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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. If the tracks will fit a side on vinyl, then why not. If it means splitting or editing tracks to fit a side of vinyl, then IMO it gets iffy, especially splitting. Some might also have problems getting up and flipping the record because they want a complete ambient experience with no distractions.

  2. ^my old lady's got me watching them since i've never seen them all the way through. still have the last one to go. silly, but holds up pretty well.


    anyways this trailer's been floating around for a few days now.



    looks like it has potential. i realize it's disney and is probably targeted at a younger audience, but from what i've seen brad bird is quite good at making movies with broad appeal.


    So it's another movie based on some Disneyland attraction and it has Damon "BRILLIANT" Lindelof as a writer. Reminds me of Bioshock, the whole retro looking logo and aesthetic of some hidden utopia. But I guess that was borrowed from the Tomorrowland theme parks. Art imitating art.

  3. I couldn't make it past ~45 minutes of Transformers: Age of Extinction. It was just terrible.


    The rest of it got worse. I suffered through the whole thing. I should have known that after the awful third movie, it could still get worse. We all enjoy mindless movies at times, but this isn't even that...it's just a big void of nothing.


    noticed that too. anyone know why?

    one thing i noticed while looking over my records was how different aisatsana's grooves looked to every other track. i just thought that was cool.



    Bass makes wider grooves.

  5. It's hilarious that in pretty much every review of Drukqs from 2001, people saw it as being "more of the same" (which it wasn't!) and hoping RDJ would "break new ground" (which he did!), and now it's being used as a reference point for the "freshness" that Syro failed to achieve.

    Next album will have them crazy mental beats and everyone will be complaining it's a retread of Drukqs and proclaim that Syro had that innovative thing you expect from a RDJ production.

  6. Why must music be groundbreaking for you to enjoy it? What's wrong with just enjoying something for what it is and not placing some huge expectations on what you want it to be? It seems like it's your ridiculous expectations that are stopping you from enjoying what is a pretty good album.


    Chill out.

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