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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. I have been aching to get myself drunk, but I have no company to do so with. So instead I have been drinking a little bit everyday for the past few days and I am afraid that once I finally have some company to get mashed with I will have spent all my money on incremental drinking instead of binge drinking...FML 4everloney


    People who go around calling other people's ideas naive fantasies have probably never come up with anything remotely inventive.

    Not so much 'naive' as 'disastrously barbaric'


    In this Ayn Rand utopia, what would happen to people who can't take care of themselves? Who would ensure the food you're about to consume isn't tainted with E Coli? Who will ensure corporations don't freely pollute? How will we pay for infrastructure? How will we prevent monopolies? Etc etc









    true, kids watch movies like that and go home and masturbate to the girl animals. but it's always been that way.


    The sexualization of animals have been going on for a good while, thanks to Disney. That's why we have furries.

  4. I so want to see Trump in the general elections. And the debates, will Trump be prepped for talking about actual issues or is he just going the lowest common denominator route and go to a dick measuring contest and whatever else stupid comes to his vacuous mind to rile up his equally vacuous supporters. The GOP meltdown is delicious to watch. It's their own damn fault.

  5. Yeah, that's exactly what they have. Swallowed the whole austerity and privatization gospel that has gone over in Europe like wildfire since the crash in 2008. To awful consequences, but these ideologically driven shill's don't give a damn about empirical evidence that show these sort of measures do little to improve the economy. Like outsourcing civil servants to private companies and consults to save money actually cost them half a billion. And then there's the selling of natural monopolies to foreign investment companies who swiftly jacked up the price. And then selling mining rights to foreign mining companies at a pittance, who then completely fumble and cause toxic spills and other nasty stuff and the tax payer is footing the bill to clean it up.

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