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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Shit, totally forgot there was new Datach'i. And I'm hungry for new music. Thanks for reminding me.
  2. Had to sit thru a 2.5 hour annual meeting with the condo association, which would've been more bearable had a couple of individuals not instigated drama. There was one uptight dickhead who tried to engage in verbal (thankfully not physical) altercations twice, and then an older lady who requested that one of the board members be voted off because she claimed he was mean to her. She droned on for about half an hour before we heard that board member's side of the story, and he set the record straight. We then ultimately voted to keep him on board. Really tempted to just submit the fucking proxy next year. Preferable to the $50 fine alternative anyway.
  3. Largely the reason why dank memes are spiritual life support. Well, guess we'll see if the EC has any balls left in a week.
  4. Five, apparently. I swear departments these days look for the most insecure white men in society for recruitment.
  5. Finally trying out Fallout 4 with mods, now that it's been out for over a year. Decided to start a fresh playthrough from scratch tho in case it corrupted any previous saves. Playing through the prologue again though on the day of nuclear armageddon struck a deeper chord this time with me. Just thinking like "please, don't let this game end up being a simulator for real life"
  6. Finally. Probably not a coincidence that the announcement came during the self-deployment of veterans (including Tulsi Gabbard) to aid the people of Standing Rock. Not sure if this means halting construction altogether though, or if it merely implies rerouting of the pipeline.
  7. Learned the hard way why studded tires are a must during the winter. After one damn day of snowfall I couldn't make it up the same hill I've been traversing nearly every day for the last two weeks. #AKproblems
  8. Yeah HLD is my favorite indie game of this year for sure. Best music in the game is in the Western region IMO. Though if I were you I'd start in the East and work your way counterclockwise.
  9. It sounded like the rule was still under the restriction that they cannot hack citizens' computers and other devices indiscriminately though - rather, that it applied primarily to perps and victims of crimes for investigative purposes.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgHkrY6v-Ko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj5DWB5a2n8
  11. Gonna need a lot of it to make it through the next 4 years. I was gonna say, it's still appropriate. It better be 4 and not double.
  12. Will be broke again in a few days, but I'll survive to next payday. Been thru this bullshit too many times tho.
  13. Budweiser and Miller are ass IMO. If I want a cheap beer I'll take a PBR over them any day.
  14. It's not necessarily the racism factor that's in danger of becoming normalized in Murica. It's the unhinged factor.
  15. Was that OSU shooting out of a political disagreement tho? I'm only seeing speculation so far. I've yet to read any official reports on the actual motive.
  16. I've had Win 10 for over a year now, but last night was the first time I'd seen that pop-up. IE has always been the least impressive of web browsers. MS Edge is merely new paint as far as I'm concerned.
  17. Got some pop-up notification from Microsoft Edge (formerly Internet Explorer) saying something like "we're 62 percent more effective at fighting malware than Firefox" or some bullshit. Fuck off Microsoft. I'll take Firefox over The Artist formerly known as IE any day.
  18. (cue pointing and laughing en masse at The Donald) Posted Fucking Image
  19. ^ yeah I saw someone quote something to that effect on FB the other day He may not destroy the country outright, but I don't foresee his impact to be anything but destructive either. Though he may not even keep half of his promises to the alt-Reich. Who the hell knows at this point
  20. If only we could have a cat for POTUS. We do have a cat as a mayor in my state though, in a town about 113 miles north of where I live.
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