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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. I want a crazy sci-fi epic spanning thousands of years involving AIs, posthumans and interstellar wars. No aliens. In fact I have no idea how drama could be made around a setting where people are immortal, can mind upload and whatever else a very advanced civilization can do. Maybe it's a bad idea. Then again Banks Culture novels spin a good yarn in a setting like that, mostly to do with how the Culture meddles with less advanced civilizations.



    wow Jonathan Nolan is bring the Foundation Trilogy to HBO. If anyone can do it justice, this might be the place if they do a Game of Thrones approach.



    I have been dreaming of a GoT-type show but in space. Who knows if this one could be it.


    If you don't have an aversion to anime (it's not typical anime anyway), you should watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It was GoT in space before GoT and much better too.


    Thanks for the recommendation, but I do have an aversion to anime, although I did manage to watch the whole Cowboy bebop thing some years ago and liked it, but dunno how I would if I watched it again. That said from the little I've checked on anime/manga they seem to cover some awesome sci-fi settings and themes, that usually tickles me fancy. It just the style I can't handle.

  3. I agree with the prison system here, it's better with far lower recidivism rates than the US. The series just feels like a feel-good thing about how great we have it here, when things are slowly eroding away.


    The episodes which have aired are viewable abroad on the Finnish Broadcasting companies streaming thingy @ areena.yle.fi . It's narrated in Swedish though.


    FLOL, in the episode about work and there's this Swedish heavy-metal fan that got written with a handicap because he's obsessed with heavy-metal and now his employers gets a small amount of money for hiring him. I wonder if I can get a IDMz handicap.

  4. At least here the government is very keen on cutting social welfare programs and looking to privatize various services to jumpstart the economy. Dunno how the other countries have it, probably better since they are not in the Eurozone. But it seems to me, Europe including the North are leaning more right overall and welfare isn't a priority unless it's corporate welfare.


    But I am sure you think everything is peachy in Denmark, which maybe it is, I don't know. Not that I don't appreciate living in a Nordic welfare state, things are still rather good, but I worry that time might be coming to an end.

  5. Damn, if you're going to release a movie in two parts, do it Spring-Fall, not a whole year apart. Bastards. If current trends hold, I'll probably be to bitter and cynical to bother either way though.


    This would be ideal, since the principal photography is done at the same time for both parts anyways. I see no other reasons than marketing why they would release them a year apart.


    It ending with something to do with the Infinity gems is hardly surprising. So have many Infinity gems have been in the movies? Three? The Tesseract, The Aether and that orb thingy from Guardians?

    Loki's staff is rumored to be one.


    When Marvel had their media thing, in the spot for Avengers - Infinity War the Loki staff was shown along with the other confirmed Infinity gems. So unless it's a red herring, then it pretty much confirms it.

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