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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Basicly the guys a fucking wizard and can totally do magic. AWESOME!!!
  2. The final shot with the three of them looking at him in the field yeah ? (erm, that's not a spoiler for those that haven't seen it !) Yeah I wasn't 100% what that meant either In my opinion .. Yeah I thought that too. AWESOME!!!
  3. The final shot with the three of them looking at him in the field yeah ? (erm, that's not a spoiler for those that haven't seen it !) Yeah I wasn't 100% what that meant either Hmm it'll come out eventually...
  4. A Field in England 9/10 This is a fantastic film with beautiful cinematography and some very nice experimental visuals. The performances are extremely strong especially Reece Shearsmith whose switch between heavy pathos and maniac creepiness almost turns the stomach (he's so damn good at both). The psychedelic mushrooms scenes are genius and nods heavily to the classic avante-garde films of the late sixties and early seventies (which I really love) and which don't seem to get much love these days for some reason. Despite the fact it's so very vastly different from his last film, you still very much get the feel of it as a Wheatley film. I really hope he does more daring work as the outcome I feel just keeps getting better and better. He's really a director to watch from now on. One though was I didn't totally get the end...
  5. flol imagine being a bystander, seeing someone taking these photos. darkness lit up by the occasional flash and a pose. LOL! This still kills it.
  6. Even South Park haters realize South Park haters should be punched in the face I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition!
  7. Sorry but I read that in the voice of Rab C Nesbitt and it wasn't sexy. Should have tried for Gerard Butler (oooooooohhhhh Gerry!!!). If you'd read it in Sean Connery's voice, you totally could have taken a poop on isaki. Duly noted
  8. Sorry but I read that in the voice of Rab C Nesbitt and it wasn't sexy. Should have tried for Gerard Butler (oooooooohhhhh Gerry!!!).
  9. Wow, South Park is so not funny that watching it makes me want to punch myself in the face.
  10. No Brian, just NO. The film is shot in a noir style and follows the genre very well to the finest detail. The lone gunman (Deckard), the femme fatale (Pris and Zora), the bad guy (Roy), the woman in distress (Rachel) the moody dark backdrop and the slow moving storyline. The idea of putting this into a Science Fiction film is progressive and genius. The questions that arise are about what makes us human and I think the film raises them very well. The key theme being "more human than human" as in the robots end up acting in a more humane way that the humans in the film who all seem just as false and robotic as the replicants (even more so in some cases i.e. Tyrell). Roy Batty's soliliquy at the end is important because it is about all his fantastic experiences which go far beyond that of many humans and yet are considered unimportant because he is a replicant, and as a result will be lost when he dies "like tears in rain". With this in mind the film can be seen partly as a comment on apartheid. When the replicant chooses to save Deckard at the end he prooves that he has transcended his programming (as a killer) and become "human". It's all very deep and the soundtrack works with the film PERFECTLY. So...
  11. blade runner is the most boring piece of shit i've ever tried to watch. way overrated imo Brian
  12. It's a sheep riding a motorbike. DEAL WITH IT!!!
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