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Everything posted by doublename

  1. blame rubin for naming this thread the way he did. edit: lol i know, steph
  2. Dennis Hastert, former speaker of the House, Molested at Least Four Boys, Prosecutors Say: http://nyti.ms/1WjaEzH
  3. Which one are you watching, limpeh?? I just came the French version on Netflix, shit's great so far.
  4. Don't get body slammed by school security tho: http://youtu.be/Rf_js7ui6Ps
  5. tbfqhymmv this is shit tv though. edit: this and the midseason finale were the only eps I watched this season (this is also getting closing to where i dropped the comic). woeful stuff, mayne.
  6. So in the end races and ethnic groups matter? Complexion. It don't mean a thing. That's just not true but okay. Is the only difference between pitbulls and teacup poodles size and hair styles? No. Why should we assume the same of humans? Nothing wrong with accepting the reality that the human species has culturally and biologically evolved in isolated pockets that have tended to not interbreed for thousands of years. Even though it's politically incorrect to say. Stop pretending there is no diversity, accept and appreciate it. Those are lyrics from a Kendrick Lamar song. Just sayin', he probably didn't mean that much by it flol
  7. Don't even watch cricket, but big up me West Indies bredren.
  8. The Americans Season 4 is off to a p good start, even though I can't remember who this dead guy is.
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