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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Have you been leaving it plugged in? That messes up the battery on a laptop, happened to mine,.
  2. These are mine, I would say these are bad photos but they do look a bit sad now. I might get something over them like a wave over the kanji and an outline for the lotus. Something Zen for sure.
  3. Further proof that penguins are evil
  4. P-p-p-p-p-pick up a penguin!
  5. Aw!!!! Following the cute things being tickled vibe. Those of you who eat pork. Next time you eat a pork sausage think of this little piglet. I can't equate the two mate, i'm too far gone as a meat eater. I think this sort of logic only works on the veg curious.. Ok let me break it down. MEAT IS THE FLESH OF ONCE LIVING CREATURES. You're making it sound like if they put shit in a plastic bag labeled chocolate, you'd eat it. mmm bacon, hrm chocolate bacon you say, well i might try a bit. Lol! Ew.
  6. Aw!!!! Following the cute things being tickled vibe. Those of you who eat pork. Next time you eat a pork sausage think of this little piglet. I can't equate the two mate, i'm too far gone as a meat eater. I think this sort of logic only works on the veg curious.. Ok let me break it down. MEAT IS THE FLESH OF ONCE LIVING CREATURES. You're making it sound like if they put shit in a plastic bag labeled chocolate, you'd eat it.
  7. Aw!!!! Following the cute things being tickled vibe. Those of you who eat pork. Next time you eat a pork sausage think of this little piglet.
  8. I have always wanted an excuse to post this. Shh no tears, only dreams now.
  9. you saw the original or the 2004 cleanup? i was blown away as well the first time I saw it - full of disbelieve that it was made in 71, noticed I watched a cleaned up version from 04 with added cgi etc. definitely the best recut mr lucas has ever done. here's a list of differences: http://www.schnittberichte.com/report.php?ID=541751 This is a truly amazing film. Makes all the more hard to swallow that he pretty much switched to just producing nit long after. Apparently it was such a pain in the ass to make that it totally put him off.
  10. There's always a risk with a film that's written and directed by the same person, of self indulgence and taking too many liberties. Ideally you need two people with a firm grasp of what works in there own area, that way they reign each other in.. Paul Thomas Anderson does a pretty good job writing and directing. Yes I know, and of course.
  11. A little bit of Nuage (pronounced Noo-ah-ge-aaaaaaaaaaaaay)
  12. harsh yeah, I think that is a bit harsh. I didn't find him repulsive at all, in fact I kind of identified with him even as a younger person (I think I was about 22 when I first saw the movie). I'm sure I bring quite a bit of baggage to watching him in a role but there was something about his suspiciously healthy, wig-like, bang-heavy haircut, coupled with his sunken cheeks, that kept making me think "pedo". Then of course there's stuff like this: Aw, such pathos. It's the sad eyes they say so much. Comedian's make the best actors, that's why Kubrick used them all the time. I really rate Jim as an actor, I especially liked him in Eternal Sunshine and The Truman Show.
  13. This is relevant to my interests
  14. There's always a risk with a film that's written and directed by the same person, of self indulgence and taking too many liberties. Ideally you need two people with a firm grasp of what works in there own area, that way they reign each other in. This is perhaps why the Coens have so many strong films. You have two very skilled people who have a great deal of respect for each other teaming up and trying to make the project the best it can be. This is why Eternal Sunshine worked and Synechdoche didn't. Not everyone can be Kubrick (no one can).
  15. Just out of interest, why don't you call yourself DanOFlan? I feel that would be a sharper snappier alternative.
  16. Yes I know, the Virgin Mary give me the ragin' 'orn aswell.
  17. Just managed to get 1st class train tickets for less than my usual 2nd class return tickets. Mwahahahahahaha!!!!
  18. I just realised I forgot to go to a gig I had a ticket for. DOH!!!
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