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Knob Twiddlers
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  1. Was supposed to get my first shot yesterday but was forced to reschedule due to an allergy attack that had me involuntarily dispensing snot to my surroundings. Luckily it only amounts to a slight delay but a bit miffed anyway.   

  2. 19 minutes ago, Plum said:

    I’ll take your entire stock. 

    Splendid. Have your people meet my people on the former pruisian side of the Three Emperors Corner before sundown. Each item will be individually vacuum sealed and ready for immediate consumption, or further processing, depending on your needs. 

  3. In anticipation of the activation of a new EU import tax regulation per July 1st I ordered some parts from tayda a little over two weeks ago. For the last 2 years it’s taken dhl about 7 days to deliver orders from tayda. This time however it seems to be taking much longer and I’m starting to suspect dhl is purposely holding small shipments so they can collect admin fees on packages delivered after July 1st. Although now that I’ve typed it out I’m realising it would probably also cost them a fair sum to withhold any significant number of packages from delivery for any number of days. It is what it is, guess we’ll never know. 

    • Sad 1
  4. Just ate about 3/4ths of a chocolate mousse cake with a double espresso for breakfast. To offset all the sweetness I consumed half a container of Peking duck style pork with one pancake and some leftover cucumber and spring onion, when I went to put the last of the pork back in the fridge I grabbed a slice of cold pizza with Gorgonzola, spicy sausage and pineapple and a beer. Pizza’s finished, about to crack open the cold guy and smoke a cigarette. 

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  5. It’s my birthday today and when I noticed I got a text from the corner of my eye I thought it was from one of the many people in my life that could possibly be kind and considerate enough to stay up late to be amongst the very first to congratulate me. It was a phishing text from my bank alerting me to a future withdrawal. Guess I’m now of an age where these phishing cats consider me old enough to possibly fall for their schemes. 

    4 hours ago, dingformung said:

    I think I'm just the sum of my influences. How to be more creative???

    I wanna be less boring and more better


    judt a word for me so i can transcend thanks

    talk please

    You’re overlooking the fact that even though you might be the sum of your influences nobody in the entire world has the exact same influences as you do and nobody has or will ever combine these influences or be affected by them in the way you are. FACT. 

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  6. Probably a short-sighted Dr. Phillesque observation but I noticed that it’s easier for me not to feel awkward and dissatisfied about social interaction when I make the interaction more about the other person instead of what it’s like for me and what I need/want. 
    It always feels counterintuitive to me because I feel like I’m increasing the distance between myself and the other when I sort of disconnect my emotional needs/expectations/whatever and make it less likely to have a more profound or meaningful connection but most of the time it opens up this middle ground where I can actually meet the other and then take it from there. 

    It took me a long time to understand, and I still often have to remind myself/rephrase/internalise what my therapist meant when she tried to convey that it takes a certain amount of narcissism to always feel awkward about interacting with other people. Maybe they feel awkward too and it’s not just about how I feel and then this idea opens up the possibility to turn it around and become a beacon for awkward people and then all of the sudden you feel connected. It’s hit and miss, and ime more difficult with people that I’ve known for a long time because of the tendency to fall back on behavioural patterns, otoh it has greatly improved the relationship with some people I’ve known for decades because the timing was right and they were also examining their own outlook and behaviour. 

    Otoh a lot of people are obviously cunts, and I’m a prime example. 

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  7. I need help: I’ve been looking for the “Tupperware, more like “Tupper-where-isthefuckinglid” meme for at least 6 weeks. The situation has become very urgent. Don’t wanna shit up the meme thread. Don’t wanna shit up a newthread. Please help. 



    (It’s a forum issue)


    oh! The one featuring Skeletor, not one of the other gazillions of shitty ones that pup up on google.  

  8. 7 hours ago, dingformung said:

    I could almost smell your post, thanks. There is a lot more to life but it's inaccessible to us because we don't understand the dream logic we are living in. It can't be fully described with words and language (especially written one), because language is designed to only allow a certain kind of human communication and if you limit your "thought" to language, it influences your actions and your "becoming" is within the borders of these actions ("inner" and "outer" actions, which actually belong to the same sort of movement). We have been hypnotised. Part of us is elsewhere. Existence could be a lot better, different, meaningful and free if we could navigate the dream and transcend civil life, which is possible. You are not that which is thinking or feeling, you are that which is observing the thoughts and emotions. Your body and thoughts manifest in the second step. It is possible to navigate the dream and realise that you aren't real, that you aren't a normal being, that you are a unique movement within a fundamentally formless world that can manifest in various ways and shapes. We have been hypnotised by the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ of words and banish the other layers of the universal dream into darkness, we think and dream in them and they bind us, they pull us back into the "human dream", a reoccurring curse of numbness and reflexive chase of predefined patterns along energies that we can't see or understand, where we are saying shit like "I'm, having a pretty OK time right now lol". There is a lot more to existence than the human dream.

    Yeah but I find life pretty complex already with a whole gamut of emotions and whatnot. So why would I want to seek out another way more complex layer that my brain apparently isn’t even equipped to deal with? I agree language is a very poor way of communicating but a lot of us seem to be at least somewhat aware of the shortcomings and under that notion also perhaps enjoy working with these limitations and the misunderstandings and confusion that arises from linguistic mishaps often are invitations or opportunities to further connect with others, be it because you laugh about the confusion together or you end up more deeply exploring a subject. If I’m a formless entity that is capable of so much more what am I gonna do with my time? Would it be bliss? Bliss freaks me the fuck out. 

  9. I dunno, things aren’t always easy but I’m having a pretty ok time right now. 
    Work’s alright, couldn’t be luckier actually. And there’s beer and music and drugs and food and laughs and such. I’m taking a shit and an abundance of shit tickets is suspended to my left, right there for the taking. I grab a sheet or 4, wipe, inspect and based on what I see I have another wipe or decide that the shitting is finished and I can pull up my pants and start participating in society again. 
    Also nice and sunny out. 

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  10. Although Tim Leary is a creepy cunt I think he was right when he said something like “lsd is only for the successful, beautiful and intelligent people”. At least, I’ve always taken that to mean that psychedelic experiences in general are best had at a time where you feel somewhat confident about yourself and don’t have any deep rooted self image issues. 

    I’ve always tried to adhere to the basics; set and setting are essential, trip with people you feel comfortable being around in an environment where you feel safe and where you have some control over things; make sure you don’t have any pressing matters to take care of and preferably also not for the day after, you don’t want to have to deal with some work related emergency or something when you’ve just realised everything is energy and there are purple streamers shooting out of everyone’s eyes. 
    Some people like to have a sitter but unless you’re taking dissociative drugs I think this is not necessary, personally not a huge fan of sober people while  I’m tripping. Turn off your phones/computers/tablets, make sure you have some device to play music from that doesn’t depend on being connected to the internet. 
    Don’t try to resist the trip if things get a bit weird or dark, if they do you can always remind yourself that no matter how weird it gets you won’t die and things will be back to normal within a matter of hours. I’ve had some really weird and deep trips but never had a “bad trip”, I think partially because when things got weird I reminded myself that I’d taken drugs and wasn’t really in any position to assess the situation until later. 

    Just my 2 ct, obviously. Ymmv imhotep. 

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  11. Through coincidence I’ve found that it’s a lot easier for me to control the severe road rage I suffer during my daily commute by bicycle if I’m not listening to any music and also not wearing headphones. I’m not entirely sure why this is but it means a lot to me because every time I scream at another person part of me also dies a little. 

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