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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. someone from the republican party is going to put a bullet in him soon I think


    imagine how wonderful pence will appear in comparison

    a man who can't be alone with any woman who isn't his wife for fear of what he might do


    The GOP isn't going to do squat. They have this moron and he'll rubber stamp any awful legislation they come up with. He's a monster that is their own creation and undermining Trump would mean they made a mistake and that is not going to happen. The US political system is forever ruined. Have fun.


    Finnish entertainment press is all excited because a popular actress has a bit part in it apparently and is seen in the trailer. How exciting.

    who is it


    krista kosonen...used to be in everything for a while it seems...not at all familiar with her work. probably is only seen in the trailer in the end.

  3. So, there's been an order that all TVs in federal buildings be tuned to Fox News. Trump wants to change libel laws, so reporters can't say nasty things about the president. The FCC is investigating Stephen Colbert for saying Trump's mouth is Putin's cock holster. Meanwhile Trump has said good things about the despots around the world. I guess he must have talked to them lately and we all know he goes along with whatever the last person he spoke to said.

  4. Bulk VanderHooj, on 01 May 2017 - 07:48 AM, said:



    chenGOD, on 01 May 2017 - 07:40 AM, said:



    You's all is fucked. Proper fucked.

    Times like these, the Canadian Anthem just plays in my head. We have our problems too, but god damn I'm happy to be Canadian right now.



    Granted, US' problems are Canadia-land problems, we're inextricably linked. But I like to pretend. =/


    Trudeau is a shit in a shiny package. Don't let his shiny veneer fool you. He's just as awful as his predecessor.
  5. Glad to see that a local space rock band dedicated a song to Vainio tonight. It's the first artist death that bummed me out. I liked his stuff and he could have offered so much more. :(

  6. Finland is currently planning to reform the social and healthcare organization and the right-wing government also keeps drumming up the "more choice" of care, when in fact, it will just allow multinational for-profit healthcare companies to swoop in on the market, skim the easy money from the top and leave the expensive patients to the municipalities/state, as they funnel their profits to offshore accounts to avoid taxes. All on the taxpayers dime. The rest of the thing is a bureaucratic mess and overall disaster if it goes through as they want it. Sweden did a similar thing a few years ago and to the surprise of no one, prices went up and the care got worse. It's pure ideology that drives these right-wing motherfuckers and any empirical evidence to the contrary of their claims and positions falls on deaf ears.

    Shit like this is happening all over the developed world. It's awful and going to get worse.

  7. I wonder how many of Trump's nominees will withdraw from not wanting to be associated with such a toxic/idiotic administration. Trump is only going to get the worst of the worst to stick around. Such unbelievable incompetence. And Trump supposedly surrounds himself with the BEST people. FLOL.


    You go Don, this is great entertainment to see you fumbling around like the orange shit gibbon you are.

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