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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I want to believe there are still Republicans who are decent human beings. But their primary directive today is anilingus to the Don. I'm just glad Lisa Murkowski, one of my state's GOP senators, still has some common sense.
  2. I just hope we have oxygen-powered flying eco cars in 40 years and the bodies of today's old politicians are decomposed enough in the ground that they become a viable source of fossil fuel reserves in case the green energy flying cars thing doesn't work out. Of course I'll be an old sinking scrotum by then too.
  3. Wow, this looks pretty cool... I hate to admit it, but I've never played a 3D rogue-like before... I'll have to check it out sometime this summer when I should have more time to play some newer games. =D I've already put more than 20 hours into RoR 2 since its release on Steam. In fact I just unlocked the Artificer last night. I've been playing it for up to an hour after work the last few nights. What I like about it is that it challenges you, but there's no obligation of long-term commitment, much like arcades. And every item and power-up you get is shuffled with each playthrough. Yeah, no traditional final boss (yet) like Providence from the first game. But then again it is still early access, though the game seems to be a huge success regardless. Plus we'll have another 4 Survivors to unlock once the game is complete...one of which I can almost guarantee will be the Bandit.
  4. A thieving one apparently. I wonder if refrigerated lockers exist. Newest FWP is I'm sore af from lifting weights the day prior. I understand it's all part of the process, but still.
  5. And in Alaska most of the snow is already gone, at least below the mountains. Current FWP: Sometimes have to mash the fucking "A" key to get it to type here for some reason when writing a comment. More likely an issue on my PC's end than with the site itself. But it's still frustrating to have to exert that extra effort just for one letter.
  6. Glad the new studio arrangement was a success Squee, even though I'm about 5 days late. I completed a full hour weight training session this morning for the first time since high school. The plan is to work every key muscle in my body, not just arms. So I'll be adding 2 hours of weight training to my weekly exercise regimen on top of the 4 I already have of aerobics. No personal trainer involved...just going lone wolf.
  7. I pretty much quit Facebook this year already, although my account is still technically active. I just abandoned it basically. Now I just need to unsubscribe from every game-related channel on YouTube...
  8. He's losing more brain cells every day as far as I can tell. And yet we still have GOP asslickers like McConnell and Graham who are hell-bent on retaining his power. McConnell alone is a malignant tumor to this country that no one is taking action to extract.
  9. can confirm this is not controversial, the gaming community has always been mostly yuck n fucked. also wdym boomer, I know shitbirds my age who act like this. The server host himself was a "boomer", but didn't act toxic the way these asshole gamers did. The ones I'm talking about were likely in their teens and early 20s still dealing with hormonal instability. Sure, I'm a casual gamer myself, but I'll never understand the cult-like hive mind appeal that many in that community/subculture have.
  10. I got invited to some "boomer" gamer discord server a few days ago, so I joined. But today it went full retard for some inexplicable reason. So I left voluntarily. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the modern gaming community as a whole is full of autistic edgelord assholes. I need some kind of psychological detox. (BTW no offense intended towards folk who have an official autism diagnosis. I'm talking about all the shitbirds that don't have second thoughts slinging around the n-word or being anti-Semite, knocking "libtards" without any prior political context, or referring to females as "thots" by default. They're pestilent scabs as far as I'm concerned.)
  11. This probably sounds like overly broad existential crap. But I'm still having a hard time figuring out where we're headed as a species. I wonder if modern technology especially with the advent of smartphones and social media (I exclude internet because its inception was 30 years ago) has actually hampered our primate instincts at banding together for the sake of support and survival. Like it seems like being socially detached isn't an isolated case, but rather an increasingly widespread phenomenon. For I suspect the aforementioned technology is rewiring our brains, to a degree that we're socially handicapped. And that all this could attribute to the cultural and political divides we see today. Needless to say, I think this trend will make it much more difficult to tackle the global problems we face today, especially the elephant in the room that is climate change. Again, none of this is scientific or academic research in nature. Basically pontificating is all, but based on the daily information intake from online coupled with personal experiences and observations in the past three or four years. TBH I'm trying my best to explain something potentially important that I don't fully understand. Then again, this entire post could probably be summed up in a single dank meme.
  12. I'm back into this atm to commemorate the first anniversary. But after NTS 4 might not come back to it again for a while.
  13. Actual lol @ several of these, but this one especially
  14. Nah, it's probably some corrupted file or something. Try verifying the files through steam, or uninstall and reinstall the game. I'll try uninstalling then downloading and reinstalling after work tonight. In the meantime I've begun a new playthrough in the original Borderlands GOTY as backup, on high graphics settings. I understand the Enhanced version has new gameplay tweaks as well, but to what degree I'm not certain.
  15. Ring Of Fire, Humanist Report, and Rebel HQ for me these days mostly. Kind of have the same sentiments about TYT - they've been feeling more or less like a soap opera lately
  16. Shyot. Hope that doesn't mean I need a new machine. Because the original, BL2, and Pre-Sequel work fine..
  17. I don't care for Dark Souls, although I did try it for like 10 or 15 mins Not my cuppa tea
  18. Decided to try Enter the Gungeon since it was on sale for only $7.49 on Steam. Looks like a DLC just came out for it as well, which I'll probably try later. Pretty cool so far. Also just unlocked the Engineer in Risk of Rain 2. Had to complete 30 stages in order to do so, but I think it was worth it. Now just need to unlock the Artificer and the Mercenary. And I wonder if the Acrid and the Bandit will be returning once the game is complete. Also downloaded Borderlands GOTY Enhanced edition since it was free for owning a copy of the original game. But I'm having an issue where all that's showing is a black screen in game, although the menu and cutscenes seem to be OK. So it's basically unplayable until NVIDIA drops another driver update...hopefully.
  19. ^ social media in general is bullshit Looks like a bird dropped a long white deuce on my bedroom window. Obviously no way to clean it from inside. I hope that bird ends up eating rice.
  20. Final Lotion Boss is finna slide in slo mo Bring rocket launcher
  21. Donnie always prefers children's books with illustrations because they're readable
  22. The only game where speedruns actually grasp my attention
  23. I would vote for Blobfish before either. It wouldn't matter anyway, so long as we still have the electoral college.
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