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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I view games as an idle activity more than anything, like watching TV. It's a topic I rarely bring up IRL, and is a hobby that can be easily put on hold when higher priority matters crop up. But I'm not gonna knock anyone who's passionate about it.
  2. ^ I watched that one last night. Someone commented on there, "why are rich people so weird?"
  3. Well maybe it'll be poll time on here then as we inch closer to 2020, see who's the best for the Dems. Although it likely won't affect my final decision.
  4. He's a nigh octogenarian, but that's not a deal breaker for me.
  5. I love how Bernie roasted Howard Schultz in a CBS interview yesterday morning - the same day he made his official announcement. "Oh, isn't that nice?" No one with any common sense should give a flying fuck what Schultz has to say. We should care about him why, because he's a billionaire? Exactly. Well, there ya go. I'm a Bernie bro. Have been for the last three years. He's already raised $1M in campaign donations in less than 4 hours yesterday, not to mention surging in popularity in the 2020 polls. Establishment media is scared of him. Trump and the GOP are scared of him. And so are centrist neoliberal Democrats. It's beautiful.
  6. Actually i'm still using the same pirate copy of Cool Edit 2000 since... around 2000 i guess. Still does the trick. I wish I could still use the original Cool Edit (before Pro), but it won't even run on modern OS or machines. I made an entire EP back in my freshman year of high school using only that and Stomper.
  7. Not people. In-game encounter in the latest Far Cry. It was at least two DA trax. One is Fatty Boom Boom, and another one I've never heard before but recognized Watkin Tudor Jones' Ninja's voice right away. Legend Has It by Run The Jewels is also included in the in-game radio. As for Lindsey Graham...
  8. 1. I saw a YouTube comment today regarding Lindsey Graham, saying that he is the oldest self-hating lesbian in the US Senate. 2. Fuck people who pronounce Die Antwoord "Die Antward". Nobody's dying, and not in a direction involving ants. Use proper Afrikaans phonetics. "Dee Ahntvort". Get it right motherfuckers. 3. I ended up deleting #3 because it felt out of place.
  9. Far Cry: New Dawn. It is basically Far Cry 5.5. But I'm enjoying it anyway so far. It's always fun shooting circular saw blades at a muthafucka or two. And punkish bandits blasting Die Antwoord is a recurring theme, just like in Vaas's house in Far Cry 3.
  10. Just another part of the insanity behind the donnie j travelling shit show. It's amazing how he is never seen interacting with any of his fan club. No photo ops with the coal workers, no chicken fried steak dinners at the main street diners, no roll up the sleeves dirty work. He stands barking on his golden pedestal while they support him blindly, but he wouldn't be able to stand any of them for more than a minute if he actually had a face-to-face conversation with any of them. I mean even the greatest of the snake oil salesmen occasionally had to sample their own product, no? Don't get me wrong - I truly believe many country folk mean well. And in some ways I can empathize. Hell, chicken fried steak sounds delish right now. I just feel like the majority of them have misplaced loyalties in today's political climate. Although I can't blame them for their disdain for neoliberals like Hillary. What we all need to realize - whether conservative or liberal - is that the true enemies are the greedy bastards in power hoarding more than half of the wealth, robbing the rest of us at every turn, and all the public service agencies put in place to help us. That and climate change. If I'm missing the mark here, feel free to correct me, but this is how I understand what's transpired in the overall scheme of things.
  11. No reason? I thought it was obvious. It was about penises, after all.
  12. Welp, Donnie pooped his diaper again over SNL and called for some kind of collusion investigation in one of his latest tweets. Never mind that the show parodied every sitting US president regardless of political party since its premier in 1975.
  13. They never learn anything, do they. Pretty sure Trump doesn't even like country folk. He just likes the attention.
  14. maybe a bunch of hobos are using an external outlet to charge their devices? i've seen that happen in downtown portland. There's an outlet to a post right where I park my car outside, but I've had the breaker to it in the OFF position since I moved into the place almost three years ago. But we have had issues with vagrants around the complex. Just seems like the electric company is charging more than they did the last year or two, although February seems to be the peak month for some reason. Tends to fluctuate in a seasonal sine-wave pattern, as during the months of July and August the bill is as low as the $25 range. Anyway, glad to hear you and your belongings made it out unscathed gh0sty.
  15. R.I.P. Opportunity: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/02/nasa-mars-rover-opportunity-dead-what-it-gave-humankind/ After a 14.5 year journey and 28+ mile trek, its efforts have not been in vain. For one, water with neutral pH confirmed on Mars about 4B years ago, thanks to Opportunity. That and NASA have already officially hinted at Meridiani Planum, Opportunity's landing site, as a potential LZ for human exploration later this century.
  16. I just paid a $270 electric bill this month. I haven't adjusted the thermostat for the past month, and I only ran the dishwasher once. And I turn off all lights before heading to work. So why is it so fucking high??
  17. the anime w/the nazi in the middle did me in. jfc. so much dank all the way up. I didn't get it at first, but in a mid-20th century historical context it makes more sense now. And I feel depraved by what I'm about to say, but it's also kinda hot.
  18. Sounds about right. I just hope mama will give him the ass-whoopin' of a lifetime once she's had enough of his shit.
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