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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Sounds like a new track from the ep. First keyosc, then jaeded...
  2. LOL Jaded? Us? hahahaha
  3. Supposedly it was MDG leaking the news. You might want to get used to the idea of there not being an imminent release of a new ep... although he might have a better chance of hitting the target in the bulls eye when it comes to ae. seeing he has NO track record about leaking ae info.
  4. could be bees. dunno. but it sure needs some captions whatever the case. (this isn't another girls jumping headfirst into mud or anything....)
  5. Ehm, without some funny captions this looks like a bear being tasered... O_o or catching some bees or ants with his nose...
  6. L-event is like Ae saying they're aiming for a different audience:
  7. Watching House of Cards atm. Loving Spacey play such characters. Although those talking to the audience bits seem a bit off. Spacey is a good enough actor for the audience to read his thoughts from his face. There's no need to make those blunt statements for the audience.
  8. Left (the building) event?
  9. Lesley event. Very clever. ;D
  10. we should send them a thank you gift :twoism: In Ae-fashion:
  11. Ehm, when was the last time they released a regular EP length EP? I can't (= don't want to) remember.
  12. A toast to AE's next LP-length EP!
  13. I don't think I entirely agree, but the smackos point hit the head full on, imo. People liking this album should definitely check out "Pacific Northwest Sasquatch Research" and "Computer Day" to a lesser extent as well (although "Radioshack" could be on TH). "This plane might not make it baby" (from PNSR) already has all those electronic soundtrack vibes from third rate action movies from the 80s, for instance. Biggest difference is perhaps Legowelts shtick of being playful and using goofups in tracks, imo.
  14. Whatever man. sya hi to faye. and don't stick it where coutnless others have
  15. Yeah we should do a fancy joint. You should invite hoodie too, btw. I'm currently on her shitlist, so she wont accept mine. And a joint might straighten out those "rough edges" in our relationship.
  16. no probs. i know your posting style and responded back in similar style, i assssumed. no biggy as far as i'm concerned. hoodie apparently thinks otherwise. so i send her a pm saying sorry and stuff, but she never responded. no date for me and hoodie.
  17. everyone convinced raise your hand. ... thanks for trying though, mr. ass
  18. sextism? edit: you should post your scores mistere. lets have a larf.
  19. I've got another proposition. The people scoring 0-10 can go sitting at the sideline eating some popcorn. The people in the 11-31 range can tirelessly argue with each other how the tests are invalid, the world is stupid and they're more right than others. And the people in the 32-50 department are allowed to go home to where they want to be.
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