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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. There was this pyramid scam here a few years ago with the main perp getting convicted and all for fraud, yet those that signed up for that scam still think it's coming back and they'll get their money.

  2. That's the impression I've also got when reading reviews about Reamde. Maybe he wanted to do something more simplistic after the rather heady Anathem, but in that NS style. I am looking forward to that 100 page shootout.

  3. Currently reading Neal Stephenson's Diamond Age. About half way through and I like it even if the verbosity is sometime annoying, which I am familiar with reading a couple of his later novels. Planning to read his Baroque Cycle later and Reamde. But I sometime wish he had an editor, but I guess it's his style.

  4. Re-watched Event Horizon since it came up in a discussion recently. I must have last seen it sometime around 98. I dunno, the premise of supernatural horror in a sci-fi setting is solid, it fails to deliver. The set design and the look of ship interior was neat looking though and the best part of the movie. Still the best Paul W.S. Anderson movie.

  5. The new season of Archer looks to be a doozy. They're going with the whole Archer Vice thing, where they intend to sell a ton of coke.


    Also the season finale of Sleepy Hollow was good. I don't care what anyone says, I like that show. And I it also struck me that the majority of the cast is a minority (what an odd sentence) and it's not even a thing in the series. Most unusual to a prime time network TV show.

  6. After the positive reviews of The Hunt, I had a watch and it is indeed worthy of the praise. All around top-notch performance by everyone involved, especially the little girl. Very grueling and conveyed what the director wanted very well. Had a look at what the IMDb discussion board had to say and I once again was amazed by some peoples stupidity and inability to follow a movie.

  7. good movie. alfonso cuaron killed it- but it's also one of those sci-fi movies where the astronauts can't wait to get back to earth (a theme i really dislike).


    seven pieces of flying debris out of ten

    I dunno, if the options were to suffocate in space or even have a slim chance to get back to Earth, I think I might give the latter a go.

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