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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. If your sense of reality is based on the few exceptional cases rather than the norm, then I don't think I'm the one living in a distorted bubble lol.

    It's not based on just that, but having a varied view of the world. That's not like filtering away the bad stuff.

    I think it's important to get at least some bad news. But I think it's even more important to try to get a big picture overview. A lot of times, behind the headlines, there are examples of theory and structure that gets lost, and understanding those structures can help mediate future problems. I mean a lot of times, news stories are mere symptoms of systemic issues, and not vice versa


  2. if they could stop ruining my favourite films please... that would be great. :catrage:

    The old movies will always be there and will continue to be good movies despite the sequels/prequels being turds. Just ignore them if they suck.

  3. seriously over old soulless stilted Harrison Ford, when i first heard Mark Hamill was in the new star wars I was super stoked until i found out the whole movie would be old Indy 4 Crystal Skull stroke-esque Han Solo looking for him.

    Seen the script have you? Linky,pls

  4. friends kept pushing me to read something called quantum thief. struggled through the first chapter half of which was incomprehensible. finally started making a little sense but the bath water was getting cold :cerious:


    It's great. Sci-fi for the 21st century. No fuss and very little exposition, just got to figure it out yourself. Haven't done it, but think the Quantum Thief trilogy is something that could be better with a second read through. Still waiting for the last book to appear as a paperback. I is poor.


    nobody heard or felt that big scary kidnapping machine come up on those people until it busted a hand through the roof and grabbed one of them


    Also, if that thing existed then why the fuck didn't they just send one of those back in time and kill Sarah Connor?


    Pssh, your Terminator lore is lacking. Only living tissue can travel through time, even the T-1000 which is liquid metal because ~reasons~

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