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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Season 2 is up on Nexflix I don't know if season 3 is happening now or not
  2. Also, it's amazing how the cops' statements almost never agree with eventually-released videos...you will never hear a cop proactively admit wrongdoing in these situations...they will lie as much as they can get away with
  3. I saw the two vids of the big pastor dude...pretty damning of law enforcement "Big bad dude...looks like he's on something" Like you know zero about this guy and you already think he's "bad" and "on something" Who was the second one?
  4. I don't understand the fuss... these were BLACK men so no doubt up they were up to no good
  5. Also, if you incentivize people they will score higher than usual on an IQ test So they're clearly not measuring ACTUAL intelligence
  6. 1) How do you feel about Trump saying black people are lazy? Or about him being sued by the gov't twice for not renting to black people? Is that not racist? How do you feel about him saying "I love war"? Making fun of a disabled journalist and talking about wanting to use nukes? Praising Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Un and Putin? About wanting to make a database for Muslims? About saying we should've taken Iraq's oil (which violates the Geneva Convention btw)? Or killing the families of terrorists (which also violates the Geneva Convention)? 2) Stefan Molyneaux is advocating for a Neuromancer-style shithole of a world...in his "free" world you would work in a sweatshop (unless your parents were rich) until the irradiated drinking water you drink killed you
  7. This is def in my top 10 worst cringes of all time: https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=41&v=B2wRvhbJIQQ&feature=youtu.be
  8. Saying he offers nothing of value to the conversation is pretty hyperbolic...his voice is needed at least to balance out the "open the borders" nuts...he says "hey, maybe a huge influx of people with vastly different cultural norms and values might not be a great idea" and he gets shouted down as a bigot who hates darkies...
  9. Idk if it's bc Robbie finally left but Eugene is much cooler these days. Just to add some counterpoint -I agree about the strange bedfellows stuff...SH (and prolly DM, though I'm not up on all his extra-curricular activities) dislikes Chomsky to an insane degree, and he really acts petty and spiteful as a result...the biggest way SH has let me down is probably his savoring the misfortunes of his critics -For what it's worth, Harris doesn't think Israel should exist as a Jewish state...just in case there's any question about his allegiances -I think language is a living evolving thing and we should embrace that, but at the same time we should be wary of sudden unilateral re-defining of terms...e.g. For many people, "racism" has come to mean essentially "when white people are racist towards non-white people" (no this is not a far-fringe thing, either)...so in that sense I think it is somewhat important to anchor terms in their classical meaning, or at least keep those classical definitions in mind, lest they gain some Orwellian momentum...it should be clear that Islamophobia is real, and at the same time accusations of Islamophobia are used merely to vandalize the reputations of opponents -Anyone associating with Dershowitz bums me out...but also that video with the student saying he should die because he's Jewish is kinda scary -I don't know much about Israel/Palestine beyond the basics...is the idea that journalists, media etc give Israel a pass because of personal or cultural conflicts of interest? Sorta like Joan Rivers or the chick from V For Vendetta having a sort of us/them spin on things? Beyond the U.S. Gov't ignoring all the shit they do and giving them arms and money...I don't get where the REST of the irrationality comes from -I think perpetuators of racism and bigotry will always seek ways to legitimize racism and bigotry, and probably always have...there were always 'scientific' reasons for blacks being genetically inferior or why certain groups shouldn't be allowed to procreate...(I think it's simply because in high-stakes power struggles people/groups will use any tool that's handy)...people have been stabbed with screwdrivers, but not everyone wielding a screwdriver is out to stab someone...I think we just gotta pay attention to the merit of the argument, otherwise we're all just "Kafkatrapping" each other...or something like that
  10. Yeah I certainly don't agree with DM on everything (not even most things) Humans seem to have a "the messenger is an asshole, therefor the message must be wrong" heuristic that is probably usually useful, but hard to overcome...all the "motivated reasoning" findings suggest that we are slow to agree with "out-group" opinions and quicker to agree with "in-group" ones, regardless of merit (even if it's an identical opinion) I mean, I kinda feel like a lefty in a world where 'the left' has lost the (classical liberalism) plot, so occasionally I see people on 'the right' making more sense about a certain subject
  11. Probably, yeah He holds some absolutely dumb ideas/beliefs, but for a lot of things he's very insightful where few others are
  12. Labeling someone as a "neocon" is a great way to not have to address their actual argument. Like if someone criticizes #BLM you can just call them a "racist" and alakazam the debate is won. Again, these folks are conspicuously quiet when it comes to (e.g) the high mortality rate of Russian journalists, especially considering how much they like to talk about the mistreatment of journalists. (If you criticize Assange/Snowden/Greenwald people tend to assume you're anti-whistleblower or defending the U.S. Gov't or engaging in "Cold War rhetoric" or whatever)
  13. Douglas Murray (who I usually find reasonable even when I don't agree with him) lays out the case pretty well here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UDnt_CYDiuE
  14. Source? He had a show on RT (media funded by the Russian gov't) Now, I'm not saying that he is a covert Putin shill I'm saying he has a clear conflict of interest that should at least be kept in mind
  15. Thank God Assange is a totally ethical un-biased journalist with no conflicts of interest who's just looking out for our freedom 2016 American presidential election (brought to you by RT)
  16. Totally, yeah...something magical about cassette 4-tracks. (It's amazing how much workflow influences output...workflow workflow all about the workflow)
  17. That kid makes some of the best vids on the Internet
  18. But just explain how no licenses for drivers could possibly be safer than whatever minimum standard is required to get a driver's license...? And how do you protect against drunk drivers going 120mph on the street where your daughter likes to play? Don't let her go outside?
  19. Like, think of all the dirty tricks Steve Jobs used to get his money and power...and now imagine a world with no regulations on how businesses could act...planet Earth would become a giant sweatshop, Google would own all the clean water and land and it would just consolidate and consolidate until it owned nearly everything...and you would prefer that to an (at least partially) democratic gov't?
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