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EKT Plus
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Status Replies posted by ambermonk

  1. Facebook Like as the new I Love You.

  2. Original text: "Recent Status Updates" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Start with nothing."

  3. Jensen enterate commerstated the pleaded that killed food interal with federate cantaloupes underate commerstate cantaloupes underate cantaloupes were tied to in federate cantaloupes underated 33 peopleas in federal with federal counts

  4. lee mee alon

  5. I want to move to a foreign country. I have a degree and background mostly in culinary arts and baking... Worked in some of the best restaurants in the Seattle area.... Anyone know of a way I can get work and move out of the USA. Hell, even Canada will do... I just want to do something different

  6. out of update ideas

  7. out of update ideas

  8. my favorite artist is Tim Hecker, not Aphex anymore

  9. out of update ideas

  10. out of update ideas

  11. out of update ideas

  12. come on fhqwgahds

  13. What makes something good?

  14. is soundcloud down?

  15. Defenestration of fluids

  16. Defenestration of fluids

  17. Defenestration of fluids

  18. *attention whoring*

  19. *attention whoring*

  20. Comment on the state of WATMM

  21. Comment on the state of WATMM

  22. Comment on the state of WATMM

  23. Mod be deletin' my urinal rectum updates ALL THE MOTHERFUCKIN TIME, YO

  24. Political statement


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