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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Sounds like Metroid Prime 4 is in development hell basically. As with any game today, it's better that they take their time and be thorough and diligent with their development, than to rush something out all broken and buggy. The Resident Evil 2 remaster just dropped and has been getting positive reviews across the board so far. Now I'm tempted.
  2. Orangutaint can kiss is re-election bid goodbye as far as I'm concerned. This train wreck will be his legacy, and the wall will never happen.
  3. ^ That airing was from May 2014, before Trump even made his big announcement. And some of the comments are suggesting that Bourdain's "suicide" may have actually been a carefully planned hit. Seems a bit suspicious now. Okay...how has that video not gone viral?
  4. Second time McTurtle refused to bring a bill to reopen the government to the Senate floor for a vote. This is usurpation of the democratic process. Somebody off this bastard already.
  5. he's possessed by a bunch of demons or something.. i saw a bit of a preview as well. Sounds kinda like The Omen...
  6. I saw some ad for an upcoming film called The Prodigy whilst waiting for a YouTube clip to load. Apparently it's about some exceptionally smart kid that ends up going on a murderous rampage. Gee whiz, I didn't see that one coming! Seriously, fuck Hollywood. This is why I don't go see new movies anymore. Their writers can't write for shit. Hell, an 8-year-old can write a better story than that.
  7. Donnie can't grow a beard huh. Further proof that he ain't warrior material.
  8. Beware that Zero Hedge link. It stinks of Goebbels style propaganda.
  9. Let’s continue working on our tracks and then get immensely disappointed in ourselves when we get stuck and cry in each other’s arms. edit: here’s my tune Whoa, this is professional quality. I'd say that's a good start. Getting Prefuse 73 vibes for some reason, although this sounds more acoustic. But it's got nice flavor. Mine sounds like muddy garbage in comparison lol
  10. I just buy bird limbs at the store, but that's pretty savage m8. Hope your neighbor doesn't find out that WATMM exists. Or the cops for that matter.
  11. Weird, I just started one as well. Not sure what to do with it now tho.
  12. Is Riley not aware of the suicide forest in Japan fiasco surrounding Logan Paul from a year ago? Vapid thot. EDIT: Oh, she's an adult film actress. Now it makes sense.
  13. Welp, the MAGA crowd are gonna have a field day once they all get wind of this debunk.
  14. Last two kinda go together actually, in an emotional double gut punch sorta way.
  15. I hope that includes the little prick who stared down Nathan. Whether the school is sincere about justice or just doing it to save face, it's a step in the right direction. I hope this possible expulsion will at least knock some sense into them. They're still young, and they're at a ripe age for both making plenty of fuckups and room for self-improvement. My hope is that this behavior will be more difficult in general to get away with without consequences down the road. (I sure said 'hope' a lot)
  16. It took a great deal of restraint for Uncle Nathan not to whack that motherfucker staring him down point blank in his smug face with that drum stick. That or he's so accustomed to facing decades of harassment, intimidation, and oppression that he has master experience under his belt at dealing with it in a peaceful manner. A disturbing thought that these little MAGA shits could be the latest enlistees in our armed forces in a year or two.
  17. Six family members crammed into a single room? God damn.
  18. Here's what needs to happen: 1. Trump gets forced to don a jumpsuit that matches his skin color and then tie his hair into pigtails. Then he gets sent to Kentucky State Penitentiary. 2. McConnell needs to be shoved into the hollowed-out shell of a giant tortoise and kicked down the steps of the Capitol Building, preferably by Italian plumbers. 3. John Bolton's ass just needs a mud-hole stomped in it because he's the most rabid chicken-hawk war criminal motherfucker on the planet.
  19. Yeah CP2077 looks like GTA and Deus Ex had a baby. I have little doubt that it'll be the next big game. I've been playing XCOM: Enemy Within on mobile on the side, and it's a little jankier than I remember. Today I was playing an abduction mission where one of my assaulters had a 94 percent hit chance on a flanked alien and he missed. And on the current terror mission I'm on one of the civilians that got killed by an alien sounded just like Homer Simpson going "d'oh!" As for Metro Exodus (again), supposedly former S.T.A.L.K.E.R. devs were part of the development team, which makes sense.
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