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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. yeah it sucked. was it supposed to be a big deal or something ?


    I don't know. Discovering advanced multi-cellular life on another planet/moon in the same solar system would be a pretty fucking huge deal. And the crew of the mission sacrificed themselves (although some of them were stupid and would never have happened in a real mission, such as the one that went outside to collect samples and didn't come back when asked) to let the rest of the world know about it. I thought it was an alright movie and the found footage thing didn't bother me so much. It was good that it had decent science. I always thought it would be interesting to see a sci-fi movie that would be done as a straight documentary about, say a mission to Mars. This movie was close to that but had that extra drama tacked into it.


    That might mean for sale and the pre-orders come just with a shitty 320 mp3.

    That's true, since at the moment it's pretty ambiguous.


    With the last 3 Autechre releases I got the whole gamut of available download formats, I'm just assuming it would be the same here.



    I sent an email asking them to clear it up if there will be the whole range of downloads like it was with Exai.

  3. I noticed that I could have bought the new album from my local record shop and paid less (2 euros!) than I did by pre-ordering and they are also releasing it on the 7th. First time that happened. I admit that I am a little disappointed that there isn't any special schwag for pre-ordering it from Bleep, especially the vinyl version. The CD version gets some art-cards, what does the more expensive vinyl version get, nothing.

  4. Fuck. Left side drive is absolutely one of my favorite boards of Canada tracks and solange butchered it?


    That really pisses me off and I've lost a lot of respect for whoever gave the green light to license that out.

    I am sure they got compensated for it and maybe it was themselves who gave the green light, ever consider that? And perhaps give the tracks a listen before going off the handle. The tracks weren't that horrible, but you know WATMM.

  5. just watched Gangster Squad. Man if you want an example of what a bad director looks like, look no further. He has everything at his disposal - period cars, lavish sets, fancy clothing - and a laundry list of strong actors - Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Nick friggin' Nolte, Ryan mumbles Gosling, Giovanni Ribisi, etc - but he just can't make it work. At all. All the actors phone it in or give cartoonish performances, and as for tone, the director can't seem to settle on one. Is it an over-the-top cartoonish period gangster flick, something like Dick Tracy or Green Hornet? Or is it a serious drama in the vein of Chinatown, LA Confidential, Untouchables, etc? He can't seem to make up his mind, so it's just a pastiche, with zero surprises. Really terrible flick, you can't even spot the potential hidden under the surface. Who greenlit this? How'd they attract such big name stars? I have no idea....searching IMDB now...oh shit he directed Zombieland. That explains it. I hated that film although some loved it for the intro and Bill Murray cameo.





    Yeah, watched it yesterday and I felt the same, especially about the tone of the film. Really bad.

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