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Everything posted by LemanRuss

  1. Thanks, Sennheiser HD650, for making this superb already
  2. Nice. I am awake. Chatango though...
  3. Because Australia still uses dial-up, which sounds like every autechre release since Confield, so they are culturally in tune with the sound.
  4. I'll be listening from sunny Melbourne, Australia. Shout out to all my fellow Melbournian ae crew dem.
  5. Can I just shock you? I live in Australia now, so we are basically neighbours, which is doubly funny, because of the TV show Neighbours. In other news I have been watching Cath and Kim today. I am hoping that SIGN will be nice, different, and unusual.
  6. It will be remembered for; -4 sounds processed to fuck, and passed off as a whole song. -infinite headroom mixdowns -Serum wavetable synth leads -Really fucking powerful synthetic bass -synthesis so massive it has that overcompressed broadcast compression sound to it -giant galactic reverbs that never end -808 drums with the kick compressed to fuck and used as the baseline, and the rest of the kit high passed to comically brittle and clattering levels, then the rest of the spectrum filled with previously mentioned vast, wide and deep synthesis Etc.
  7. I feel there is a convergence occuring at the moment, with the edge of underground dance music, and what autechre are doing. This is obviously the underground subconsciously catching up with ae, but I think now is a good time to be an autechre afficionado; the angular, synthetic and minimalist direction that a lot of stuff like Noisia and all their hangers on are making, as well as guys like Alex Perez and Ivy Lab are doing shows we have collectively entered a new era of sound. Even the UK drill and trap stuff uses similar production and aesthetic. It is an interesting time in music, for sure.
  8. Speak for yourself. I apologise for nothing. Back on topic, I am preying for some really, really wide and deep Tri Repetae era analogue leads, combined with the hyper-granular reverb chasms they make nowadays, combined with the sternness of The Bug remix. Please let this be it.
  9. I've heard the mastering was done by all the lads on the Ark Royal.
  10. See, it makes sense when you apply it to Autechre - SIGN (16.10.2020)
  11. Meet me down Bakers Delight. I'll buy you a Vegemite scroll and we can be friends.
  12. Yeah all of that. I was thinking yesterday about how a lot of the new techniques they come up with get adopted as standards years after. The really aggressive sidechaining of the whole mix thing they started across their high end leads that feels like there is a vortex being pulled into reality around you felt so over the top when I first heard them do it, then here we are with the whole underground doing it. Their savage high end screaming low-cut lead lines that spray across multiple arpeggiated octaves in split seconds threw me pretty hard when initially encountered, but again, this is common-place nowadays. They are so fucking amazing.
  13. Get a grip. Just to help prevent your Woke-Gland™ from getting inflamed to the point of exploding, here is my thinking in doing that Photoshop; "Hmm, the logo is orange. Orange and grey seems to be used a fair bit recently; will probably be replacing teal and grey as the new overused colour combination in marketing / product colouring. Hmm, I wonder what I can Photoshop the new Autechre logo with for a laugh, that is also orange, so I don't have to fuck about colour matching... Haha, Donald Trump is orange. I will do him. [Google Donald Trump images to use] "Haha, his mouth is always doing that round shape when he talks. The new Autechre album art is round. I've got a plan!" And that was it. Also, now that I have been nice to you, it is time for some real talk... Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that your opinion is the final objective truth about that thing, and doesn't mean you get to tell other people not to talk about or display images of said article of your offence. Anyway, let's focus on the topic at hand, which is the new album from Autechre, called SIGN. And to celebrate this, here is another Photoshop I have done...
  14. PCPartPicker is going to get you way better results than WATMM r/buildapc too
  15. I built a new desktop this time last October and have enjoyed a year of extremely powerful computing. I have never had a rig this fast before, and nothing I can throw at it can slow it down. I am working on a track at the moment with 20 Serums with a fuck load of processing plugs on each track, several Kontakts with giant orchestral packs loaded, etc., and am still able to have chrome open on another monitor with a hilarious amount of tabs, Excel, Outlook, Premiere Pro, Photoshop etc., all running and honestly it doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Incredible. Since building this, I have spend a fair amount on software as I am just so fucking productive on this new beast. Bought Ableton, FabFilter bundle, Serum, Reaper, etc. Currently I am not really lusting over any gear as I bought it all, but wanted to show and tell. So there you go.
  16. There better be some fucking HUGE angular discordant howling alien synth lines in this, I swear.
  17. I can feel something moving towards us from... somewhere...
  18. Live 93 and Orbus Terrarum are on another level from anything. Kris Weston is a true god of audio. There are some parts of Orbus which do not sound like they were made by a human. The floating transitions and the mother fucking sublime HUGENESS of it all, is bewilderingly stunning. Fuck me, I am honestly tearing up a bit here, thinking about it.
  19. LemanRuss


    God alive, there are some arctic galaxy moments in this.
  20. LemanRuss

    elseq 1-5

    Just listened to this from start to finish, laying in bed with the lights off. Christ alive, that took me to another dimension. I was fully taken away in hard as fuck autechre. Astounding.
  21. Was into Aphex since I was about 12 years old. Used to buy Select magazine, and the other dance magazines around at the time, and was into going to raves. Had never heard Autechre at that time though. There was no internet or Youtube back then, so I would often just read the names of producers in the magazines, and just imagine what they might sound like, based on the descriptions and their names. I bought Tri Repetae when I was 18, and found it really cold. I was used to the warmer, more alive sounds of Aphex, and the whole music scene at the time, but ae was something totally different. I found it odd, and left a weird taste in my mouth. I persevered though, and after a while I started to get it. I was not until I got to about 20 though, that I really started to understand it. Got some Sennheiser HD580s, an MD player, a Marantz CD player and Amp, and some Tannoy speakers, and just went mental on ae. Listened to all of their stuff (was up to about Chiastic Slide by this point in time), and carried on. Confield threw me though, as I was expecting more stuff like they had been releasing before. EP7 was the last one I vibed to before I put them to one side and started listening to other stuff (was also starting to make my own music at the time, so that took a lot of my music listening effort and emotions up.) Got back into them fairly recently, and relistened to it all. The vastness of Exai is still haunting me.
  22. P.S., I am still massively into Quality Head Profile.
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