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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. ban ban Wyvern had it coming tho, and not because of that post
  2. Mberuca explained to folks outside the US: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/america ALso fuck Bill O'Rly right in the pussy
  3. Borderlands 2 again, this time as the Commando. I still haven't played any DLCs beyond Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. As tacky and cartoonish a lot of the game's aesthetics are, it's so damn addictive. Played a little RE4 again the other day as well, but I had mouse lag issues with both games until last night, thanks to a rather simple hardware fix.
  4. Yeah I think there are a few other childfree WATMMers who would also be all Beefneck looks like a cross between Henry Rollins and Chet Wagner from Deus Ex: HR.
  5. Some jokes of a news outlet still do apparently. Everyone else wants to get on with their lives and not be bothered anymore with such inane bullshit.
  6. This post probably belongs in the FWP thread, but I'm so sick of hearing about the god damn Palins. They're like the white trailer trash version of the Kardashians. And this is coming from a guy who's lived in Alaska for half his life.
  7. Yeah congrats Josh. Damn I'm a few days late aren't I. But still...congrats. Finally fixed the issue with my mouse lag when gaming on my laptop, after nearly two days of frustration. I have Win 8.1 and I heard that alone has caused mouse lag when it was first released, but then after several unsuccessful patch update attempts and a registration edit yesterday, I discovered just a half hour ago it was a stupidly simple hardware issue. All I had to do was plug the USB receiver into the port on the side facing the wireless mouse so there wouldn't be signal interference. The receiver and the mouse just had to be closer together. Wouldn't be the first time a simple solution is discovered to a frustrating problem.
  8. [youtubehd]dQCSWPFnjbU[/youtubehd] I'm 100 percent on the guard's side here. Tourist is a fucking idiot.
  9. Must be in regards to that Yulin dog meat festival in China from a week ago. I didn't bother watching any of those vids because I'd already seen enough factory farm ones last month - part of the reason I stopped buying beef and pork products. As disturbing as that event is to most of us Westerners though, is it really our place to delegate authority over another country's traditions?
  10. I think the birds that hang out outside our work building are plotting something. I've seen more bird crap than usual the past couple of days, and yesterday my coworkers reported that there were birds all lined up along the fence line when they showed up and then flew away. I've even seen the occasional magpie creep into our building. Probably a spy.
  11. Super Smash Bros too - that has a special place in my heart. I liked the original Turok as well, mainly for the ridiculous enemy deaths and character animations.
  12. Power was out for over an hour in our building at work. And then at the end of the shift I nearly got in a collision in the company vehicle at an intersection because another driver tried to cut me off in the lane I was turning onto even though I had the right of way. Getting tired of idiot drivers here. Can't let it ruin my day tho.
  13. [youtubehd]36m1o-tM05g[/youtubehd] Pretty sharp fella. He gave this speech only a month before he passed. R.I.P.
  14. You guys are still going on about Bloodborne and Dark Souls? God damn. At least in November we'll all be talking about Fallout 4 instead.
  15. [youtubehd]7T5K-IO0234[/youtubehd]
  16. Simmm, Paralel Suns, Rale, and especially Chenc9 are the main trax that keep me coming back to Quaristice. Plus 2008 was an important year for me in a personal sense.
  17. Ae's Kalpol Introl. Geez I haven't heard it in ages. Also part of the soundtrack for Pi - the only film to feature Ae (that I know of) Also discovered this chick's work today [youtubehd]aKZvQqZm69k[/youtubehd]
  18. I used to get a migraine attack every Friday after work back when I had a stressful job. First the tension eased, I felt really light and energetic then *BAM* migraine halos followed by a stinging headache. It was pretty shitty. That migraine is exactly the problem I've had all day. Fortunately an hour-long nap fixed that.
  19. I'm always tired and cranky on Friday nights.
  20. "A police spokesman said they were looking for a slim white male suspect, aged around 21, with sandy blond hair and wearing a grey sweatshirt, blue jeans and Timberland boots." This would finally be one instance where the "shoot to kill" tactic by authorities would be justified. Don't waste resources trying to throw this shit sack in the slammer.
  21. Autopilot basically answered your question. Both the Brutal Doom mod and GZDoom are free downloads, but you still need the original Doom WADs. BD enhances overall gameplay as well as sprite animations.
  22. Brutal Doom v20 is pretty damn fun. Once you've tried Brutal Doom, you pretty much can't go back to "vanilla". I thought I heard Sgt. Mark IV was gonna release new maps down the road as well, but I'm not sure exactly when. No doubt Id Software got inspiration for some of the execution moves for the next Doom installment from Brutal Doom's iconic "Rip and Tear" feature.
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