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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. The production by AJ Cook is top notch dancepop stuff for sure.. even though the sound of PC Music stuff as a whole is kinda gimmicky, it's smart and forward thinking and has an element of classiness/sexyness. When I first heard QT months back, I was sold. Pure future shit. All these little splinter microgenres/scenes are fascinating... glo-fi, witchhouse, seapunk, vaporwave.. now futurefunk, pc music, future house/tropical house, etc etc.. same with all the fashion things emerging.. normcore, healthgoth... but not many of these styles have penetrated the mainstream.. some may get close, but then the next thing pops off.. i feel like it's exponentially getting quicker and quicker between trends and movements and more micro lol. How to keep track of it... Also, because a lot of it could be seen as media and journalists' way of trying to categorize certain sounds and presenting as a current "thing", while in reality, there are already so many splinters of different types of creative music being made around the world at once, one could literally grab into a pool of new songs, and look for something in common like say "new age samples turned to gangsta rap beats", and there would be a good handful. present it on a silver hipster media platter a la Vice / The Fader, label it, find the "quintessential, flagship track/artist" and turn into a "thing". From there, it grows and becomes even more of a thing when other inspired musicians/artists/producers dig on it and try to follow or even one-up (sometimes resulting in even better material within the genre than the "originators"). This is one perspective, and I'm not sure the "reality" of it is as nihilistic/random as I've made new music movements out to sound, or if in fact, there is a real collective unconsciousness consciously turning the tides of trends and sounds in which new movements emerge based on what's happening in the world, with pop culture and underground culture... or.. if it's somewhere in between the two. either way anyone wants to judge it, i actually think either perspective is exciting.. the concept of either music critics and media orchestrating or being the catalyst to new niches and new movements (In a way, theyre producers in their own right), or the collective artist unconsciousness feeding off of one another and manifesting relevant new sounds. Even on a mainstream level, all of the sudden deep house/slowed down funk is blowing up and has already replaced the dutch house/mainroom edm eurotechno craze (thank god- that was getting pretty stale after a while). wonder if trip hop will be "next" but the world will call it something else like "drug-wave", in which that will eventually die in a year with drum n bass coming back right after but with the new term "hyperpop" haha
  2. Is that one of those fancy mechanical keyboards Osc? The typing keyboard I mean. They're sexy, I'd love to try one. Mmmmmm look at that NN-19 (:
  3. Glad u dug Corporate Mixtape! Fun times (: Theres more goodies to come.
  4. dude congrats, yer basically playing a show with vaporwave elvis Haha thanks man! i know, it's indeed an honour. and looks like a shit ton of fun/weirdness/mall vibes (: im brainstorming an oldschool powerpoint style presentation with the music for the Donovan Hikaru set haha lol
  5. Julio G's ... 2 Sonoran style shredded beef tacos with rice w/ rice & beans. so. damn. good.
  6. Not sure if you guys heard about this, but..... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/784004997/boogie-at-the-hypermall-20xx An actual vaporwave event planned at a shopping mall in Scranton, PA. Artist lineup includes Saint Pepsi, Blank Banshee, Vektroid (Mac Plus/ PrismCorp, etc), Donovan Hikaru (im more than honored/humbled), Eyeliner, NMesh, and many others! (All artists have agreed to performing) Hopefully it will get funded and the kickstarter will help make it a reality...
  7. https://internetclub.bandcamp.com/album/modern-business-collection yummm.. been really digging this release lately
  8. Just finally got around to buying the album a few nights ago, and I feel like we've been given a real gift. I didnt wanna listen to the album in any form until i bought a physical copy once i finally had the mindset & space to listen and it was well worth the wait. He's back and is delivering again... Cant believe its been 14 years since an official Aphex Twin release... and the best part is that with Syro, i feel like rich isnt trying to rehash glory-day aphex nor is he simply making an analord pt 2 (both of which i would happily welcome- but would be a move id expect from anyone who hasnt released in so long). Instead he puts out a wall of futuristic liquid beats, both simple and complex, both acid-licious robot funk (windowlicker-ish / analordy ) and bullet spraying idm broken beat mindfuckery (ala drukqs) that manages to actually transcend those said releases, fuse parts of them together and propel the sounds into a completely new territory. Even though some may disagree or say Syro is lacking on production or cohesiveness, I feel like he's pushed the boundaries in subtle but still noticeable ways. Theres a sort of minimalism in these tracks which is hard to imagine how he attained, given that they are still relatively complex, layered and colorful. Track 3 is my current fav right now.. His incredible use of atmosphere, jazzy downtempo grooves and openness is refreshing and a perfect example of newish territory for Aphex. The color scheme/presentation on the art/casing is super fitting and brilliant. I actually hear white with some black and some green in the music so props to TDR for getting it spot on! Looking fwd to the upcoming EP and to soaking in the album. Cheers to Syro!
  9. ^ thx... P. S. Theres actually a metaphorical rorshact test that can answer many of these things - it's called "Jump - The Book". One example is how to walk that fine line of balance between treating our constitution as a living, breathing body and an unchanging document that should be bonds.
  10. The world views America with continuing preoccupation with disassociation (in some kind of "new" mystical sense) With lack of education on the rise and rampant disorganized yet "highly contained" chaos, this country is bound for a euphoric drop down the rabbit hole. Race relations are stickier than ever with "rebound rage" and jolted desolution, while the political arena is fulfilled with incredible and copius amounts of tumultuous behavior. Religious preppers and doomsday doctrinationers say the wrath is upon us while scientists and progressive thinkers from all spectrums of academia agree in unison and hold true that at least for the most part, our country is in a metaphorical (& methodological) state of agony and dystopian dazzling! At the same time, the US is stronger than ever (although less strong than it will be for quite some time) thanks in no small part to the freeloaders / free thinkers / free press. There's no shortage of freedom and fortitude, but we must rely on our checks and balances to keep a good steady pace with moderation and keep correcting flaws. Its funny i used to think that Rome was actually built in 2 days, not 1 hahahaha! But anyway, aside from the fast food industry, i couldnt find a single flaw in American post modern thought... Maybe you can prove me wrong, and if so - remember that case studies are just as important as statistics (just like an ombudsman needs his / her galop poll to survive local elections) - See the John Carpenter movie They Live for references. :D
  11. See I don't even know what that means. Trashy and obnoxious things are USA's biggest and only significant export. Other countries try but it's only American influence. USA does nothing to promote its classy or non-destructive creative sides to the rest of the world. We just get shit like creationism, claims that bacon is somehow American and other idiotic claims, macdonalds everywhere, creatively devoid meaningless kids movies marketed to adults, and sports that the rest of the world doesn't even like.... most of the world doesn't watch Gilmore Girls m8,so they dont know how lovely it can be Lol ok, dont worry m8.. Im not gonna try and convince you that America's not Dr. Evil. It's your business how you wanna perceive an entire country, and whether in an over-simplified and generalized cartoonish fashion or not.
  12. Well said. It's just like a roasting session, and props up a trite endless dialogue / debate for the sake of arguing. Everyone and their grandma already knows what the stereotypes of Americans are from the outside perspective. For as many things as im ashamed to live in america for, im fortunate/prideful for countless more. Bring on the walmart / bacon / vegas / nascar / media blitz. Every country's allowed to have its trashy or obnoxious side, America shouldnt be exempt just cuz its America.
  13. also looks like we need to start exporting some of our "music" to syria since theyre at the bottom of the rankings for music... http://www.scimagojr.com/countryrank.php?area=1200&category=1210&region=all&year=all&order=it&min=0&min_type=it
  14. wowzers u.s. killin it up in therr but we better get our edge on with: "energy engineering / power technology", http://www.scimagojr.com/countryrank.php?area=2100&category=2102&region=all&year=all&order=it&min=0&min_type=it and "fuel technology" http://www.scimagojr.com/countryrank.php?area=2100&category=2103&region=all&year=all&order=it&min=0&min_type=it cuz China's actually beating us on those little ditties lol
  15. i wouldn't take personal offense to that, we've frankly earned the ire. You think even people in other countries like France who hate muslims like we do think that the US isn't insane? We're seriously fucked up dude. Besides maybe Israel, I can't think of another country whose citizenry endorses our behavior and the way we treat other sovereign nations No personal offense taken lol im not a ra ra im an american kinda person or anything.. Im just speaking from the perspective of fairness and respect for all "peoples" whether it's a small country of one tribe of people or a gargantuan melting pot country of cultures and races and religions. Regardless of their governments actions or the infrastucture, labeling and judging the common people is fucked up. And since you brought up the subject, many politically interested people on watmm seem to think that Israel and the US (in that order) are the most evil nations that ever existed upon Earth to the point where it actually warrants judging and namecalling their actual citizenry. It's like out of some 50's sci fi comic book. Those two counties have somehow transcended all ethics, morals and standards to where their people, society, identity and standing are immediately fair game to demean. It's absurd to me. And as far as the U.S. and religious tolerance goes (I can't speak of France since I haven't been there and dont know many people there), I think you're way off there. Even here in Arizona, a republican-majority state, and a place most of the world thinks consists of a bunch of gun toting cowboys, I've not seen one instance of anti-Muslim bigotry or anything close to it in the entire 21 years I've lived here, and maybe only witnessed 1 or 2 instances of generalizing or talking in a negative light about Muslims or Arabs, and my network of friends/people/contacts is pretty vast. I have a number of friends who are Muslim or practice Islam and I've never heard discrimination stories that were any more frequent or serious than what my fellow Jews or myself as a Jew have experienced.. just for perspective. The amount of tolerance I witness on a daily basis is a beautiful thing, and I think it speaks to what we value as a nation. Of course, my view is my own tiny reality from Phoenix, Arizona, and sure there are a lot of racists in small towns down south, but they're also uncultured fucks who are using AOL dial-up if they have Internet at all, like in any small town in the world. This whole idea that the U.S. is anti-Muslim as a whole is just as preposterous as saying the U.S. is anti-semetic as a whole. Now since you wanted to bring it up, Europe I would say prob has more Anti-Muslim / Anti-semetic tendencies in their infrastructure dontchya think?
  16. true but its not really up for dispute that among countries full of obesity, drowned in money with dark pasts America is the youngest, best armed and most aggressive towards the rest of the world. Not a good combo by any stretch of the imagination. Touche, but isnt it really less simple than that? It's the syndrome of criticizing authority for the sole reason that theyre in power. Its also not up for dispute that the U.S. Is the most powerful nation on Earth.. Which also by default puts it into a position where its the actor with the most judgement received. This is not to say that the U.S.'s unique position of power automatically makes all judgement irrelevant, just that it's automatically held to a higher standard than any other nation. Example.. Russia's blatant anti-gay attitude in their infrastructure got about 30 seconds of negative media attention, and then the camera immediately turned to westboro baptist church or our privacy being violated in the u.s or whatever it was at the moment... Something, any imperfection about american leadership/society. On the world stage, because our imperfections, abuses and negative actions are so transparent and demanding of attention, of course its gonna get more press by its own nature. Like ppl think kim kardashians the most vane person on Earth, whereas in reality, i may have a neighbor who is just as vane. Media affect.
  17. Ya know its funny, i love how people go outta their way to make sure neeever to criticize or demean the "people" of other countries when talking negatively about the country due to their reputation, government actions etc (even in cases when certain countries citizens elect murderous regimes)... Yet, when it comes to the evil U.S., it's perfectly okay to call American people and society as a whole ugly, ignorant, arrogant, fat , lazy, etc. nice, really nice.
  18. How does the world view all the major world powers? I don't understand this obsession with the neurotic over-analysis of the perception of America from other countries. It's like that question stems from some assumed notion that the U.S. is somehow comparable to Germany right after WW2. How does the world view England? Saudi Arabia? Questions more fascinating to me: how does the east currently view the west and vice versa? What do 3rd world countries think of world powers? America's not the only country full of obesity drowning in money with dark pasts...
  19. Oh dude, i recently finally discovered this too, and bought the cassette as well.. it's so lush, it's unreal. i found out he makes mostly original stuff, supposedly this album is only minimal sample-usage and the rest original. OOOooo... would you be so kind as to point a brother in that general direction? I did a quick search for more of his work but couldn't find anything and yes, lush is certainly the word Hey Trip! For sure.. so that cassette release is out on Illuminated Paths at https://illuminatedpaths.bandcamp.com/album/palm-haze and there are still copies available.. but Miami Vice's bandcamp with both releases is: https://miamivice.bandcamp.com/music I like the other release, Culture Island as well. It was actually released on a floppy disk a few years ago, but it's all sold out unfortunately. However, you can still stream it. (: Enjoy!
  20. oh gawd, i feel your pain! in the same boat here with similar stuff.. part of why i have a mental blocakde thinking about weddings [:
  21. family drama, overthinking things, indecision, relationships goals/conflicts, career path questions, jaded at work, etc etc kthxbai
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