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Everything posted by LemanRuss

  1. Yeah, reviewing Exai is a bit like 'reviewing' a programming language, but I agreed with the compliments he gave it. I give his review a solid 8/10
  2. His Exai review was good, that is why.
  3. I wonder what a solid he will give it.
  4. I am actually looking forward to the Anthony Fantano review of this.
  5. Init. I think I have figured it out; it sounds like he has been given a sample pack by someone and told to make an album, rather than circuit bending like a maniac, and making something so resonantly massive and mentally penetrating, it takes over your very dreams. Like his older stuff did.
  6. Nice! アフェックス・トウィン (in Katakana) - æfeks twɪn Although they appear to have written SYRO differently: シロー (in Katakana) - sɪrəʊ - on the package they use the "サ" character instead of "シ", and don't end it with "ー" Get it right. エイフェクス ツィン. EIFUeKUSU TSUIN. サイロ. SAIRO. Not,  シロー. 'SHIROoo' ... Are you pronouncing the title of the album 'Shiro'? Lolfail.
  7. The name calling is the best part.
  8. ok, so only comments saying positive things about Syro are allowed?
  9. Sennheiser hd650. Because he is, or was, capable of so much better. This is just so boring to listen to.
  10. HAB isn't that great, I like maybe 2 or 3 tracks and its definitely far from his best work. You cannot compare syro to an album which he made nearly 20 years ago, appreciate what he did then and move on. lol, same artist, so yes I can. I realise that fanboys are getting butthurt at my comments, but come on... Syro is the least good Aphex Twin album, and has most of what makes Aphex Twin great, completely missing. It is like a dull plastic version of what it could have been. A sign of the times I suppose. All the tracks sound too clean and flat, and there is nothing vast and astonishingly artistic on there. Even the piano track doesnt sound as good as the piano tracks on Drukqs
  11. derivative??! derivative of what?! 1993 mate. this was and is a complete original. syro is weak.
  12. Listened to it again just to make sure. Again, nope. The only track which exhibits the true Aphex vastness is the last one, aisatsana. The rest are sub-par, and you know it. Remember that this is the same guy who brought you Hangable Auto Bulb, for fucks sake. There is nothing even approaching the enormity of that on here, let alone Helisphan, Stone In Focus, Come On You Slags, etc. Go back and listen to this, then put on Syro, and tell me which is better (and fuck off with even attempting any of that, 'meh it is all subjective man, this is good'. It isn't. It is not as good as his other stuff.)
  13. SAWI = Experience SAWII, ICBYD, RDJ = Jilted Generation Drukqs = Jilted Generation 2: Even More Jilted Everything since Drukqs up to Syro = Fat Of The Land Syro = Invaders Must Die.
  14. let me see what's more boring, you complaining or syro? I am not complaining. I am stating the fact that all you fanboys seem too blind / in denial to admit. Syro is comparative junk, and throwaway compared to Drukqs, SAW I and II, ICBYD and RDJ. There is nothing in there which is mind blowing, and it is all just the same dull stuff he has been doing for ages now; that shuffling funk break thing which came in around the time of the MEN releases and some half hearted aphexish pads and melodys. Compare Syro to Drukqs on all levels and you will find a poor immitation. This will be forgotten and cast into the meaningless internet download world of music, along with everything else since we all went online. Shame, but there you go. I am off to listen to SAWII which is a geniune masterpiece, unlike this all-in-the-box junk that Syro turned out to be.
  15. Got bored and turned it off. Dull. A few moments in there that half remind me a bit of Drukqs, in a really boring Logic Audio on a Mac kind of all sounds the same kind of way, but it is really poor other than this. 2/10. The time for Aphex Twin has gone.
  16. I am looking forward to this. I have moved all the furniture out of my living room, apart from an Asus ultrabook (white and silver, of course), a brand new corduroy bean bag, and my bi-wired B&W Nautilus floorstanders, Marantz Ken Ishiwata cd player, and Musical Fidelity X−A1 amp. I managed to find a Japanese girl to come round for the listening session, as long as she wears her Hysteric Glamour baseball jacket and sucks a lollypop like in a Trevor Brown picture. Just need to wait for the cd to turn up in Fopp or Record Collector.
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