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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. Trump is using the 24 hour news entertainment media to his advantage. Keep saying and doing dumb stuff at such a rate that no one thing ever gets looked into more than a few talking heads and a spokesperson talking about it before it's on to the next thing. And on it goes. Trump gets free publicity (any publicity is good publicity) and he can then start his media empire after he loses the election in November. 

  2. Watched Civil War, dozed off at a few places. Why do I expect any of these superhero movies to bring anything else than mindless popcorn action. Meh. The final phase with the Infinity Gems better payoff, but it will anyways end up like any other of these movies, but I guess more explosions and destructions with nothing really on the line (yes, I am sure humanity is on the line, but I don't really care about it, the movies have failed to make me invested in any of the characters).

  3. I never rolled a joint without crutch. How the hell do you even smoke a joint without one without burning your lips and making a wet sloppy mess? You supposed to have some equipment? I also mix baccy in them, saves on the expensive weed and burns nicer.

    There should be an anthropological study on the different ways people roll and smoke their weed around the world. Having travelled a bit, I've seen many different ways, some very creative, such as rolling a long paper joint inverse with the glue side ending inside the joint so the extra paper can be either torn or burned a way to make a long slim joint.



  4. I read a comment from someone from the Trump campaign that the Farage appearance was not happening, but apparently it did. This is not the first time the spokepersons and surrogates say conflicting things, it's like the campaign is all over the place and never on the same page.

    As for their response to their bad polling numbers, it's just further proof that they live in an alternate reality, last presidential election it was about unskewing the polls, now they don't even bother. It's just nope, not happening, liberal bias blah blah. Either they are just keeping up appearances for the truly dumb so they can keep asking them for more money or then they are also dumb.


    Trump's campaign is a huge mess. Sad!

  5. Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief



    See if this gets any wings in the press. It's been known that Manafort's been friendly with Putin backed parties. Looking at Manafort's career he's really liked working with dictators. It's sad really, if Putin wanted to place a plant into the WH, then backing Trump was a poor choice.



  6. odds are that anomaly at tabby's star is a natural phenomenon that is yet to be discovered. it being some alien superstructure would be a very cool discovery. the next generation of planet seeking satellites ought to have the capability to analyze the atmosphere of planets and from there see if there are civilizations on it. perhaps we'll discover other life on around distant stars, but we'll never be able to communicate with them.


    Believing in UFO's and aliens is the modern iteration of religious thinking. Gods, angels and magic has been replaced by aliens and advanced technologies. They also offer the "saviour" aspect and prophets (abductees). 



    but aliens are more plausible than god lol


    that's true. it probably fits better with the secular humans plausibility structures. still serves the same function. i believe that there is other life out there, some of it perhaps advanced, but don't believe that we will ever come across any.

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