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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. By "latter" I meant Trump getting elected means we need the "former", being Dank Memes and such.
  2. Seems a bit redundant innit. But then again you have both a Funny Pics and a Dank Memes thread. I dunno. Maybe there's a way to merge the two threads pertaining to Trump, but probably the easiest way for the Admins/Mods would be to simply lock the US Presidential Campaign (2016) thread, which was about an election that already concluded three months ago. If you think about it, the latter necessitates the former.
  3. Dis why you gotta set the alarm for 7:30 and not 19:30 Thanks Betsy!
  4. At least the alternative would be a tiny bit less aggresive... Meaning we'd be stuck with Pence? I dunno...a proper replacement may not come until January 2021, in which case we'd have to just suck it up and ride it out the next four years. November 2018 though...maybe we can flip Congress then. Maybe. This is the most optimistic I can be right now. I fear any re-election of these tools at this point could mean an overall purge of political power on the left. It does seem like grassroots dissent is growing more and more though.
  5. Nixon was threatened with impeachment, but resigned first. Clinton was the last POTUS to actually be impeached but remained in office for the rest of his second term. The term itself is somewhat broad though. It can either mean charging an official with misconduct, or removing from office because of said misconduct, depending on context (or order of procedure). Still not ruling out the possibility in the case of Trump, but we have to ask ourselves if his replacement would be any more benevolent.
  6. Not all that surprised. All but two Republicans voted Yes, everyone else No. This gubmint is fubar.
  7. (Did I post this one here already? I don't remember. Whatever, fuck it.)
  8. If the job of POTUS is a living hell, then that's exactly what he deserves.
  9. They fuckin floored it as soon as McClintock closed the car door. Who's scared now?
  10. Frustrated, disgruntled mansplainer "m'lady" bros have likely coalesced into the alt-right we witness today
  11. She seemed more shocked that it knocked her fuckin tea onto her lap than by the mere fact that it was a live fuckin crab in the middle of the table on dry land. Perhaps these crustaceans are smarter than we think.
  12. This might be the most intelligent thing I've posted on WATMM in a long time
  13. The fact that there is dissent within Trump's own party gives me a little hope. Lisa Murkowski has been a GOP senator in my state for a while, but she's making the right move by opposing the DeVos appointment. Also Hawaii's GOP leader Beth Fukumoto is likely to switch sides. I've heard some Democrats have been switching sides too, but if they're the corporate shill types that only means they're showing their true colors. Best to weed them out anyway. As for Conway, she reminds me of one of those Hagravens from Skyrim.
  14. I'm proud of Murkowski for making the decision to vote no on DeVos's confirmation. But the fact that from the GOP side it's only her and ONE other senator...isn't reassuring.
  15. You do make a fair point tho Limpy. IRL in my daily public dealings, I'm not just gonna ask every person I know if they vote Republican and if they answer yes, I'm not gonna be like "well fuck you then." Because we all still share the land, despite our political differences. But at the same time I'm concerned that the current regime will fundamentally overhaul our political system, to the point where GOP politicians fully consolidate their party power and effectively ban future elections altogether. I hope I'm wrong.
  16. And as a result, this is what they'll teach kids in school henceforth
  17. Definition of trump 1a : trumpetb chiefly Scotland : jew's harp 2 : a sound of or as if of trumpeting <the trump of doom> So a doom fart basically.
  18. I just found out I was inexplicably and involuntarily logged out of FB. Then I had to go thru some profile/identity confirmation bullshit "for security reasons." And at the end, I got a message saying something like "to prevent this from happening again, please review our Community Standards." I think somebody reported me. Presumably for speaking out against Trump, his supporters, and his policies. I'd be damned if any press, media, or commentary not adhering to Trump's liking be censored. Fuck that shit. In the meantime, I'm probably due for a password change anyway.
  19. Apparently more than half of the country already disapproves of Trump...and not even two full weeks in.
  20. There was a protest in my city last night against Trump's immigration ban. And now I'm seeing on the local news FB page all these anti-immigration comments, some going as far as to equate immigrants with terrorists outright. And of course pulling the "fake news" card in the process. Freedom of the press in itself seems to be increasingly vulnerable these days. I swear these Trump minions are like mindless zombies.
  21. He could be impeached, but that wouldn't necessarily mean termination. Bill Clinton was the last POTUS to get impeachment (cuz Monica) but he still served his full second term. Even if he were to be forced out somehow, Mike Pence would likely succeed him, who I understand is potentially even more dangerous. As for how long? Four years TOPS. He's just too unstable, not to mention a political amateur. If our government has a shred of sanity left he absolutely will not gain a second term.
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