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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. It will be glorious in future political history textbooks when there will be chapters about Pepe's, Harambe and dank memes in the election of 2016. LOL there will be no future history books because they've all been burned in book burnings.

  2. So this is what living in a post-factual world, where nothing matters, is like.


    Plenty of complex reasons for this result. A general anti-establishment sentiment among the electorate due to the influence of the elite in politics where the common people feel their voices are not heard. A political outsider catering to all the base emotions of this disgruntled crowd where facts don't matter is what it took to mobilize them. 


    Lets look if the world burns.

  3. Trump is so done after that debate. Not that he had a chance anyways, but he pretty much nailed his own coffin with the dumb shit he again said. But I guess he can still keep grifting for donations from his supporters living in the reality distorting bubble to earn a few quick bucks (read somewhere that the donation ticker on his site is just a script running old donations on a loop and made so that it looks like he has massive support in battleground states).

    Also his novelty run for POTUS to strengthen his brand might also have been a miscalculation, I don't think anyone wants to be associated with him after this dumpsterfire. Art of the deal, indeed. He'll have his loyal supporters but anyone with a working brain and a bankroll won't be falling for his scams anymore. And the bonus of all this is it's probably ruined the GOP in the process. I could see the down-tickets leaning more towards the Dems if Trumpists just going to stay home on election day because they think it's all rigged anyways. Way to shoot yourself in the foot, Donald and the GOP for nominating this orange buffoon.

  4. I think the next two episodes will be crucial as to whether this gets really good with long term potential in terms of plot and development or if it just becomes a confusing mess with no direction like Lost.

    It doesn't have Lindelof involved, but it has the other producer from Lost, Bryan Burk involved (along with JJ Abrams (who had little input on Lost a part from the pilot)). I hope it doesn't go into a mess like Lost. The next episodes hopefully tighten things up plotwise as I thought the last one lost a little steam. It would be a shame if it devolves into Lost territory as I think it has the potential to be very interesting. And I need a good sci-fi show to follow.

  5. The positive is that everyone of the GOP who has endorsed Trump in this election will have a hard time getting that Trump stench from them. I can't wait for the aftermath of the elections. GOP will need to do some soulsearching (lol, like they have a soul) and try to make everyone forget that Trump was their best candidate for POTUS. I have a hard time believing that Trump will gracefully accept the inevitable loss. The election could be over after Florida calls it and the meltdown from Hannity and co. will be delicious.

  6. Yeah it's visually stunning. Solid cast. I can't see how it can fail.

    Production budget is $1,000,000 an episode apparently. That's Game Of Thrones territory.


    The budget per episode is more like $8-10 million.


    I liked the first episode. Looks stunning and the production values are top notch with good acting. Liked the re-workings of known rock songs that featured in the episode (noticed Black Hole Sun and Paint it Black). I hope they have time to explore interesting themes such as what makes something human, sentience and the nature of reality with the background of the advanced theme park going to hell. Nice little touches overall in the scenes. Looks very promising.

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