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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Captain America 3 - It does all the Marvel stuff. Not great, but not as awful as I'd expected.
  2. If only crossed had been around when I was 14.
  3. were's that, the clown...store? a private high school educating the nation's future leaders. so yeah, pretty much.
  4. Are there any US WATMMoids who would really consider not voting at all?
  5. Dank hall of fame, man. Hang that bad boy in the rafters.
  6. Do they send those stupid Microsoft Outlook smileys as well that turn up as "J" on Macs? Oh god is that what those are? Sick I've been lucky enough not to need Outlook myself.
  7. Do you know how much of the comic plot it covers? Is the heroes v heroes thing supposed to carry on into the upcoming movies as well (spoiler I guess)?
  8. There is prolly much more resentment in parts of Latin America. I never really experienced any when I lived in the UK.
  9. I'm interviewing with a place that sends professional correspondence in Comic Sans.
  10. Reading Hyperion by Dan Simmons The new Don Delillo novel Zero K just up on my Kindle, so I guess that's next up.
  11. I'm p sure he last awkward weirdo was Nixon. Sweaty, fidgety and swag-less.
  12. Whoa I'd never heard that diabetes stat. edit: w8 m8: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/cdc-1-in-3-americans-could-have-diabetes-by-2050/
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