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Everything posted by goDel

  1. thanks godwin, thats actually a good response. will think about it. Remember the fake soap opera in the original series? And how events in it were sometimes in parallel with events taking place in the show? Are you aware this was included because at the time Soap Operas ruled TV Land. What currently rules film and TV land? remember how that soap opera wasn't actually part of the story, but was mostly used to set the tone and gave a sense of where lynch was coming from with tp? it brought a sense of irony. but not to the extent that the story itself became obsolete. tp3 went three steps further by actually drawing the hulk into the seasons finale (ok it was the 17th episode, but arguably the finale). those soap opera clips didn't involve the plot, right? now the plot seems largely driven by superhero's (super evil coop, gloved hulk, evil sarah and some good coop coming out of some proverbial coma in a way such that it was all planned out). i think that's a big difference. and, imo, a serious issue. but that's just repeating myself. i guess i get the impression a lot of you just assume i'm scared of black boxes or don't understand art or something. well, i guess that means there's no room to argue at all, isn't it? that means any criticism has become invalid. and that's exactly why i appreciate godwin's response, btw. we don't have to agree. but at least there's more to it than: "well, you just don't understand." i did appreciate the 18th episode more than the 17th btw. the 18th was more close to the lynch i expected. the 17th episode was useless sell out stuff. (lucy shooting evil coop out of nowhere and hey, did frank's hat blocked evil coops bullet or something?) you can interpret it like those soap opera snippets from the initial series, but that's really stretching it, imo. if that's the case, you could edit tp3 back to 8 episodes and actually have a good tp3 without all the inconsequential crap. because lets just admit it: those soap snippets actually were inconsequential in the original series.
  2. xox, do you happen to love tp3 and seek to explain away my criticism based on some apparent sense of love for logic similar to what you think programmers have?
  3. I'm talking about the remote controlled drones where there is nobody inside. We already have auto targeting and things like this. And AI won't give it anymore speed, that's a matter of better engineering in the engines and power sources not AI. AI speeds up decision making. there's more to speed than just movement. you simply drop the person having to look at all the information and decide what to do. a single computer could make many more decisions in much less time than a person or worse, a group of people. and auto targeting is a form of ai, right? not sure what the argument is about anymore, tbh.
  4. i'd even argue that the strength of older lynch movies/series was a lack of plotholes. even if you didn't understand what was going on, you could basically trust there would be some kind of deeper logic which could explain it. you just needed to figure it out. even if it turned out to be dream logic, the reward was there. it would make sense. and this is why this season was more inland empire than people are willing to admit. if there's going to be a logic behind it all - which i doubt will be a rewarding one - am i going to sit through 18 episodes again to enjoy it? kinda similar to watching inland empire again, isn't it. i might be rewatching the 8th episode perhaps. but sitting through those 18 episodes again...nah. i'll just read about and be happy if someone is able to make some sense out of it. kudos for that. good luck with making this work, though.
  5. so lynch has become the new george lucas indeed. just enjoy the prequels for what they are. dont remember older lynch stuff having swiss cheese level plotholes. plotholes in the previous tp seasons? second season went of the trial for a bit. but that's different to plot holes. i dont remember many plotholes in the first season of tp. nor do i remember lynch needing his characters to have superpowers to keep a story going. guess my conclusion is that lynch went down the lucas hole and turned tp into a superhero franchise.
  6. contrarians as opposed to what? scientology? to me, lynch fans seem like a bunch of scientologists atm: no critique is allowed. and the people who do critique are simply not worthy and blasphemous. please explain to me in which universe it would be interesting to have a bunch of people locked up in twin peaks jail. one of them had a key in the heal of his boot and apparently could get out at any moment he wished, but somehow waited for god knows how long. (it was episodes in screen time.) and the green gloved boy wonder could just punch open the jail door at will at any moment. that was george lucas prequel levels of awful right there. what kind of profound story telling logic might cure this? was the return a metaphor for dale cooper breaking out of his own mind? and the lesson here, that it takes will-power to break those mental doors? could dream logic save this? it was just a dream? or should you just ignore stuff like this and enjoy those electric buzz sounds to enjoy this third season? 18 episodes of sounds. i have no problems with people enjoying this season. i'll admit it kept my interest till the end. (although barely at points. events really became inconsequential throughout, imo). but no criticism? really? just pure lynchian genius? that's just religious fanaticism.
  7. As far as i'm concerned it doesnt even exist
  8. it's ribbed, but completely dry. it's the lack of lube. i could try some extra massage, but don't want to force myself onto you.
  9. the gloved boy wonder. such a cop out. one of many, imo. but hey, lynch's genius and all. it got people wondering what the fuck was going on, so it must be genius, right? to me it looked like a bunch of half developed ideas, with an attempt to make it interesting by mixing different timelines and dream vs. reality scenarios. i'm sure it's going to make more sense when you can tell which scenes belong in which timeline, or which reality. like in mulholland drive. but there's so much inconsequential stuff going on, i'm not even interested anymore. the couple of drug addicts sitting at the huge tree, where the guy put a bullet in his brain, for instance. completely inconsequential characters. no emotional connection whatsoever. should i root for them? does the scene have a deeper meaning? (and by deeper, i mean deeper than the "history repeating itself in different generations" motive) or the poor attempts of tarantino dialogues with the tim roth/jennifer jason leigh characters. poor execution, imo. lynch used to be better at dialogues. this was just bland and inconsequential. sometimes even blatant fan-service. perhaps by intention. but really, does intent make up for execution? i wonder. sure, it was tv like nothing else. but being different doesn't make it good. the acting was often piss poor. the shots were beautiful at times though. i'll give it that. that 8th episode was noteworthy and as far as i'm concerned well executed. even though the novelty is debatable. in the end you'd be better off with kubrick's 2001, imo. so if it's "like nothing else" depends mostly on your frame of reference. the sound design was a strong point. to the point where it could almost carry the story. if not for the cringeworthy acting/dialogues. the most novel thing about the return was the meta thing where the 4th wall was kind of broken due to actors being actually near the end of their lives. creating a mix of reality and fiction. sometimes making you wonder whether people were commenting on eachother on a different level than the fictional story. creative? sure! well executed? i think not. sorry. i didnt fall for its charm. and feel lynch used to be better at this. i recognise the effort that went into stringing together the different timelines/realities. and i'm sure a second viewing will improve when you know which scene belongs where. but i'm fairly certain that wouldn't make up for the execution, or the last minute efforts to converge the story "hey albert, you know about that thing a kept from you from the last 25 years? well, i tell you now and it's important so there...here's your story out of nowhere". in other words: another green glove falling out of the sky into the story. this hasn't got anything to do with missing a logical storyline. this is similar to telling a superhero story where each new problem is solved by introducing a new superpower. there comes a point where you can expect the proverbial rabbit out of the hat at any twist and turn. it kills any tension. (wanna arm-wrestle with bad coop? oooh exciting! i wonder what will happen....surprise!!!) sorry for my rant (yeah that fucking guy again). suck it fanbois.
  10. boilerroom dj set by I-F. cool electro!!! highlight is 40 mins in: depeche mode's enjoy the silence with some acid/electro sounds in the mixes. cool stuff.
  11. Yeah, the US military aren't working on autonomous drones at all. And autonomous drones are more capable of shooting their projectiles than drones piloted by humans, how? There's no additional danger at this stage I'm not saying that's not a worry, but that's not a primary immediate worry, please read the post. How? Speed. Precision. And it's cheaper to send some autonomous drone into war than a vehicle with a person inside. If shot down, a drone is just X amount of money. (probably cheaper than you think). So in terms of warfare, you have a potential army which is bigger, cheaper and more effective when you can use autonomous "agents". Or in other words: it's easier to go to war (faster!) because with the right technologies, the aggressor has less risk to loose lives and needs less people to move around the planet, or to feed them. Warfare with less people is an entirely new concept which shouldn't be underestimated. Eg.: note the importance of the troops-on-the-ground argument in US involvement in middle-east. If that argument becomes redundant (because you don't need troops), what political argument will stop the US to get involved? Especially when it's also cheaper to just send drones. Implications are already visible as well: killing potential terrorists with drones without any kind of legal implications. AI in war, means more preventive aggression. Just 2 cts. Also, I think it's odd how easy you put aside the arguments against AI made by people from scientific fields (like AI itself).
  12. Totally The pic only needs some minor changes (mirror and crop) and theyre virtually the same.
  13. if you want to be up to date: just follow seth abramson on twitter
  14. The investigation? It's still in the news, there was lots of hoopla over the grand jury thing at the beginning of August, and each week more stories crop up. Unless you mean a different FBI case? And Mueller has to send the whole case over to DOJ at once, which means nothing happens until everything is fully investigated. this. nothing (but leaks) until everything has been investigated. - russian attempts to meddle with the '16 election - collusion between trump team and russia during election (flynn, manafort, page, cohen, donny jr, kushner, ...) - obstruction of justice while in office - ... prolly more? all in one case. and every new tweet trump makes, means more work for mueller, it seems.
  15. rename thread to "now that trump was president" ... 3.. 2.. 1..
  16. I doubt it will come out on dvd/bluray for a year. It's worth it to sign up for a Showtime Anytime trial and binge it for free since the finale is next week. But yes it's definitely one of the best thing's Lynch has done. Inland Empire is strong in this one, though. Very strong, I'd say.
  17. huh!? whether it's aphex or not hasn't got much to do with whether i think it sounds shitty. it doesn't sound like aphex, thats all. even a shitty aphex track would sound like aphex.
  18. Nah. Trump doesn't think like the rest of us. He's going for theater/scorched earth tactics. In denial and blaming the establishment and the media. Like he's already doing. And then making money with Trump TV. Because his 30% supporters will follow him. Only exception is if there has been some criminal/illegal stuff. He'll rather settle that out of court/office. Haven't seen the link above, so if that's the case, maybe he'll start to behave like a more normal human being and resign. But if there's nothing illegal...
  19. Otis Redding is a giant. Surprised to hear it in the TP universe though. Also, would have liked it more if the Ed-plotline ended with a broken heart, instead of this Disney thing. With that awkward kiss of 60 year old people.
  20. The SAW1.5 tracks from the soundcloud playlist definitely sound more like SAW 85-92 than SAWII. Mostly tracks from the same period, as far as I can tell.
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