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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Don't think its that simple. In the world of electronic music, volume of sales will be low regardless. Also, it doesnt even make sense. You know what else fosters sales? Commercials! You make it known to people they can buy something which they dont have, but what they really need to be happy. Now, which strategy would foster more sales? It's not that hard to figure out.... yeah right. In bizarro world most likely... come on
  2. Wanna hear it! Q: do we really have to regress to the pre internet age where releases were some unknown and unobtainable ghosts. And the most interesting thing about music is it's rarity? As opposed to what it actually sounds like. Ima bit frustrated about this being such an obscure thing that even if you search on clone you cant find the release. What up withat?
  3. God, i love hi scores. Gonna play that again :) Wake me up when the next release is official. Until that time, there's way too much conspiracies and i dont want to bother
  4. Please let there be a Melanie with one of those NDA's as well. PLeeeease! ;)
  5. i was desperately googling susan and roberta, and this is all i got
  6. Sounds fishy. If you search clone by title, you get another ep. Also a 4 tracker. Coincidence? https://clone.nl/item17050.html
  7. his buddies in the middle east wanted him out of the iran deal, so he did...
  8. goDel


    yeah thx, dad! found it already. couple of good tunes on that comp. sounds like an interesting label there. good to have spotted it :) edit: i don't use bandcamp search function. just google. gets yu there as well ;)
  9. goDel


    Yeah, great track (raar!). Will need to track that down somewhere. :) Here's a couple. Wouldn't necessarily put it in the acid box, but they share the DNA, if you will. (actual acid gets old quick, imo)
  10. What the hell were you eating before? Fastfood/snickers diet!?
  11. Good post. Thx. It's better to let it stand on its own, I guess. That inflation/employment relationship though I can respond to. It basically boils down to inflation pumping up prices of goods. Such that people will have relatively less money to spend ( prices go up, but what about the wages? If they don't go up as well, you're fkt). People buy less, and demand for goods drops. On top of that, jobs will decline as well, because the demand is lower. Lower demand results in less jobs. And with the amount of people not shrinking with it ( people dont bend that way. They're people!), you've got a toxic incentive to keep wages where they are. Or worse, dropping wages. And this cycle will reenforce itself. (The fed is literally there to try to prevent this from happening and see it coming, so government can be warned to do something. As government is, or used to be one of the view stakeholders with influence in the outcome of this cycle. If only because they have some control/ influence over how much money people can spend. If you lower taxes, people can spend more. And they can implement programs , like foodstamps, to help people out. You probably need some of both ( programs bot necessarily need to be foodstamps obvsly), but both tend to bite. The government cant spend more when it has less money to spend ( less working people, means less taxes/income for governments). Lots of factors involved, although the individual relationships between those appear fairly straightforward. It's complex because the amount of interdepencies. Makes it more difficult to predict as well, btw. Still though, thx for your point of view. Good to have a better picture of life in the rustbelt. My point of view is obvsly one of looking at it from the outside. Which has its limitations...
  12. Well, yeah I can see where you're coming from. But it wouldn't be the first time we're wrong about "Trump supporters". Sure, I'm currently on the wrong side of history, so to speak. Or rather, seemingly perpetuating the nonsense we've been listening to during the 2016 election cycle. But the thing about support for especially someone like Trump, is that there's a lot of principled people involved. There are currently a lot of supporters who don't necessarily like his tweeting behaviour, for instance. But would they still support him? Sure they do! They either say those scandals are unimportant or part of "fake news". Or they've made a calculation about the supreme court and all that. But regardless of why they still support him, I believe people in the current political climate tend to show full on support out of principle to begin with. They rarely show doubt. Often it's black/white. Added to that, there's even a social risk involved. In many communities it's an "you're either with us or against us" kind of thing, I'd argue. So it's pretty hard to get to peoples real positions in a safe way. Do people feel safe to show their opinion? (Ironically, support for Trump is very related to anger about the feeling of not being heard in Washington for the past years. And his better polling, currently, might be from people feeling those numbers are too much part of the national discussion, so they might be more favourable in polls just to get rid of that nonsense.) Also, they drank the cool-aide and although they currently might have their reservations, aren't willing to outwardly admit they possibly made a mistake. Still, lots of them wouldn't consider it a mistake, I'm sure. And lots of them, I believe, show support for the president, despite him being Trump. It's their guy, the president of the US. They're going for him. If you're for the US, you're for the president. This is why this "threshold" is so important. The situation is such that things can only start to visibly change when it's already too late. Until then, it remains invisible. I expect this change in public opinion to be pretty sudden. More sudden than you'd expect. And pretty unexpected. Until the next guy. And when the next guy's in charge, yeah, then their true feelings with respect to Trump come out. Until then, not a chance, imo. You can already kind of see it in the "blue wave". Votes are changing. Things are moving on a local level. But that's not the same as change on a national level. It's definitely related, though. Regardless of what the national polls say. This change of public opinion will come in different ways and forms. Expect it to be largely invisible until it's too late. In hindsight, it'll be more obvious. But that's always from hindsight.
  13. Not sure if they don't care. Especially when 'people' want to get rid of all those scandals. If 'people' want to get rid of his scandals, I wouldn't argue his strategy is working. It's only working when people believe him and support him. It'd be more interesting to see when supporters start to get tired of him. Could still take a while though. But I'm sure it will. And when it happens, things can change faster than you can spell "subpoena". It's a kind of threshold thing, where things stay invisible until it's too late.
  14. My my, Michael Bloomberg 2020. He's still publicly denying it, but when asked, his eyes get fired up and he goes into a policies rant like any potential candidate would, or should. And he would be a good candidate, imo. ;) Long interview. Things about his potential run come at the end. From 20:45 it's about whether he sees potential candidates. He goes into a rant about what presidents should do, from 22:00 onwards. And at 24:30, on the odds of himself running "not very high". After which he goes into a rant about what should happen politically. So yeah, he's preparing for a run. ;) Read: Trump is tiresome. Can we talk about the world post-Trump? Or too soon? We should buy him an island and leave him there with Stormy Daniels.
  15. He's a comic book villain that never was supposed to become the president. But he is. And he's doing villainous (or at least close to it) stuff besides playing golf and watching TV. It's more about the people still supporting him at this point. In particular his co-conspirators. Netanyahu? Yeah, no surprises there, I guess.
  16. Is it possible to be more wrong? Haha, wonder if naming the tracks casual was trolling this review
  17. It's your telly/news/media. It's the kind of thing that I think is obvious to all outsiders. This. When on holidays I got to view actual American networks I was surprised by the amount of nonsense and fear-mongering people are bombarded with. Non stop. That can't be healthy.
  18. My first thought: there are some people who want Kelly out. Basically the same people who talked with the authors of this article. Kelly is too much of a military man to do the stuff mentioned, imo. This is highly unlikely. There's a couple of the usual red herrings: - members of cabinet calling Trump an idiot - members of cabinet planning to run for president in 2020, against Trump These are obvious constructs to get under Trumps skin.
  19. Wow. Thing is, if Dems won the coming mids and go for some kind of impeachment process, what is the likelyhood Trump will start his own Fox TV network? And "drain the swamp" from outside the White House. It would be ideal for him as well. As he could play golf as much as he wants. And actually make some money legally. (without laundering Russian money) ... And argue he was impeached by the creatures from the swamp. The system is rigged and all that. I do wonder about the criminal investigation against Cohen though. Because that's going to implicate Trump. Or at least his business. Side note: had to laugh about the news Fedor Emilianenko has talked with FBI about his dealings with Cohen/Affliction. All these Russians in Trumps orbit. It's incredible. He should run for president in the USSR!
  20. doesn't sound very encouraging. you're sure you've got roots for me?
  21. i started counting fish a year ago. does that count?
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