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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by triachus

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0HCLrozKzk
  2. Fats Waller was the friggin' man
  3. Adam basically said they are writing new material. It's just going slowwww as fuck
  4. My biggest problem with 10k was the brickwalled sound. They said they listend to a lot of stuff like Meshuggah around the time of writing, and I blame that band for influencing Tool to how 10k turned out.
  5. Interview with Adam Jones about the Opiate reissue, but also a mention about the new album: http://www.revolvermag.com/news/interview-tool-guitarist-and-visual-guru-adam-jones-on-the-making-and-reissue-of-opiate.html You mentioned earlier that you guys are in writing mode. What’s the status of new Tool music? I guess you wouldn’t be doing your job if you didn’t ask. [Laughs] It’s unfortunate that we haven’t put anything out in a while, but you know, we’ve changed as a band. It’s just like a marriage—you grow older, people change, and you’ve gotta adapt or move on. We’ve become even more eclectic and distant, so getting things done and getting together is very hard. There are a lot of other interests. But what I really want people to know is that it’s not a bad thing. I’m serious. I think there’s a little more respect now, and when there’s compromise, it’s a little more open. I don’t know if that’s just a matter of getting older and going, “Ah, fuck it,” or what. [Laughs] I’ve been with these guys a long time, and we’ve outlasted all of our peers. I mean, I try to think of the bands we came up with that haven’t broken up or broken up and gotten back together, and I can’t think of one band. OK, the Melvins. But that’s it. And we kind of set that up early by deciding that no matter who does what we’re gonna split everything four ways. Some decisions have to be unanimous. Others are put to a vote. We’re really involved in the business side. We write our own checks. But as far as the writing? It’s been a little more lax—as in relaxed. But it’s nice. We live kind of cushy lives now, so we get together when we want. It makes everything go slow, which is unfortunate—we all would have liked to have been done with a new record a long time ago—but when it’s done, it’s gonna be good. And that’s the point. We’re not gonna put out something that sucks just to put it out. We also had two really bad things happen, things that I’m not gonna get into, that set us back emotionally and mentally. But we’re past them now, everybody’s recovered, and that process has kind of actually added to us focusing on being creative. So maybe sometimes bad things happen for a reason. Okay, this is bullshit. Not the interview, But this fucking quote system and the fucking copy/paste shit that gives this black shit that I CAN'T GET RID OFF really fucks up the whole readability. Annoying. Wtf watmm.
  6. FUCK Proventus Avenicci So far I haven't had the need to say "Fuck you Proventus" except the house is 5000 bucks and at 1000 finally. Although, when trying to find him, I did ask my brother, "who do I talk to to buy a house." He responded with, "look for a gay looking guy in the castle." I guess my brother has something against Proventus too :) I mostly resent him for doubting my obviously awesome dragon powers
  7. isn't it tdr who comes up with those things in stead of ae? maybe ae don't even know, man
  8. Has there already been talk about how the track being named Rules The Read might be an obvious watmm reference?
  9. It can now be confirmed that the track isn't named "keyosc" but "18 (keyosc)" Y'all better remember that, because we don't take too kindly to people who write Autechre tracknames incorrectly 'round these parts
  10. I hope this is a "hell yeah" fist and face and not a "you are in trouble" http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-hate-sandcastles-success-kid
  11. i'm still waiting on the results of those mother auditions
  12. Lol. it doesn't just mention watmm, it tells the tale of this friggin thread. google translate:
  13. why does everybody got their cds+stickers already and not me :(
  14. I read in an interview that he is kinda living this hermit life indoors, making tracks. And Mike P really has to tug his sleeve to convince him to release something.
  15. pretty cool it still doesn't sound like this picture tho:
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