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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Isn't VB supposed to be cheap piss tho? It's the only Oz beer I've tried so far. Similar to Bud Light or PBR in the states I guess.
  2. I can relate all too well, minus the child abuse. Hope I'm not doing this chap a disservice by posting this here.
  3. For the same reason that American men who are vertically and virilely challenged feel the need to drive oversized pickup trucks with no mufflers and have an AR-15 fetish.
  4. Or the eagle is calling for his buddies so they can strangle him with it
  5. To associate bald eagles with Trump as a form of reverence is an insult to the species. We already know the actual birds hate him.
  6. Another typical ambermonk shitpost And lol @ that Seagal bit. He be like "this is a fucking waste of time"
  7. It's time for a GOPocalypse. Not in the sense of total destruction, but in the sense that Republicans will need a major overhaul of their party's platform in order to redeem themselves once Trump is out of the picture. They'll need to ditch their bigoted, greedy, xenophobic, belligerent bullshit and their pandering to evangelicals and white nationalists, and return to a more altruistic platform like they had under T. Roosevelt. That's the only way I can see them surviving as a party in the long run. Then again, that may be asking too much.
  8. how are you gentlemen (The Dancing Baby meme that Prdct posted up there dates back to 1996 tho if I'm not mistaken)
  9. Is like that stephen king book dreamcatcher, no? Might be. I remember seeing the film back in 2003. It was ass.
  10. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) spreading throughout the US, creating "zombie deer" according to these very recent reports: https://www.wapt.com/article/cdc-concerned-about-zombie-deer-disease-02252019/26523677 https://www.wyff4.com/article/zombie-deer-disease-reported-in-23-states-may-one-day-pose-threat-to-humans/26517361 https://www.nj.com/news/2019/02/zombie-deer-are-spreading-across-the-country-can-nj-keep-them-away.html Apparently the disease literally eats away the infected animal's brain over time, and in its late, terminal stages causes heavy salivation, stumbling, severe weight loss, dehydration, excessive urination, and lack of fear towards humans (but not necessarily elevated aggression). So far there's no record of known cases of CWD affecting humans, but the possibility of non-human primates being vulnerable is a lingering risk. Several YouTube comments I've seen on videos about zombie deer keep mentioning the Korean zombie film Train To Busan (2016), which supposedly starts off with infected deer. I may have to watch it now.
  11. He's starting to sound like one of those crazy vagabonds on a busy street corner in any given major city who is ignored by most passers-by. If only we could all fucking ignore him. Like, permanently...
  12. Although not a parent myself, I'm sure all the dads on here will understand. Best thing about kids is their innocence.
  13. I used to think little kids were annoying just a year ago. But lately I don't really find them all that bothersome anymore.
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