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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. aawwwwww i want a tickly lizard, i'm so glad other people find reptiles adorable too. i think they really get an unfair rap.
  2. yes, they said it's a dwarf planet. ok so it's not official yet but the guys from Harvard think it's legit so it's pretty much in the bag. PS i actually read several different articles on this, maybe this wasn't the best one to post to highlight my viewpoint. more stuff here http://www.sciencealert.com.au/news/20143009-26255-2.html if you don't care don't read buttwads. "'Planet' is a culturally defined word that has changed its meaning over and over again," one of the debaters, Historian Owen Gingerich from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, argued. "My feeling is that in retrospect, the IAU should not have attempted to define the word 'planet.'" *blocks Obel again*
  3. Pluto is a planet again http://www.stuff.co.nz/science/10578259/Is-Pluto-a-planet-again
  4. https://soundcloud.com/iveheldmycolor/the-compass
  5. What settings did you have your camera in to manage to pick up all those stars? I've never been able to master night photography.
  6. https://soundcloud.com/rolando-simmons/magic-crystal
  7. i swear i just had a fucking flashback. MC you're from Devon right? where exactly in devon? what school? i sat on a table of sexually advanced cigarette smoking outcast motherfuckers in double science listening to aphex on minidiscs n doing whatever the fuck we wanted with bunson burners and getting bullied by rixxx whilst a girl gave us weird llooks from the shady corner of the room Hahaha! Sounds like me, Devon is only tiny and has just one school.
  8. think i'm going to go to berlin next, some time over the winter. any recommendations on where to visit?
  9. http://soundcloud.com/dave-monolith/quoton
  10. Was gonna say..I thought it was Haim in "Licence to Drive". I think I'm gonna watch "The Lost Boys" today. they were BOTH in it dude i don't know what's more weird, the fact it happened or that the playground watch people never bothered to ask us to stop there was no safe word, we were 8.
  11. I've never had a social standing so I have nothing to worry about.
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