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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. Awesome, thanks brother! (: Haha, perrrrfect! i like the visuals too, but this music is also awesome lol
  2. Hahaha! This is awesome man!! Is there a video going to made too? Love this man, can i put it on my soundcloud when its all ready? Dude, im totally honored! :D <3 <3
  3. Very cool, your friend does nice work!
  4. Who wants to play a game? (; http://www.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/3b5a1j/the_next_donovan_hikaru_release_will_be_a_dark/
  5. ooh i just saw this. you mean like a compilation? i'm down. Haha, i didnt think of that.. But good idea!
  6. Right on man, thanks for sharing!
  7. Oh gaaawd.. I loove that image. Does the music sound anything like the image looks? I know i can just listen but id rather hear it from you first
  8. Indeeeeed *said in shrieky david lo pan voice*
  9. Thanks for reviving this thread.. Didnt even know it existed!
  10. Someone needs to do a release all dedicated to coupons! Whose gonna do it? Mesh? Blank?
  11. Mmmmm ^ is that a soup cup shes holding? I wanna eat some chili out of a vaporwave soup bowl!
  12. k it's on now! http://frissionradio.com/listen/#!/
  13. https://www.facebook.com/events/1690645451158498/ Today - Saturday, June 13 at 10:00pm - 11:00pm in UTC+01 (in about 4 hrs i guess) You guys don't wanna miss this! I'll be playing some great vapor classics along side some obscure smooth jazz, 90s bowie, AFX, etc.. I'll also be hosting an interview with ahem.. the "tour manager" of PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises and playing some new tracks from my new LP! Fun fun Hope you guys can listen! Click the fb link above to hit join and find more info (: Cheers!
  14. Wow, thats a game changer imo... A. Adbusters is huge & influential B. The slant they used on Virtual Plaza / Accelerationism / Dystopian aspects per Adam Harper's essay, is what i think makes the public more drawn into what "this whole vaporwave thing" is about rather than by explaining it as slowed down Diana Ross & glitch computer graphics and Roman busts, abd Japanese characters.
  15. For sure, she's a legend. Love her original Vek releases in addition to all her sample based projects.. esp Neo Cali. just picked up her Tanning Salons - Dream Castle cassette before it sold out. Wonderful drone/ambient stuff.
  16. I got one of these a couple weeks back! Jornt is a nice guy, very response to emails and such. Tape sounds and looks great. Nice! glad you were able to get a copy, and thanks so much man!! yes, Jornt is awesome and super talented. Good ppl.
  17. this is so cool. also that's great news lane. i ended up using two of your songs in my assignment, i was going to post it here but looks like i haven't put it on dropbox probably got submitted through uni's website. i'll get it up so you can have a listen, thanks again! Thanks Mesh! Dude, that would be awesome.. I would really love to see how that multinedia peice worked out, so yes pls post when you can! :D again, its an honor!
  18. Hey guyz. I thought I'd give a head's up to anyone whose interested, that a few hours ago, Jornt from CatsystemCorp (猫 シ Corp.) and I just put out a new batch of the limited edition cassette release of the legendary sold-out "Corporate Mixtape" by 猫 シ Corp. and Donovan Hikaru... As of now, the "deluxe editions" already sold out in under an hour, but there are still the high quality "corporate editions" of the tape available if you want to take advantage.... Bandcamp link where you can purchase the tape if interested: https://catsystemcorp.bandcamp.com/album/corporate-mixtape-tape Of course, the album is a free download, so if you can't afford the tape, feel free to DL the mp3 version! (: <3
  19. yeah, a little bit, tangentially i've been really into Miles Okazaki, and he runs in that circle occasionally Sweet! Not familiar , ill have to check him out (:
  20. Anyone into Steve Coleman and his whole M Base sound?
  21. Anytime my friend! Thank you & glad youre diggin the vibes! (:
  22. Whose ready to take a BUSINESS TRIP? The LP is here... http://ailanthusrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/business-travel-bonanza ^ free download from Ailanthus Recordings... 100% original composition and production by Donovan Hikaru, as always.. Here's a preview of an ultra smooth jazz track Double Donovan from the album: Hope you all enjoy! <3 [sc5]207203031[/sc5]
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