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Posts posted by azatoth


    Why do people order multiple formats of the same album? Must be nice to have so much disposable income.

    As it's my b'day soon, my brother is buying me the CD and my mom + sister are getting me the vinyl. Couldn't think of anything else to suggest as presents. :emb:


    Why not ask for some other album instead of two copies of the same album?


    So much warmer and richer than Ufabulum, don't you think? I mean I loved Ufabulum, but this is next-gen in terms of sound. All these textures that come alive...

    on the surface it felt more like Ufabulum than I ever expected from Aphex, but after more listens it sounds smoother like Analord, especially the tracks with a lot of fast paced synth melodies. At first I was thrown off by the compression on the whole album but now I'm used to it. IT makes me wonder who mastered Analord, because it sounds like it has a much lighter touch in terms of compression. Syro sorta sounds like (just from a textural perspective) if Analord's kick and snare drums were made to sound really snappy and and punctuating the entire mix's dynamic range.


    I could imagine that the Analords being mastered for vinyl makes a difference compared t how the digital files (and CD) of Syro are mastered, assuming you are listening to the digital files.


    Some of the fanboy gushing is really cringeworthy. It's just music ffs, or as your messiah said frequencies, not some life changing panacea.

    Music has the power to change lives. RDJ's music did change my life in a way. It makes you think differently, can change the people you hang out with, the WAY YOU FEEL. Lots of different artists' music have changed me throughout my lifetime. It's helped me get out of several states of depression. I mean, you make music, too, right? What would you say if someone told you that they heard your tracks and it helped them get out of a bad situation? Would you tell them that made you cringe?


    If someone said that I wouldn't release music (I don't make music) for 13 years :P. Maybe I am jaded and all that and rarely go for hyperbole and reacted to some of these comments. If music feels life changing then yay for you. I've had great enjoyment from music and it has no doubt enhanced my life. But life changing, not in my case other than I've been posting here for over 10 years if that counts (how sad). Maybe that will happen in the future, but doubtful as I don't tend to get super excited about things anymore.


    I was also never a huge Aphex fan and I just don't get what's so mindblowingly great about this new album. It's still a good album made by someone who knows their shit and has cultivated a sound of their own, but there are other artists that I could say the same about them.


    I've never been a huge Aphex fan, have some of his albums and there are some true gems on them, but his stuff never blew me away as some other IDMz has. Didn't really get the Analord hype. Sure, the analog-y sound is nice but never got what was so damn special about it. And this new album is no different. It's alright with a couple of great tracks but hardly as mindblowing some of you make it out to be. RDJ definitely has his own sound and all these tracks are unmistakably him. I get the 80s vibe that some reviews have mentioned, could imagine 4bit playing in some bizarro Miami Vice episode. The previous three tracks are also good. Syro is also a stand out track. Album gives me ear fatigue, probably due to the lack of dynamics, otherwise production is quality (although think Drukqs is slicker and more polished) and lush and the 'phex plays a lot around with the stereo field.


    quite good/10

    I haven't heard syro yet but have to ask... did you get ear fatigue from Exai?


    I get the impression syro is jam packed with sound.


    Edit: I use exai as an example because I found that gave me ear fatigue.


    I don't think I did, it's been a while since I gave it a listen. Then again listening to a 2 hour album in one sitting might give anyone ear fatigue.

  5. I've never been a huge Aphex fan, have some of his albums and there are some true gems on them, but his stuff never blew me away as some other IDMz has. Didn't really get the Analord hype. Sure, the analog-y sound is nice but never got what was so damn special about it. And this new album is no different. It's alright with a couple of great tracks but hardly as mindblowing some of you make it out to be. RDJ definitely has his own sound and all these tracks are unmistakably him. I get the 80s vibe that some reviews have mentioned, could imagine 4bit playing in some bizarro Miami Vice episode. The previous three tracks are also good. Syro is also a stand out track. Album gives me ear fatigue, probably due to the lack of dynamics, otherwise production is quality (although think Drukqs is slicker and more polished) and lush and the 'phex plays a lot around with the stereo field.


    quite good/10


    the guys from the 80's late night 7-11 video are back, 27 years later.....



    I think i remember seeing this a couple weeks ago


    I'll be 59 when the next installment drops...I wonder what it will be like.


    Half way through the last volume of Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. Even if I am partial to sci-fi, this historical fiction is good and has kept me interested even if Stephenson's verbose descriptions of things can get a bit long. Good swash-buckling fun.


    I want to do a re-read of the Baroque Cycle as it's been almost a decade since I read it, but I can't find the time. Love it, though.


    Have you read Cryptonomicon?


    Yes, I've read it, but a few years ago, remember liking it. Sort of "continuing" (even if it came out before) the themes of the Baroque Cycle along with the having the descendants of some of the characters. And Enoch Root.

  8. Half way through the last volume of Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. Even if I am partial to sci-fi, this historical fiction is good and has kept me interested even if Stephenson's verbose descriptions of things can get a bit long. Good swash-buckling fun.

  9. America is silly with all the litigiousness. The shit their insurance company thing is just so typical. You pay them for a service and when it's time to get some use for it they back out. Shameful. And of course the artist with the original lawsuit, what a douche.

  10. Watched Transcendence recently and it was disappointing. The singularity premise is interesting even if I am skeptical about if it could happen. The movie was like high budget made for TV sci-fi movie of the week type thing. I'd like a more thought provoking exploration of what the implications of a singularity would be. Not good at all.


    Also recently watched Zero Theorem and I would need to be less drunk, tired and stoned to get anything from it.

  11. I watched my first ever season of 24, the latest one. At 12 episodes it was just watchable, I don't know if I could manage watching the earlier 24 episode seasons. It had all the tropes I've come to expect from all the things I've heard about 24. The infiltration to the boat in the finale was like was it was from some game. And is it mandatory for all hacker chicks to be dressed as goths with dark eye makeup after The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?



    The I Ching - story of a money obsessed narcissist from New York who suddenly has a heart attack, she awakes and finds that she is not alone. The film depicts several afterlife scenarios - reincarnation, heaven, hell, nothing, redemption, the buddhist void - the film is told through a first person perspective of the main character so you never see her gender until the very last shot of the film which is her laying in her penthouse flat downtown, about to die and we suddenly see her reflection in a window to reveal its a woman all along. Let's build the mind's eye stereotyping of the viewer who will invariably believe the lead to be a male.



    Spoiler that shit.

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