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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. No worries Chen. I always appreciate a fresh perspective on the matter.
  2. Sorry Chen, I wasn't exactly sure how credible that article would be to someone more familiar with the affairs of that particular region. I know you've been to DPRK personally. But you're right about it being mostly speculation. I think unification is still attainable through meetings between DPRK and RoK officials, but of course the most stable approach would take time.
  3. Maybe next step is Bill O'Rly will do some stupid enough to land him in jail and he'll drop the soap bar in the prison shower. "We're doing it LIVE! Fucking thing sucks!"
  4. I only began listening to AZD yesterday but haven't finished. Nothing's jumped out at me yet, but there's no mistaking that 4/4 step minimalist ambient house style of his. I will definitely listen to this multiple times to let it sink in. Splazsh is probably my favorite album so far, but I'm inclined to give this one patience.
  5. Sure thing man =) Actually made another batch a little while ago, to bring to work tomorrow. Having a farewell potluck for a coworker. And I just made fried rice pancakes for dinner. Pretty tasty when drizzled with that Japanese squeeze mayo and okonomi sauce. Plus a little ground black pepper for garnish.
  6. Korean unification...sounds like a dream come true on paper, but in reality could end up doing more harm than good: http://38north.org/2016/06/gtoloraya060916/ While it could give long-separated families the chance to reunite, there's also the risk that Northerners would be treated as second-class citizens in a reunification scenario, since the DPRK is more or less considered a rogue state in the RoK's constitution. Plus it could further ramp up regional tensions, particularly between China and the US. Not saying it'll never happen, but it likely won't any time soon.
  7. The OP just got banned four years ago
  8. I'd put my money on Fat Boy, he's less than half the age of Orange Clown. heh That's a good point, but he might quickly get sweaty and winded. They're both at disadvantages physically. I remember some time last month seeing Orange wearing a similar jacket. Hawkish politicians pretending to be generals. Image how real veterans would feel about that.
  9. Fat Boy and Orange Clown are so much alike tho, personality-wise I'd rather they be thrown into a boxing ring together so we can watch them have at it to our amusement. If the rest of us are to get involved in their pissing match, then that's the best way.
  10. Hmm, I'm Russian and don't know what Russian potato salad is. Have a good recipe to share? =) I followed this one the first time: http://natashaskitchen.com/2009/12/23/olivye-ukrainian-potato-salad/ The nice thing about salat oliv'ye is you can take some liberties in how you make it. There's no single set-in-stone way. For example, instead of ham and green onions I sauteed Polish sausage and yellow onion together in butter in a separate sauce pan. And you don't really need dill if your pickles are already dill. And I used Japanese mayo because it's creamy and can be dispensed directly from a squeeze bottle, which is nice. And don't forget to enjoy with your favorite beer
  11. Russian potato salad I made. And PBR.
  12. "Hurr hurr look at me I'm an old despotic prick"
  13. I have no idea what new musics to listen to for 2017.
  14. The people who still support him have some fetish for aggressive military action. This feels like the end times of the Roman Empire all over again. Only now the weaponry and tech are vastly more destructive. At this rate who knows if we all survive the next six months. To my fellow non-Americans, I'm deeply sorry for this orange shithead we ended up with.
  15. This should be the new Jung typology classification. Poseiden should shave all facial hair and gain 75 lbs, 30 years, and a toupee though. Also lol @ The Aphex Twins. I was waiting for some time for someone to come up with the appropriate context and it finally happened.
  16. Oh, that's what it was. Couldn't remember if he reached for it first or he already carried it as he exited his vehicle. Still, those cops realized about a minute later that they fucked up big time. Seeing the big fat porker on the right made me think their training standards ought to be even further reevaluated. At least the guy they pulled over and shot survived. But I'd imagine he'd harbor a deep grudge against cops for the rest of his life.
  17. Saw an AJ+ video this morning of a USAF veteran getting pulled over at night after rear-ending a semi in Oklahoma, and then got shot by the local PD the moment he stepped out of his car. He was reaching for his wallet. And here's another video on what to do if some assholes forcibly remove you from a commercial flight
  18. If we ever get an entire page in this thread that has nothing to do with Nintendo products, I'm gonna pop open a bottle of champagne.
  19. Trump, Roger Stone, and these other old white guys in his inner circle...how could they occupy these positions and act so...unprofessional?
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