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Knob Twiddlers
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  1. More like 0 to 11 million, am I right? Sorry, I'll get my coat.
  2. That looks and sounds amazing. Is that track available anywhere?
  3. I think firmware updates will take care of that. Totally talking out of my ass though as I've yet to fondle a digitakt.
  4. I think the thing to the right of the rytm is an 0-coast. Also dying to know what's the open box with the serial (?) cable coming from it.
  5. I either have terrible hay fever or I'm having an allergic reaction to the incredibly expensive hair product I bought yesterday.
  6. user


    Yeah, they're not showing next week's episode because of July 4th in America. Which I don't understand why because it's supposed to air on the 2nd
  7. user


    yeah, it looks like If this is where they're going with this, it's a continuity error - Hawk mentioned that it was a legend amongst his people: The Dweller On the Threshold. Also, the book goes into detail about the lodge existing as early as the 1800s Oh right I forgot about the native people legends. Yeah I guess what pattern said then (and I wouldn't put it past them either - the book already changes things, specifically with regard to Norma's mom) Btw didn't they somehow write Annie out or something ? Not completely obviously since there's that diary page with her words form the end of FWWM but I heard they didn' tmention her at all in the book, plus the fact that Heather Graham wasn't even asked to be in the new series. She's not written out entirely, as like you said - she's mentioned in the diary pages. But no mention of her in the book (but then again, there wasn't any need to mention her in the book). I didn't know that she hadn't even been asked to come back though. Agreed - Trent Reznor miming badly and doing some fake laugh. So now it's either - the other musicians who've performed on the show have also been miming and they're way better at it than El Rezzo, or they were actually performing live and it was just El Rezzo who mimed. I know which one I'm picking out of those options (30). I think maybe they performed live on set but put the album track or whatever under the footage. Anyway, great episode. I'm really bummed we have to wait two weeks because of some stupid Will Smith worshipping holiday.
  8. I love pizza hawaii, about to order one with gorgonzola added to it.
  9. Strange, I used to smoke crack and the stuff I'd scrape out of my pipe would be even better than the freshly cooked stuff. Kinda like pre-vaped weed. Never found out what was going on there, cooking it longer didn't seem to make any difference.
  10. Which is ultimately what I'm looking for, musical mileage. Going to hold out for the rytm...maybe if the at is still there in a few days, aaaargh. Thank you for wise words in this dark hour.
  11. Yeah, that's entirely true. I have a hard time deciding if it will actually add anything, I'm only able to find one 3 minute sound demo of the unit. I'm leaning towards thinking that it doesn't do anything I couldn't do with a bunch of samples and I'm mostly gassing because of the rarity.
  12. I can buy an extremely rare Ddrum AT with a bunch of cartridges for a great price but I really don't need (although I don't have a dedicated simulated/sampled electronic drum brain yet...) it. But if I spend money on this it means I have to postpone the purchase of an analog rytm by a week or two. Get something rare I don't need now or get a common box I do need soon...
  13. Had my first solid poo in ages. Feeling like a proper adult right now.
  14. I think the extreme narcism present in many of these peoples helps them from going crazy.
  15. Yeah, it has stereo effects as well, no?
  16. Buy a pallet of San Pellegrino or a truck of Evian.
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