirrors on every wall and ceiling, and mirrored disco balls everwhere, and Peter Hook was playing everything from obscure New Order remixes to Underworld 12" extended mixes, and all kinds of stuff from the Hacienda days... Got to meet him and had a drunken cheers or something with him (cant remember, a lot of the night was a blur) anyway, that night was euphoric
  22. yeah ordered that, it's the second run of 100, first sold out it's the first dream catalogue tape i've bought, figured it be a good one to start with, maybe the last too considering the price had no idea bleep was selling it Nice man! Youll have to lmk how is sounds when it arrives.. Was thinking of buying it too, but tight on cash atm... Man, we should all totally have a watmm/vaporwave meetup lol.. So specific it would be awesome- hardcore aphex/idm fans who are also into vaporwave heh I imagine most of the ppl in the vapor community are in their teens /early 20s at the most, so a lot of em prob aren't too familiar with the aphex catalogue, although ive met a few 90s kids who into aphex, so who knows
  23. ^nice Verdant, digging that digital harp thing (: Whoa... Bleep.com selling Dream Catalogue's new vaporwave compilation on cassette. This is huge! https://bleep.com/release/62089-various-artists-the-eternal-dream-system
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