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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. Believing in UFO's and aliens is the modern iteration of religious thinking. Gods, angels and magic has been replaced by aliens and advanced technologies. They also offer the "saviour" aspect and prophets (abductees). 

  2. The Trump campaign is truly baffling. They have spent virtually nothing on ads, setting up campaign offices or mobilizing GOTV teams. The PACs are feuding on who's the official SuperPAC and so on. It's a dumpster fire of the highest order. Plenty of GOP people are denouncing Trump as being unfit and those that endorsed him are probably cursing their bad decision, especially Paul Ryan. It even looks like Trump is trying to skip on the debates, which are the only way that could hurt Clinton's numbers. States that could be swing-states are inching towards going to Clinton and usually Republican states are becoming swing-states. Could this be an ass-whooping like the Reagan vs. Mondale in 1984? Everyone in Trump's corner are either shock jocks, tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorists and Putin's propaganda machine and Julian Assange (who is probaly a part of Putin's team). It's glorious to see such a mess on the biggest political stage. When all is said and done in November, there will be a bunch of discredited and embarrassed people who stood behind Trump and the GOP will be a smoldering ruin. And the only one who will try to take advantage of that is Ted "Zodiac Killer" Cruz, who no ones likes.

  3. With the poor polling of Trump, the Trumpites are clutching at straws at this point when no one wants to hear about Benghazi anymore. It's quite enjoyable to see the GOP flounder like this and it's all their own damn fault after years of pandering to racist ignoramuses. Hopefully Trump's idiocy will hurt the GOPs down ticket votes as well, but we'll see.

  4. Trump's post convention bump was meager. He'll be well behind Clinton in the polls soon enough. That said, I think it will get closer in the polls as the election draws nearer. Trump's campaign has show that nothing he says matters and he'll have his supporters no matter what.

    It will be interesting how he'll do in the debates, because his rah-rah approach might not work as well in the general election debates. He'll just complain on twitter that the press is unfair to him.

  5. Woman I was seeing last year that broke it off at the end of the year contacted me and asked if I wanted to meet last Wed. Since I was on my way out and she was at the place I was going to anyways, so I went there. She updated what was going on with her, diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, which would explain a lot. Had missed me and thought about contacting me again for a while now. She was tipsy when I came there and got more drunk as the evening went on. Ended up sleeping at her place. I don't know what to do, it's not like I got a lot of options on the lady front and I do like her even if she's a bit crazy. Asked to see her sober next time and talk how's it's going to be. Dunno really what to do. Not that I really want to take advantage of her crazyness for some 'tang.

  6. The underlying reason for the Orlando massacre was homophobia. The homophobia that permeates society is why the murderer did what he did, since he couldn't accept himself and it manifested in this awful way. All this talk about radical Islam is just deflecting the underlying issue which can be found in both cultures. And the hypocrisy of conservatives who now are quick to act like they support LGBTQ rights since their Islamophobia trumps their homophobia is sickening.

  7. Clinton is close to Trump or winning in states that went to Romney last elections according to polls. But it's still June, but it seems Trump is really not doing well. I am sure he'll get his share but there is no way he will win Clinton in the GE. And Trump being the egomaniac that he is, he is not going to back down on any dumb statements he'll make and he's going to keep making them all the time. And I am sure Clinton's team has filecabinets of dirt on Trump that they will use once the race properly starts, but they might not need to use it so often as Trump himself is sabotaging his campaign by being Trump. He doesn't even have a proper election infrastructure in place yet. So far he's been riding the free publicity the media has been giving him. But that's mostly because he's an orange reality-TV star oaf who keeps saying dumb stuff.

  8. its a massive operation to coordinate something like that. No lunatic misanthrope can just buy a gun and easily take out 50 people. There are tactical considerations.

    I think the problem is that it is exactly that easy to get an assault rifle and a shitton of ammo and gear, especially in Flordia.

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