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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by triachus

  1. what? i'm ususally the one he chooses to channel with sean pls
  2. lol sucks to be you A/D *cums on the ground vigorously*
  3. i first thought those remnants of the letter B were part of his hiar like his hiar was bulgy on top with one single thick dreadlock on the side and it didn't surprise me at all
  4. i'm making you feel as sapiens quite homos whenever you think about my inbox promos -sean
  5. There is also a member named "kinski", which I assume is named after him how will he feels now or Legowelt
  6. sean: oi rob rob: yea? sean: say, those two guys with the promos where we found out they post on watmm? rob: yea? sean: what can we do with their dead bodies for samples? rob: fill them up with cutlery and throw them down the stairs? then reverse that and add reverb? sean: lush
  7. Had the same thing with some guy that called the Prodigy "dubstep of the 90's" I feel your pain
  8. Well fuck. That's horrible. I'm not as shocked as I would be if I heard this news about another actor though... Klaus Kinski was a messed up individual without a doubt. This just makes his crazy antics a lot less endearing. I wonder how Herzog's taking the news. It's horrible. I was already convinced that Kinski was an agressive godawful human being with not much regard for humanity. In Herzog's book "Conquest Of The Useless" (a diary made during the shooting of Fitzcarraldo) he recalls when they stayed in a hotel where Kinski went mad berserk on his wife, and they "had to clean up blood from the walls in the hallway". Reading that, I've lost lots of respect for Kinski. And now even more. He also went on a tantrum threatening to kill an actress just because he "didn't like the sound of her voice on the radio". He really must have had some sort of brain damage. He just wasn't normal at all. Everywhere he went, he left a tail of destruction. A total psychopath. And this news, well fucking hell... I wouldn't be surprised by now if he once killed someone and got away with it. It is sad because I really love Aguirre... Don't know how I am going to look at the movie now. And I still want to watch the other Herzog/Kinski films, as well as "Kinski My Best Friend". Yeah, also curious how Herzog will respond to that news now.
  9. i clicked on this liek four times. did you post the correct link? are you sure bout that? Woops. Sorry, you're right.
  10. stop wondering what the tracks will sound like the tracks never sound like their titles or do they new discussion sean: i approve of that discussion
  11. wasn't my post worth anything? :( edit: :'(
  12. They're not milking it because In Hell isn't released on CD at all and it pisses me off dagnabbit because I want that CD.
  13. sean: Step right up! Place your bets! I got one bet for the 18th of january! The 18th! One for within the week! That's the 15th. Anyone dare to go any sooner? Any sooner? Maybe any later? Who knows? I do! Overstep right up! You there, with the watmm shirt! No sir, I don't know what a Bull Wallet is. I don't know, check the thread. Step right up folks!
  14. The sounds of my boiling cock and girlish screams were, despite their expressive quality, not quite satisfying with my noise standards. Good last orgasm tho.
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