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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I'm finally starting to agree that this situation calls for a national emergency to build a wall. One that's 10 square feet, made of concrete and rebar. With Trump standing in front of it. Then we fell it, Berlin style, circa November 1989.
  2. it's = it is its = third person possessive singular neuter pronoun its'st'n't've'd =
  3. Evangelicals are shitbirds by default and should not be permitted to have any influence in politics, at least at the federal level.
  4. Anarchy is such a misunderstood term. Anarchy does not mean lawlessness or chaos, it simply means leaderless, non-hierarchical. Anarchy works well for small societies. When you have nation states as an organizational basis for a society, then a greater degree of organization is required, and with that comes corresponding hierarchies, as resources (human and natural) need to be prioritized. This is not to say that the current system (nation state) is the best or right one, but simply that organization on this scale will require some sort of governance with resulting structures. I feel like this applies to libertarianism as well. When it comes to that ideology I'll gladly hear out someone rambling about it's merits if they live out in vast, rural land, off the grid, and at best near a town of a few hundred folks. This is perhaps the best IRL example I can think of: But I digress. Page break, back to discussing the Swamp Trump presidency, etc.
  5. Looks cool. It's like Another World/Out Of This World in a post-apocalypse setting.
  6. lol I saw that one too This one is also a must-watch for all Nintendo fans. Same channel.
  7. 1. I saw a vid from 3 years ago that depicted what Earth would look like if all polar ice had melted. And the state of Florida would be completely submerged. 2. Supposedly some experts believe that nuclear power will be a viable option in diverting from carbon-based fuels in combating climate change. But what if a nuclear-powered car got in a high-speed collision... 3. Perhaps when Earth goes tits up in its ability to sustain carbon-based life millions of years down the road, we will have engineered a fully autonomous kingdom of inorganic lifeforms evolved from robots. And they might have reached other star systems by then. But obviously this is wild speculation.
  8. Apparently Vic Berger has been marked an enemy by the Proud Boys (possibly NSFW @ 1:21-1:27)
  9. Needless to say the federal government is rife with both corruption and dysfunction, but at the same time I'll admit that it's preferable to none, i.e. anarchy.
  10. It's astounding how he shits all over literally every piece of legislation beneficial to the general public and the environment. I guess he simply wants to undo everything Obama accomplished out of pure spite. Make it like it never was. At least the GOP no longer have full control of Congress. And the newly elected House Dems have already proven aggressive in the last couple of days. Of course I remain skeptical of their leadership for the long term, but the priority right now is to prove to Trump that he's no autocrat.
  11. I somehow managed to slip back into Borderlands 2 in the last couple of weeks. Itching to reach lvl 50 (as Siren) in TVH mode so I can start using the unique & legendary gear I banked from the previous playthrough. Not gonna bother with UVHM though, fuck that shit. AFAIK BL3 is said to be 85 percent complete, and will possibly release next year, if not later this year. And it'll take place on at least 3 different planets. But come February I think I'll get back into the first two Metro games, so I can warm up for Exodus.
  12. You can usually tell my drunken rant posts apart from my usual ones by the amount of profanity, for which I apologize both in the past and in advance.
  13. I wouldn't worry too much. I've posted more embarrassing shit here than that in the past. Besides, this shit storm of a presidency is still two years away from its end. Hopefully sooner, and praying no later.
  14. MAGA turds are already losing their shit over newly elected AOC and Rashida Tlaib to the now Democratic-controlled House in the 116th Congress. Better get used to it, inbred brownshirt goblins.
  15. Sure, there are countless Fortnite gameplay streams and reaction videos to random crap, but that doesn't mean all new stuff is garbage. You just have to know where to look.
  16. I have a feeling that cable TV may become obsolete within the next decade, or the next two. The way media is evolving, big name channels are becoming increasingly grassroots, particularly on YouTube and other online streaming services, or so it appears. Though that doesn't necessarily mean defeat for the existing major companies that have done broadcasts for decades, but merely adapting.
  17. 46 percent non-voters in 2016. But let's not forget the electoral votes which got us Emperor Orange Poopstain Tantrum Lord McTweet in the first place
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