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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I think you were in the right. Some people just can't take criticism when making bold statements, which is why she'd delete you instead of rebutting. And people like that aren't really your friends to begin with.
  2. we can't always win

  3. God damn, Luke. I'm surprised you still have two thumbs. Sounds cliché but I'd see a doc if it becomes a prolonged issue. Ditto. I wouldn't panic over it tho. These days I think we socialize more online than we do IRL.
  4. Yeah the boss fights in DX:HR were laughably easy, once you figure out the tricks. Then again same with the JC Denton original, if you learn their killphrases. I'm thinking about buying the Director's Cut tomorrow actually, especially in light of the latest installment coming soon.
  5. Another halfwit GOP douchebag in favor of bombing Iran http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/08/tom-cotton-iran-several-days_n_7026180.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000013
  6. Yeah it's official - DX: Mankind Divided. Nice change of pace from all these gothic/Victorian/steampunk-themed games that get hyped to the skies around here. Certainly something to look forward to.
  7. ^ Still too early to say who the next prez is. This shit with racist white cops finding any excuse to attack or kill unarmed black men has got to stop though.
  8. [youtubehd]AADbnoHpu9A[/youtubehd]
  9. Hey that's progress right. You've still got more experience than me in that game.
  10. And I'm playing F.E.A.R. from ten years ago. Oh yeeeaah
  11. One of my all-time faves, but I believe no game is completely glitch-free. One one playthrough I approached that "remembrance" stone in Boulder City where the one NCR soldier was kneeling, and then two Radscorpions approach and I help him fight them off, but then he runs up to me all angry and snarled "WTF are you doing?? You're desecrating a war memorial!" Made no fuckin sense
  12. Think I wrote a "pop" song in a dream I just had in my late afternoon slumber, called "Grand Am". I guess it's supposed to be "Grand" and "Can Am" put together, I dunno. I visualized a music video some dude who looked like CeeLo Green in a fancy white shirt and jeans in his signature Coke sunglasses, and he was rappin about his Grand Am. It was semi-annoying to be honest, but there was this cool skipping effect in part of the song.
  13. I see GTA V is available for PC pre-order. I've never played it, but after seeing the trailers and the reviews, it's tempting.
  14. I wish there were like an hour-long window in our work shifts to take a brief snooze right after lunch, or mid-afternoon. That would be nice. Another sudden FWP: I accidentally dropped my cordless mouse into a glass of cranberry juice and now it doesn't work properly. FUCK. Oh well. A replacement shouldn't be too expensive.
  15. lol stop drinking coffee at night dude. switch to a caffeine free herbal tea. chamomile is your friend Yeah chamomile is pretty much a natural sedative innit. I didn't even stay up late last night though - just ended up waking up @ 4 AM and messed around til I got sleepy again. At least I'm not back to work til tomorrow.
  16. Sleep problems. Given how there's medical claims that insufficient sleep leads to memory loss, obesity, and cardiac arrhythmia, I probably shouldn't allow this to persist for too long. Then again maybe I need to quit drinking coffee at night.
  17. ambermonk


    Made some legit teriyaki-flavoured Spam musubi for dinner. Oh wait..
  18. Don't get too stiff now... [youtubehd]h_Efx9BGrcI[/youtubehd]
  19. More of a bewilderment than a problem, but all the sudden there's like five "byebye WATMM" threads. I just think it's kinda lol wtf. Bet Joyrex is gonna need lots of coffee next Monday morning. EDIT: Disregard, looks like a sweep's been made.
  20. Got bored with Fallout 3, so trying my hand again @ Hotline Miami 1, which I last played on Oct 2013 I think. Haven't played the second one yet because I never beat the first.
  21. Looks legit. There was some game like that I remember playing on the SNES back in '92 I think but I don't remember the name. Also it would be nice to see something again like Raptor: Call of the Shadows, where you can earn cash by destroying bad guys and then buy/sell weapons and gear between missions.
  22. Indeed he is a gentleman. I think I'm just out of my element right now, apologies
  23. Also just saw a photo posted on FB thru Instagram of two custom donuts - one designed like a bear and another designed like a chicken. When I see stupid kawaii crap posted like that I start to prefer a lead pipe upside my head.
  24. 1. Boring posts on FB get a bunch of likes, and I feel obligated to "like" it too, but I give too little of a shit to do so. Either that or I'm a misanthropic cunt. 2. Vanuatu just got hit hard by a hurricane, but I'm too poor to make any substantial contribution. If I were a rich motherfucker, I guarantee I'd donate most of my scratch to charity. I couldn't care less about gold-diggin' hoes looking for sugar daddies. I almost thought you were gonna say something else instead of recording, but disregard.
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