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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. Holy shit, does that mean that I have a faek CD too??! It must be worth a mint!


    edit: at about 3 mins into the opening track I was sold it was real auteshre...i must have confused the boomy sound from some other track

  2. I remember downloading untilted as it leaked in on soulseek, all hot and anticipating what they would deliver in the watmm slsk chatroom...and the start of LCC had me think it was a fake, sounded like someone trying to do an autechre track on FL but then that boomy sound came in and then I knew it was the Auteshre.

  3. Won't listen to any samples, but the SAW3 references in here make me want to fast forward time

    The samples sounded nothing like any SAW3 stuff. More of the same as in Syro.

  4. You are welcome to buy whatever you want and let anything you like to blow your mind. Just giving my 2 eurocents. :doge:


    edit: actually I am jealous of you that can get so excited about new music from an artist that you clearly idolize and enjoy. I miss that. :catcry:

  5. I gave Syro good listens and it's a good album, but hardly mindblowing. There are many other artists that have produced really good electronic music albums where I would place Syro with. Perhaps I don't get the fanboyism with Aphex since he wasn't the first artist that got me into teh IDMz. Him being a pioneer shouldn't be a carte blanche to proclaim everything he releases as a gift from god or something. I guess RDJ's stuff never connected with me for some reason. Most of his stuff is alright to excellent but there's stuff that I just can't see what's so great about it. To each their own. Maybe I will get it after I heard it properly, like I did with Syro, but RDJ is by no means an automatic buy for me.

  6. I don't get what's so awesome about this (from the amazon samples)? It's nice electronic music, but hardly anything mindblowingly excellent. Had the same feelings about Syro.

  7. It's probably has to do with intersectionality. Clinton while being a woman, is still firmly part of the status quo that many don't like and why they prefer Sanders, who seriously offered an alternative and managed to create some waves. The positive with Sanders unexpected appeal is that the Democratic party's Overton window might have to move more towards the left (meaning closer to the center).

  8. The positive with a Clinton win is that finally the US can join the 21st century and elect a female president. Unfortunately she being such a polarizing figure otherwise (not discrediting that a part of it is the fact she is a woman, similarly with Obama being black) might make the road for the next female candidate that much harder. Women are woefully underrepresented in the House as it is. But I guess it's a start.

  9. Democracy is in a crisis. The financial sector has become so big and influential that decisions are made skirting the democratic process in favour of the interests of the finance industry. No matter the cost to people and the environment. Capitalism and democracy are starting to clash and things are going to get much worse.


    And the corporate tax rates in the US might nominally be higher than European, but the effective tax rate is far lower due to effective tax planning and other loopholes that are exploited. So lowering tax rates aren't going to bring back manufacturing to the US. Why would it when things can be manufactured more cheaply overseas either way? Long gone are the days when industries and companies cared about the country they were based in. All that matter is the profit margins and making sure that the shareholders get their dividends.

  10. They haven't played any new material on their tour. The one you heard was more of a segue based on something that they had been working and not a proper song.

    with visuals

    I want a video rock opera like the wall but a 2 hour tool video. on vhs or laser disc.


    Ah yeah, they were also supposed to release a live DVD from the Lateralus tour, I think they even recorded some of the shows. LOL.

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