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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. Um 2814 featured in ROLLING STONE Proof that vaporwave isn't just "internet meme", sorry haterrrzzzzz http://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/10-new-artists-you-need-to-know-november-2015-20151125/2814-20151124
  2. That new CatCorp is so good right? Total weather channel vibes.. I made sure to purchase a cassette right away (:
  3. Man, I knew it was from that movie but I didn't quite realize it was from that scene lol, i know it sounds absurd, but i too didnt fully remember/realize that pose was from that scene when choosing this avatar hahaha.. man now i feel like kind of a douche lol
  4. i emailed them asking about ordering some - they said another 100 were in the works but I take it the preorders aren't even out yet? Ahh - yes, i imagine the new batch isn't out yet considering the first batch hasn't even shipped.. i think the last time i heard, lux mentioned it was taking an extra while due to duplication issues and wanting to make sure the tapes were made in the best quality.. that was like maybe 3 weeks- a mo ago and hadn't heard any updates since. but hopefully the tapes come soon and they release a new batch for those that didn't get the first copy. definitely fiending to get my hands on this gem (: Oh ok, I was hoping it was a technical issue. I aske because I've heard about about some of these vaporwave "tape labels" either flaking out (not all mind you had really good tapes shipped by many labels), not returning emails after recieving money, or taking forever - AMDiscs for example took 2 months to fill an order - it's really infuriating to me tbh - these people should get more shit for it, they can spam like crazy and even put nice sites up but can't managed to record and ship a tape? Ridiculous. I want to hope they have day jobs but I can't help but assume dipshit stoners. For sure dude, agreed! Sorry to hear about your dealings with AM Discs.. I've been hearing similar sentiments and complains about their ethics. That's super weird to me considering they kind of launched Com Truise's career and put out some high profile releases. I guess things aren't always as they seem under the hood even with "reputable" seeming labels. Then again, it took me almost 8 months to get a tape from another small vaporwave label, but they were super small like only 1 or two artists on their label kind of small lol.
  5. i emailed them asking about ordering some - they said another 100 were in the works but I take it the preorders aren't even out yet? Ahh - yes, i imagine the new batch isn't out yet considering the first batch hasn't even shipped.. i think the last time i heard, lux mentioned it was taking an extra while due to duplication issues and wanting to make sure the tapes were made in the best quality.. that was like maybe 3 weeks- a mo ago and hadn't heard any updates since. but hopefully the tapes come soon and they release a new batch for those that didn't get the first copy. definitely fiending to get my hands on this gem (:
  6. Oh man, dope! Just tuned in listening right now.. thanks for the heads up.
  7. Can't wait til this tape comes out... listening again, so classy. i know most have already heard about this comp, but just had to post it again, total essential
  8. yeah this - there's a sweet spot with samples + original music but also I love layered and chopped up stuff (VHS head for example) or stuff with just effects all over, but with less common sample sources (telepath telepath has been good at this)...or this guy who isn't really vaporwave but has the vibe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhaYFy_dCXI as far as original compositions I like the library muzak-y stuff, like lane's work as donovan hikaru and likewise other stuff I've stumbled up...James Ferraro Far Side Virtual is the vaporwave granddaddy of that stuff I suppose i will respond to the other stuff later when i have more time (i might just copy+paste a comment I had on reddit about it awhile back where DC actually replied - it was pretty cool to be involved in a friendly discussion about post-vaporwave and the current genre status with a major player) Ahh cheers mate!! :D honored that you dig DH! Yeah i love me some Ferraro as well. That VHS Head is pretty amazing as well.
  9. Im just a weird listener , so i think its more an ocd thing for me. For the most part, its more about the feeling for me regardless of sample-based or original. I think its prob that as a whole, i like the classic vapor best- of which most is sample-based, so i guess my answer is i prefer sample based.. Of course when im hearing something like opn, or miami vice or blank banshee or eyeliner- theres a distinctively different type of texture/sound, and im usually in a different mood/reason to listen to that--maybe more whole track / song oriented aspect than the whole slowed down loop, glitched heavily effected aspect. Most of the time i prefer that looped sound-jazzy sexy slowed down grooves, surreal and hypnotic more so than ambient/drone/experimental.. I guess thats more what i was trying to say.
  10. oh no kidding a lot of DC's stuff is very akin to 90s IDM, dnb (FSOL, B12, Orb, LTJ Bukem) and mid-00s post-dubstep stuff - kuedo comes to mind DC also released a new album from that guy who used to put out stuff as drop the lime (it was alright) but it and a lot of stuff seems to be vague asian blade runner homage stuff. im not complaining, it's cool but also a bit baffling to me - it's like vaporwave is reinventing the wheel by progressing into more complex, less sample based and original composed music but in way that harkens existing music from decades ago. i dunno, bit burned out of the scene tbh at the moment, it's become very insular in a good way for the sake of artists actually supporting each other but on the other side of the coin stuff that has that classic vaporwave aesthetic - and likewise stuff progressing on that sound - seems to be less popular - for example ssaliva, niqou nic, giant claw, and torn hawk have put out very vaporwave-y albums but they aren't even part of the scene...same with 0PN's new stuff Agreed in some ways- I personally think there are just so many releases lately and cassette pressings and new labels, etc etc, that it's kind of hard to keep up with. For me, when I don't know or can't tell whether something is OC or sample based, I just end up assuming it's sampled, and with a lot of the more newer ambient, atmospheric stuff, it turns me off a bit to think that some of that could be completely sample based-- but that ill never know.As far as sample-based, I prefer the O.G. style vapor in the line of Vektroid, Internet Club, etc- which for that style, in many ways, id prefer it to be sample-based. Nothing is better than sampled late 80s / early 90s smooth jazz licks- and you know you're hearing a sample, so it's ok. Love the ambient sounds of late, with DC and all and I know they're doing a lot of original stuff now, which is awesome. I guess when I hear any new vapor release in general now that's ambient-ish, unless it says all original, then i just find it kind of difficult to be interested in taking a listen... i guess i prefer ambient works to be almost completely original since that kind of music is so serious and powerful and can be personally transcendent-- and with that kind of scenario, for me, identifying authorship is essential. With Eccojams, it takes me to another place, but Im also aware that Daniel Lopatin didn't compose those loops, and I still have mad respect for him- but just as much so as whoever wrote that JoJo song, and with that kind of thing, i know Im hearing a pop song taken to a new level of epic-ness and surrealism in an infinite loop of absurdity- same with Mediafired- Pixies, and its brilliant Kate Bush loop. What I'm not interested in is the Floral Shoppe pt. 27 thing-- the vaporizing other vapor- the whole "let's take Eccojams and slap reverb and delay over and turn the wetness to 99% and call the album "S T A R -()()()()- F O X 66644422220000" - to me that's bs i feel like the newer breeds of vaporwave--the ambient releases-- really owe it to themselves, the creators, and the community, to say "this is all original" or "composed by" or "no samples used" etc if that's the case. Otherwise, I think that's a lot of hard work overlooked and passed over as "just another plunderphonics thing" just because it has the vaporwave tag on it.
  11. yikes i had no idea about this ? This is fucking amazing. Thanks brother. For real, I appreciate that. (:
  12. The CRS 2.1 Scavenger Hunt: Secret Tape found http://m.imgur.com/a/uk4OE
  13. A genre of music that exists inside a 20 person subreddit isn't much of anything right now. Seems to missing that nostalgic element and culture clash that is in vapor-wave. I get that things are cyclical, but is a bit soon to be mashing together samples from MetroPCs commercials in 2015? But thats the point though .. Its too soon says the rules of cyclical nostalgia, but what if we broke that rule and accelerated the process into a hyper realm of re-contextualizing the essence of today's corporate kitsch, unapologetically referring to, critiquing and curating the artifacts of the trends of... 25- 30 days ago rather than 25-30 years ago? What would happen? I dunno im not totally bonkers over it or anything and i still prefer to listen to slowed down smooth jazz in a mood/sonic sense, but fuck, cool forward thinking experiment if nothing else right? (:
  14. The future of vaporwave is "metrosong" (reddit.com/r/Metrosong/) ... The stuff/spirit/tropes of modern day ad campaigns/lifestyle branding minus the brand, and floating a in vacuum. I just contributed to the first metrosong comp called Sustainable Future Village, released on Cardboard Future- a new label.. under the alias "Julie Winters". A sort of modern day Donovan Hikaru. She's in her mid 30's, works for Google as a creative strategist, is a proclaimed tech junkie, and is a composer for ad campaigns on the side. https://cardboardfuture.bandcamp.com/album/sustainable-future-village The official music video for my contribution to this comp under Julie Winters (and proud to say what might be the first metrosong music video, or shall we call it "creative asset" :P ) (All original music): ...
  15. absolutely. well said. artists like steve winwood, jackson browne, eagles etc as well.
  16. Nice Mesh! I'm gonna have to check that new Surfing out, thanks for the tip! I was just on a roadtrip with my gf this weekend and we played that album for the first time in the car, and i just started freestyling over it for fun lol .. vaporwave like this would be great to do mashups with oldschool rap verses. i could totally hear someone like notorious b.i.g. flowing over deep fantasy.
  17. Double burger on potato wheat bun with aged cheddar, grilled jalapeños , lettuce, tomato, onion, ketchup & mustard from Moab Burger Co. in Moab, Utah. Unreal taste. We went there for lunch 2 days in a row it was so good. https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/12068903_10153302824248860_7473560034011878381_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9
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