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Knob Twiddlers
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  1. i already have that itb... lots of vst, max/msp or supercollider if i'm really crazy that day. also, i have mostly what you say in the zoom pedal; 137 efx 6 of which can be combined in a single preset. but yes, i need a hw that can do something interesting to the signal., hw cause i'd take it with me to gigs and for a change i want to turn physical, real pots. the gc do just that, fucks up the audio but i'm afraid it could be a one trick pony. the retroverb lancet doesn't destroy the signal but it still fucks the signal only with much more love than the gc, it has nice sounding filters and an extensive modulation + spring reverb. but do i need filters and modulation when i have mnm and md? ...that have 34 programmable lfos in total. the ''nice sounding'' part could outweigh the money. speaking of working at home, geiger counter is the only efx in my budget that i couldn't replace with a sw; no such vst and i'm not that knowledgeable in max and sc programming. it's questionable if i can find a vst substitute for the lancet, i have the drop and other modulation plugs, not sure. i'm only thinking about any of these cause i have 400-450 euros to spend. i don't need anything really. i'm sure i could gig with only my mnm for the next 20 yrs and in the next 20 only with md. but hey, gas took my soul ;) i haven't bought a thing in a month :) Maybe I'm completely missing the point but for crazy effects in stereo maybe consider the jomox t-resonator? Delay, reverb and filterbox that can go wild.
  2. Can't decide between a matrix 1000 and an A4... Two completely different synths and I want them both but there's a matrix 1000 for sale for 600 euro's around my parts and I'm afraid these will only go up in price. I want everything and I want it NOW. The warm buttery tones of the oberheim are calling but so are the cold futuristic ones of the a4, and the ability to send cv to my ms20m.
  3. Anyone mentioned electrix filter factory yet btw? They seem nice enough, some cv control and an lfo, and can be had for around 200,- second hand round these here parts.
  4. I just bought the Waldorf. In my brief time messing with it so far I've been pretty impressed with the range of sounds I can get. The overdrive is quite intense. Only thing is the knobs seem a bit flimsy and I'm hoping that won't become a problem with large amounts of use. yes, i thought about it too. even on yt videos you can see how flimsy the knobs are. wtf waldorf?! ...much prefer the knobs of the epsilon and filter lancet The knobs on my 2-pole are perfectly fine. Wouldn't describe them as flimsy at all.
  5. user


    Yeah, that was kinda strange. Maybe it was done on purpose? I couldn't decide wether or not I liked it, it did give her vocals an otherwordly quality but otoh it just sounded like autotune. Can't stop thinking it was somehow Moby's fault.
  6. user

    I need a DJ name

    DJ Charts DJ Pony DJ Version DJ Extended Remix DJ Boarding Pass
  7. That's good advice. I'm not completely ignorant and try to check the labels etc but a little (re)indoctrination probably wouldn't hurt.
  8. user

    I need a DJ name

    DJ Chamber Music DJ Rockforth DJ Spandex DJ HIV DJ FX DJ 78th in the DJ Mag Top 100
  9. Yeah, so? A car gets demolished at the end of its life, so it's ok to take someones car? Theft is theft. I can't believe MDM Chaos is still a mod. I'm totally being 100% super serious here, just to be clear. My fwp is that I'm seriously starting to become a fat fuck but I can't stop eating. Everything is good especially when I'm feeling like shit and I'm also incredibly lazy. In this constant cycle of cooking for myself and eating well and then after a few days everything goes down the drain again for whatever reason I let it.
  10. Thanks for the advice everyone. Good points all around. I just picked it up, been playing for about an hour and already starting to fall in love.
  11. I'm about to pull the trigger on a Machinedrum UW. On the other hand I'm thinking that I should wait a little longer and save up for a new apple because I'd probably be able to do most of the things that the machinedrum can do on a new machine running max for live patches and operator drums. With a completely different interface of course. The machinedrum is 750 euro's, a new (or refurbished, I'm running a 2011 mbp right now) macbook would set me back around 1200... for that money I could get the machindrum and a dominion club in a couple of months. Aaaaargh. Feedback please.
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