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Everything posted by goDel

  1. strange view. like she has literally no impact policies and legislations or any decision making whatsoever. apart from PR. if she gives bs in pressbriefings she should def. get flack. but this wasn't a press briefing, so why single her out this way? can't follow your logic here. lets just agree to disagree. fine to have a different opinion. hope you understand where I'm coming from. wasn't calling her a victim either btw.
  2. She is not a victim here at all...not a messenger either, a wilful participant in lie after lie as well as an apologist for repeated disgusting racism, misogyny and corruption as well as of course militarism and attacks on the poor while supporting the rich to the hilt...the comparison to Aunt Lydia is spot on. Huckabee deserves an hour all to herself. Perhaps. But she shouldn't be singled out this way in a setting where the entire government is game. You might as well spend an hour on Devon Nunes. I mean if you want to shoot an animal in the wild, have a look at that one. With giving Huckabee relatively more attention, you're basically implying she deserves it more than others. That's just silly, imo.
  3. Yeah, I thought hers was pretty good. My only grapes with the sarah huckabee thing was that she spent to long on sarah. At some point you have to acknowledge you're just shooting the messenger. Good to have a couple of shots. But it got a bit painful because of the amount of attention she got, imo. Other than that, she really had some good jokes in there. It was great. Loved the Minaj one as well, btw. Liked both of them better than the Norm one. But that one's got classic status. Imo a bit overrated. You had to be there, I guess. It's the novelty thing adding to that status.
  4. I like the current symbolism about NK changing it's timezone to match the international standards and the concession about closing the nuclear test site. But, it can still be just words and intentions. What does NK want in return? Obviously it will be about the US giving NK more space with respect to those sanctions. And there the question will be what the US wants in exchange for that? As currently it looks like NK is willing to move. But how much and in which direction? Things currently look positive, I guess. But if the US will be hard on those sanctions, they might leave NK little space to retreat into the tiny box they've created for themselves. In other words, I'm actually more worried about the position of the US in the coming session. The current willingness of NK to move looks sincere from where I'm sitting. But Trumps White House and sincerity seem mutually exclusive most of the time.
  5. I respect your opinion, but I'm going to trust the people who have actively been involved in the negotiations on where credit is due. yeah. i mean, the "should" looks good on paper and all. in principle. but the world just works a little bit different. as far as i'm concerned, the positive of trump is that he brings a certain amount of 'crazy' to the table. and in certain circumstances that can be a positive. because it might force parties out of a current status quo. so, in a way, all this talk in the media that trump is unstable and unpredictable can work in his favor. another positive of 'crazy trump' is that it could make it easier for north-korea to appear rational, for whatever thats worth. it drives north and south closer together, because the third wheel on the car is wonky. the other wheels simply have to work together. before trump, i'd argue north-korea always was the wonky third wheel. which is a difficult when you want to come to some kind of agreement. crazy trump might just have levelled the playing field between north and south. but chen is the specialist around here. so im looking forward to read his views. regardless though, it looks like a historic event!
  6. So about that end all track, have seanrob been open about doing drugs in the past? It's hard to imagine that track works while being sober. Unless you work in guantanamo bay or something, and are in the business of torture. :p I felt like a cat that got a bucket of water thrown at it. Skipped the track. And fairly sure about not going there soon again. These guys must be inspired by some outrageous trips they've had.
  7. The thing of the last session on vinyl is actually is that the tracks will be sped up. Last track twice the speed! You thought it was ambient, but instead... seriously though: totally forgot about todays session and downloaded it straight from bleepstores. the minute i saw it had 5 tracks... bwaahahaha..you kind know the direction. that last track being an hour long. haven't heard it at this point, but it's quite amusing reading about this track while it was live. currently up at playing column thirteen. i wont be the biggest fan of these longer ambient tracks, but they sound interesting. it's a bit like watching 2001. at first its a bit of a wtf. but if you bend your mind around it, its good at what its trying to do. (still havent heard that final track though...) and wouldn't be surprised these tracks work on different speeds btw
  8. Really interesting to see the dynamic between Trump and Macron. Looks like Macron understands who Trump is and is able to push all the right buttons. Or rather, it looks like Trump thinks this is the case, if you know what I mean. It's about the way Trump drops his guard when he's around Macron. Compare that with when he's with Merkel, for instance. There seems to be a positive chemistry. Which could be concerning (eg. The 'chemistry' between Trump and Putin), but Macron appears to make the right statements publicly. So I don't believe it's some sort of malign conspirators kind of chemistry (again, see Trump and Putin). They have good chemistry regardless of differing positions. I almost start to believe Macron to be the kind of guy who can keep Trump on track on international policies. Even though Trump is explicitly on the protectionist/nationalist track. Which would be nice. But it's this chemistry thing which makes it interesting. How can, or does, Macron push the right buttons, when many others can not? He's explicitly influencing Trump on an international stage. And to me it looks like he's doing a hell of a job!
  9. The 6 stages of grief: 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance 6. Have Michael Cohen sue Alex Jones for you fixt! :)
  10. if this keeps on building like this...brilliant stuff! :D
  11. sean playing the electric guitar. first try. :) rob doin the drums
  12. curious what fluorescentgrey has to say about this on the tweeterfeed. I'm sure he thinks we all need to be brought before the hague court for our opinions. needs more greenwald, so to speak ;-p
  13. you should google "syrian airlines" and take a visit to inspect the situation yourself. in all honesty though, the way russia dismissed the entire story makes me believe it's probably true. when they're going on the offense about something being *fake*, it's likely they're (part) to blame. (eg. skripal, mh17)
  14. remember obama? the time when the us still had some kind of diplomacy? those were the days. nowadays, a lack of diplomacy seems to have been upgraded to "non-interventionist". which is kinda ironic. when obama was confronted with gas attacks in syria (and had that invisible red line), he went for diplomatic options. in trumps case, tomahawks. not saying tomahawks are bad or god, or anything, but non-interventionist? why? and more pragmatic? does that mean he's acting without a plan or something? not sure how that's going to work out. it may appear to be non-intervnetionist, for whatever reason - i really don't know why - , but with shrinking diplomatic abilities, things will be able to escalate sooner rather than later. good luck there in the us. doing non-interventionist us politics in a 19th century kind of way.
  15. Mattis. Arguably Kelly as well. Doubts about Bolton. He looks to me more like the barking dog type. Lots of barking. Less stupid actions. But Mattis and Kelly though. And essentially the entire top at Defense. Again, influence the news cycle? Hire some Mexicans doing crazy stuff. Or have some fake news about Chinese tariffs.
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