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Everything posted by olo

  1. Character actor Geoffrey Lewis, known for his long working relationship with Clint Eastwood, a slew of roles in TV and film and as the father of actress Juliette Lewis, died April 7 at his home in Woodland Hills, CA. He was 79.
  2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/07/better-call-saul-breaking-bad-reference_n_7016702.html
  3. The episode was well done, Nice Tie-ins to the cinematography with the JFK 1/2 dollar to some shots of Jimmy in some pivotal scenes. Clever. Not buying the complete resignation to become Saul Goodman at the end. He could have still used all the things that make him a great grifter by working at the the other law firm & probably make a rather solid living. I get it, at his core, he's slippin' Jimmy & a smoke on the water fan. a chicago sunroof/10
  4. bout' time. Was getting so sick of their pretentiously depressing, "overly technical because we can" contribution to music.
  5. what does a chimp with a machine gun really look like? [youtubehd]GhxqIITtTtU[/youtubehd]
  6. it's a virus. have you not heard of spoilers ffs Not a spoiler. I left out a key piece of info.
  7. I think Rubin is referring to he past sequence of Chuck helping Jimmy in jail. There's some sexual thing alluded too. I can't remember exactly what was said nor find a video of that scene. A couple of interesting tidbits in this article about next week & beyond. can't wait. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/03/30/better-call-saul-peter-gould-jimmy-chuck Also, the finale is entitled "Marco". Wasn't that one of the Salamanca twins names? probably reaching with that one.
  8. That last scene between Jimmy & Chuck was perfectly acted & written. Although it's been alluded to throughout the series, it was a sad pleasure to see Chuck verbalize everything he's been holding in for years. I don't view him in a villainous light, much of what was said rang true. Kudos to the writers. Great scene. Another 2 thumbs up for Mike's bad guys vs. criminal speech, & Hamlin's brutality with Kim. The previews look like Jimmy is going back to his old grifter ways. Just take the money dude & heed Kim's words.
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! "a beautiful shirt on" lol. also somewhat terrifying for people with kids. ie, me.
  10. Sweet. I didn't know you were a Frank Miller living performance artist.
  11. I prefer Carol over many of the other characters really. Sad that the first 5 minutes were the best of the finale. Still find it ridiculous to kill the only surgeon..even though he's a ridiculous character. it's paradoxulous....innit.
  12. welcome to detroit my friend. Were also home to the latest cop beating civilian/ cop planting coke story making the rounds. Among many others. A convenience store owner down the road from me got shot & killed last night. Disgusting things happen everyday here. check the top 5 stories. The Bouthel one is a real dousy too. Not sure how much they divulge in the article. http://www.clickondetroit.com/ they'll be 5 new ones to replace those tomorrow. just as shitty.
  13. It will be something like that. I'm hypothesizing that it picks back up to the first cold open of the show where Saul is watching TV in the future & a news story comes on about Walt's death...or....Jesse swings by to play some video games & wax poetic about Brock. Yeh yea YEAAAAh BITCH
  14. What are you finding wrong with it? I really like the way they do them, it forces you to pay close attention to the details to figure out what time the scene occurs in. Like during the opening scene we see Saul's brother at his office at Hamlin, which serves both to mark that scene as the past and to foreshadow him getting back into law. They are so good at directing the viewer's attention, I just trust in what they're doing and enjoy the ride. I thought the Last Flashback with Jimmy & Hamlin? where he utterly gets shot down for a gig was slick. All you get is the drone of the copy machine. (possibly a metaphor for jimmy's life, just stuck doing the same thing no matter what). Then Hamlin just walks out & utters the final sentence as an exclamation point. Artsy & effective. Oh yeah. That was great. Maybe a little heavy handed but I thought the same about it. "Do you want the door open or closed?" Brutal. Pretty excite for the last few episodes. I'm sure it's going to go out pretty awesome setting up season 2. Glad NHL playoffs are starting at about the same time to fill the void of quality TV. Although there's a lot of buzz about American Crime Story airing on ABC tonight.
  15. What are you finding wrong with it? I really like the way they do them, it forces you to pay close attention to the details to figure out what time the scene occurs in. Like during the opening scene we see Saul's brother at his office at Hamlin, which serves both to mark that scene as the past and to foreshadow him getting back into law. They are so good at directing the viewer's attention, I just trust in what they're doing and enjoy the ride. I thought the Last Flashback with Jimmy & Hamlin? where he utterly gets shot down for a gig was slick. All you get is the drone of the copy machine. (possibly a metaphor for jimmy's life, just stuck doing the same thing no matter what). Then Hamlin just walks out & utters the final sentence as an exclamation point. Artsy & effective.
  16. Fargo Season 2 adds a living legend. http://www.slashfilm.com/fargo-bruce-campbell-ronald-reagan/
  17. ^ pretty much feel the same way nowadays. But, that's because the quality of network/cable programming has grown by leaps & bounds. Some far more than others mind you. HBO/AMC/FX, etc...This ain't the 80's no more.
  18. Looks like AMC got a new series coming out with William Hurt called "Humans" based on a swedish show "Real Humans". Any of our overseas watmmers have anything good/bad to say about the show? Sounds like it has some possibilities. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/03/23/william-hurt-humans
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