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Everything posted by LemanRuss

  1. The kind of stuff that evokes the 80s/90s business world faceless VHS massive cell phone vibe, I have been referring to collectively as... Boardrooms Of Canada ithankyou.
  2. Oh yeah without a doubt! Just mentioned Renoise because I spoke to him once on the forum there. I used to be heavily into Renoise and trackers in general, so thought I would mention it. I am on a massive Brothomstates binge now, thanks to this thread. Exactly what I needed I think.
  3. Brothomstates is absolutely perfect. I first heard his stuff with Qtio and Claro back in the days of getting Warp cds delivered to my door from their online store. It was the second wave for all this for me, by that point. I had lived through the early days in the whole of the 90s, and now was buying coffee shop level stylish brushed cardboard minimalist art gallery products over the internet. It was almost as if the 90s never happened, or at least the effect I thought I was getting fed into my very being didn't stick. It was a melancholic and sad time, and felt far more organised than the free-for-all of the 90s. Anyway, Qtio and Claro were the stand outs from this era, and the sound definitely sums it all up for me; a new, solid digital era, tinged with warm sadness and sunsets. I would go back there for sure, as the proceeding years were far worse. Only now that we are able to revisit that time with nostalgia (which is terrifying) can we see the awesomeness within. Lassi made pretty much the best music of the whole era for sure. He was (is) a Renoise user too, and you can hear that in his work.
  4. It is wicked. I am not sure if you are old enough to actually have experienced this sound first hand, or if you are just going by references you found online, but it really has that VHS low budget soundtrack early 90s feel to it, with some genuinely touching and melancholic melodies going on. Appreciate what you are doing for sure!
  5. Yeah, I followed you on Soundcloud now, and am enjoying every track you put on there. I have no idea how you make it sound like that. Are you running it out of your computer into a VHS player or something? It is perfect.
  6. Absolutely superb stuff. The sadness I feel from listening to this is added to by the lack of listens / likes you have with this. You have made something here which will likely never be understood or recognised, and this fact only goes to increase the artistic value of it all. Brilliant.
  7. This whole thread is amazing. It is triggering emotions that began around 1987, and that I locked away from about 1996 onwards. I need to get a VHS player.
  8. Has anyone downloaded all these and tagged them properly so they can be loaded into iTunes as a single album, and not need hours of pissing about with editing the info? That would be great if a single zip containing properly tagged files was uploaded somewhere. Cheers
  9. 12 Rough Beat Tune is fucking phenomenal. It is Acrid Avid Jam Shred-lite, with a huge washing of heart break. Fuck sake this stuff is wonderful. He could not have thrown all this stuff out into the open in any more of an incredible way. It is a feast of Aphex, and I am scoffing my way through it like fuck.
  10. All the vocal samples are from an old documentary series called 'Children Talking'. You can find the complete audio of the series online.
  11. Someone must be recording these from their browser direct into Reaper, or whatever, at full resolution? There is a lot to get through and it will have to be done in real time, but this needs to be done... Anyone?!?!?
  12. No disagreement here! Christ, there is SO MUCH TO GET THROUGH!! Is this his new way of trolling us, by posting so much music we simply can't get through it all, can't download it to process in our brains at a later date and can't keep track of what has been posted under what random name? If so, that is brilliant.
  13. Wish granted, albeit 128 kbps Excellent nice one. I have just put in an hour on my cycle trainer listening to these, and then downed 500ml of Perriere. Feel splendid. Some absolute fucking BELTERS in this lot. This hugely makes up for Syro, for me. Very very good stuff. Was in pure Aphex acid heaven at a few points there. Wow.
  14. Please tell me someone is ripping all this audio from the user4873633001 SoundCloud account, before it inevitably gets taken down.
  15. He's an idiot for saying shit like this. "If YOU can't hear the stuff missing from Syro, then you not only have shit in your ears, but you are devoid of any real emotion, and are running purely on the dullest of fanboy juice. " So check yourself before calling people childish. Seems like a fair thing to get defensive about, being told you have shit in your ears. That was in direct response to someone who made the insult first, and you know it. You insulting me for insulting someone is amusing. Anyway, back to it; for a forum devoted to Aphex, there is surprisingly little detailed review or opinion by people who like Syro. I will refrain from telling you all why I think that is, and will just sit here waiting for people to start explaining in emotive detail what they love about it.
  16. None of you who like it have gone into any detail about what you like about the tracks.
  17. The fucking sheer velocity and car door panel vibrating resonance (well put sir) of Girl/Boy Song is....in Girl/Boy Song actually. & you should not expect artists to re do what they achieved previously, that's basically the difference between a craftsman & an artist. its like asking "Where are the fucking trees ?" in the latest Mondrian paintings. lolwhat??
  18. that is not exactly trolling is it.
  19. Look, I am a massive Aphex Twin fan. Have been since I was about 13 when I bought SAWII (in 1994). Bought everything I get my hands on, saw him live, etc etc. and completely fell in love with everything he did. I adore the hugeness of his ideas, his totally unique vision and approach, and his seemingly endless exploration of sound, emotion and journey, through a mysterious and dark world he has created entirely in his own mind. An utter genius, and my all time favourite. Genuinely. But this new album, displays nothing of what I fell in love with, and nothing of what made him massively and hugely pan-galactic in his sheer artistry and ability to paint an emotive world in your mind. I have started to list the things missing in Syro in another post, to show that I am not just out on a troll mission, and to validate my opinion with reason. I would have thought this would count for something. If it really is the case of, if you are not a complete unquestioning fanboy you are not welcome on WATMM, then I will happily leave you all to it, and just listen to all of his music without bothering to engage with other people into it. Feel free to tell me to fuck off again and call me a cunt, if that makes you feel better, but I think I have at least given reason to my thoughts on Syro and have not handed out any direct insults to anyone which can't be said for everyone else replying to me.
  20. I agree with this whole-heartedly, especially the part about those who like it getting butt hurt more at those who don't, without actually giving any real back up to their opinions, while those who don't like it are able to give plenty (and then get fucking hammered for it, but with no counter to their arguments). And yeah, it definitely is way too tame. Well put.
  21. OK, here are some questions for you, regarding Syro, which for me, and I am sure you, form part of the charm and excellence of Aphex Twin. On Syro... -Where are those tingy, verby sharp hats he is famous for which flick you inside your mind? -Where is the musicality on the level of the piano parts of Drukqs? -Why is there a cheesy looped birds-chirping-in-the-garden sample behind the piano on aisatsana? -Where is the on-the-edge-of-control, red hot full of electricity production with a devil may care attitude to convention and stereo? Syro is the opposite of this. -Where is the arrogance of putting a giant hum behind the beats like at the start of Acrid Avid Jam Shred, or even more so, Ventolin? -Where are the huge otherworldly synth lead motifs, and why have they been replaced with that acidy noodling thing he does now? -Where is the track long development of ideas and emotions? -Where is the loneliness, and the sadness displayed in ICBYD? -Where are the absolute next-dimensional chemical bangers like Come On You Slags, Start As You Mean To Go On, and Wax The Nip? -Where is the 'I have no idea how he made this' feeling? -Where is the feeling of being bourne along on a vast and rapid sea of hallucinogenic electonics through the dark British countryside? -Where are the heart wrenching strings of 4? -Where is the fucking sheer velocity and car door panel vibrating resonance of Girl/Boy Song? -Where is the mind warping bleakness -Where is the hyper detailed poise and balance of Vordhosbn? etc. Fucking nowhere in Syro, that is for sure. To cockily ape the comment of someone on at me for this, just up there in the posts... If YOU can't hear the stuff missing from Syro, then you not only have shit in your ears, but you are devoid of any real emotion, and are running purely on the dullest of fanboy juice. I shouldn't judge though; I guess a lot of you think music is just a 'who is the best at DSP' competition, which Syro is probably not too bad at.
  22. Thanks Chesney. I think all this anger is coming from the fact that all these fanboys know that it is not really very good, and this has kicked up all kinds of strong emotions in them, especially after the long build up in the media. I come along and tell them straight, and they then vent all this anger onto me with direct insults, name calling etc. That is all good, and to be expected, so I dont really mind. As someone else said, they will calm down soon and be more rational. Glad to see Limmy can see the reality of the situation too. Always been a fan of his opinions.
  23. Video games could only hope to have as good of music as this album in them. It is only a sign of the lack of development of your ears that you think it sounds like video game music. Who do you think you are talking to mate?
  24. It is funny how furious people are getting with any criticism of this release. I have just been reading through some equally lol comments on Youtube. People getting called 'cunts', etc., for saying it is a bit underwhelming or lame compared to his previous stuff. Which it is. The most amusing angle the fanboys are taking now is saying that whoever doesn't like it clearly doesn't understand it, and is only a passing electronic music fan, probably more used to straight trance, etc. LOL. The people criticising it have mainly been those who are long term life long fans, mainly in their mid-30s, early-40s, who have been into electronic music since they were born, probably through parental influence, or whatever, and definitely know what they are talking about, so that dismissal of their opinions is clearly wrong. Anyway, glad the fanboys have something to sperm all over, but lol at it being really a case of The Emperors New Clothes, and basically a bland noodle fest that sounds tired and just simply not that good. The comments made by those who had heard it pre-release, of it being 'quite good' were taken as a joke and turned into a bit of a meme, but they appear to have been basically spot on. The utterly devastating release, which would have made Drukqs look like the in-game music of Ape Escape, just didn't happen. In fact, that is what Syro reminds me of a fair bit; the ingame music of a slightly Indie turn of the century PS1 game.
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